During a combine
harvesting we have a significant amount of a straw, which is a potential raw material for the production the bedding material
(litter) in the livestock and the poultry. Fractionation with the air flow is one of the main processes of the producing litter.
The aim of this research is to develop a new math model of the separation straw heap in the aspiration chamber by using the air flow. We consider a vertical aspiration canal ACPK with given geometric
characteristics: wide BK, depth SK (Figure 1a). Supply
of the straw heap is carried out with a known or defined probabilities density on the width of the input side and on the depth [1].We consider an arbitrarily located (below the entry of the granular
material in AcPK) section ABC with the limited size of the chamber (Fig.1b).
а) b)
Figure. 1. Vertical aspiration chamber
a- diagram of the input material, b-section ABCD, ground mik, in the vertical aspiration canal with the width BK and
depth SK
We define the air flow
speed by the using the triple integral of the
function φ (x, y, z) in accordance with
the adopted assumptions [1] and locations of a rectangular ground ik-profile section (A ≤l≤J,
J≤b≤D) on the plane xOy, coinciding with the ground of section ABCD of the aspiration chamber.
For every ik-ground bounded by the size of lb,
we defined supply of the some straw heap containing different
fractional xj-components. The
value of the specified delivery site is determined by the probability density separation
of the filing of cross-sectional area of the size of the aspiration chamber Q, the coordinate H-section
under consideration, the way the input material K.
There is post the straw heap with q1, q2, … ,qj of the j-th component for every ik-ground (i = 1,2,3, ..., j) with BK the
width of the aspiration chamber, that we defined by a probability density separation of the random.
The values of the Q and Bk the width of the
chamber, and the separation of the j-th component in Sk the depth of chamber for each i-th site (i = 1, 2,
3, ..., N) defined by the density
distribution of the probability of filing for a depth of i-th site. Completeness of the passage η of the n-th component of the heterogeneous granular
medium in the purified fraction of the
straw on the mik-th ground depends on the average operating speed of the air flow at the ground.
Speed depend on the probability P (V) Jn a
random separation of probabilistic sense, the statistic value for the n-th component in the J-th class of values of variable V , J = 12, 23, ..., (i-1) i, (Fig. 2) and defined by probability
density function Λn(V) characteristic
Vb light components, and supply qin, qi of the n-th and all n-x components mik-th
ground, the laws Rηn (V) complete separation of light n-th
component of the granular medium, depending on their velocities fall velocity, the
probability density (Fig. 2):
2. Graphics dependence of the completeness Rηn (V)
passage and release NηnP (V)
passage of the n-th component through mik-th cross section depending on the
height H of the location of the cross section and the
velocities Vn components at a constant average speed of air
found regularities and estimates of numerical characteristics of
size quantities of fission sign ik-th component of
the straw heap at the ground of
the aspiration chamber allow to
define new numeric characteristics of the final material
after air separation. These numerical characteristics account
the specific the numerical
characteristics of the numerical velocity fс.в()i; Мс.в()i; σс.в()i and the
known patterns of functioning aspiration chamber during applying of the straw heap [2].
процесса фракционирования соломистого вороха в аспирационном пневмоканале с
вероятностными характеристиками распределения соломистого вороха и воздушного
потока. Инженерный Вестник Дона.- №1 -2011. //www.ivdon.ru/magazine/latest/n1y2011/349/]
М. Н. Интенсификация процесса сепарации семян зерновых в зерноочистительных
агрегатах : дис… канд. техн. наук: 05.20.01 – Технологии и средства механизации
сельского хозяйства / М. Н. Московский ; ДГТУ.- Ростов н/Д, 2005. –с.47-60