Філологічні науки, №6 Актуальні проблеми перекладу

 Ст. викладач Хромцова Ю.Г., викладач Король О.М.

Донбаський державний технічний університет


Neologism is a new word or a phrase used in a new meaning. Level words that denote new notions appeared due to social and political changes, development of science and technique and some other social elements that take place in this or that country.

Neologisms are divided into two kinds:

1.     comprises new words

2.     comprises words that developed their meaning, so that they converted into a new ones.

The distinctive feature of neologisms is the occasional character which means that their usage doesn`t correspond to standard usage.

e.g. low key diplomacy-стримана дипломатія

       low key compain-спокійна компанія

       low key war-стримана війна  

       odd man out country-країна, займаюча відмінну позицію

A quick development of science and technique promoted the creation of neologisms.

e.g. radiocontrol-управління по радіо

to radiofix-визначити знаходження літака за допомогою радіо-сігнала

New appeared words which denote a number of notions in the field of atomic technique may be considered as neologisms.

          e.g.  atomic piler-атомний реактор

                 jet propulsion engine-реактивний двигун

We may also consider the following words and word combinations as neologisms.

        e.g.  donor-напівпровідник

               halflife-період напіврозпаду

  There are some neologisms of American origin that are used in English and American technical literature. These are colloquial phrases, terms and firms items.

  We must admit that some of these neologisms gradually develope and loose their special colouring.

        In English terminology there is a number of neologisms that originally were jargons.

              e.g. face-lifting-1) пластична операція

                                        2) повторне оброблення поверхні

Very often neologisms are not registered in the newest dictionaries. If the neologism is not registered in the dictionary the translator may choose one of the following ways to convey its meaning:

1)     transcription or transliteration

e.g. bulldozer-бульдозер                     


2)     loan translation (translation of each of the elements of a compound word or expression from the source language).

e.g. lawn-mpover-газонокосарка

3)     descriptive way of translation

e.g. fading-послаблення сигналу на вході внаслідок інтерференції

4) synonymous substituting ( a source language word is substituted in the target language by its synonym)

               e.g. push-pull-двотактний

                      fusion bomb-воднева бомба

                      packing loss-дефект маси

Translating neologisms is not an easy task. Before you translate a new word, first you should analyze its morphological structure to discover its meaning, then to study the word in its textual environment or context and choose the proper variant of translation.