Biological sciences / 8. Physiology of human and animals


Candidate of biological sciences Arestova I.Yu.,

Doctor of biological sciences Alekseev V.V.,

Post–graduate student Larionova N.P.
Chuvash state pedagogical university  named after I.YA. Yakovlev



The article is devoted to the assessment of macro- and microelement composition of the muscle tissue of hogs when Permamik and Calciphyte-5 is added to the basic ration, taking into account geochemical specificity of the southern subzone of the South-east region of the Chuvash Republic. It is revealed, that the application of studied biological preparations enhances the quality of meat products.

Key words: biogenic substances, chemical composition of muscle tissue, geochemical peculiarities.


Introduction. At defective feeding of animals there appear characteristic signs of a violation of the immune system and the gastrointestinal tract, and the deviation in the development of the endocrine system, which hinders the achievement of high productivity and is the cause of the deterioration of the quality of meat. [3; 9].

An important indicator of the nutritional value of pork is the maintenance in it of a considerable quantity of mineral substances, many of which in the composition of biologically active compounds influence on the activity of the body [6].

One of the important component of the technology of animal husbandry is a program of the correction of their physiological state in the concrete conditions of their zoning, which should be conducted from a position of scientific justification for the application of new biogenic compounds, aimed the enhancement of adaptive and compensatory reactions of the body with the account of abiotic and biotic factors of the environment [2].

In connection with this, the purpose of the work is the study of peculiarities of chemical composition of muscle tissue of hogs when using Permamik and Calciphyte-5 in the biogeochemical conditions of the southern subzone of the South-east region of the Chuvash Republic.

On the basis of the purpose of the research, for the decision were made following tasks:

to study the influence of Permamik at the macro- and microelement composition of muscle tissue of hogs, contained in the biogeochemical conditions of the southern subzone of the South-east region of the Chuvash Republic;

– evaluate the feasibility of combined application of Permamik and Calciphyte-5 and its impact on the macro- and microelement composition of muscle tissue of hogs, contained in the biogeochemical conditions of the southern subzone of the South-east region of the Chuvash Republic.


Materials and methods of research. The work performed during the period of 2008-2011 in the scientific-research laboratory of experimental biology at the Chuvash state pedagogical university named after I.YA. Yakovlev, on pig farm «Baideryakovski» of the closed joint-stock company (CJSC) «Progress» Yalchiki district of the Chuvash Republic.

A series of scientific-and-economic experiments and laboratory experiments using 45 pigs of large white breed is spent, for what they picked up on the analogy principle, with the account of the clinical-physiological state, breed, age, sex and live weight, 15 animals in each group. On the 14-th day of the content the pigs were castrated.

Studies took place on the background of the balanced feeding of the main indicators in accordance with the norms and rations [5]. Hogs of the first group (the control), with a 60- up to 300 days of age (the duration of the observations) contained on the main diet (MD).

Second group of animals against the background of the MD from 60-day age until they reach the age of 120 days were daily fed with Permamik (complex powder, consisting of Zeolite-containing Trepel of the Chuvash Republic, chloride or carbonic cobalt, cobalt sulfate iron, sulfate or carbonic salts of copper, zinc, potassium iodide and its stabilizer) in the dose of 1,25 g/kg of body weight.

The animals of the third group were held on the MD with the addition of Permamik in the above-mentioned dose and timing, also from 60 to 180 days old, received in addition Calciphyte-5 (mineral fodder additive. Composition: calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sulphur, iron, copper, manganese, iodine, silicon, fluorine, bone flour, St. Petersburg, Institute of Veterinary Biology) in the dose of 5 g per 10 kg of weight.

According to soil-geographic zoning of the Chuvash Republic, the territory of the CJSC «Progress» refers to the zone of the black soils, mainly podzol and leached subtypes. The mineral composition of soil is characterized by low levels of I, Co, Mn, Mo, Si, Cr, F, Fe, Zn, Al, what defines a moderate deficit of the mentioned microelements at all levels of biogeochemical food chain [4].

At 3 animals killed for 60- and 300-th day of life defined the chemical composition of the muscle tissue [1; 8].

Assessment of the differences between the average values was carried out with reliable probability of 95% (P<0,05) using the software package of the statistical analysis of Microsoft Excel 2003 [7].

The research results and their discussion. It is revealed, that the keeping of the study of micro- and macroelements in muscle tissue of hogs in the 60-day age of the significant differences between the experimental animals was not observed (table. 1), and all the indicators were within normal limits [10; 11].

Chemical analysis of samples of hogs meat at the completion of the monitoring showed that in the 300 day of age most of the macro- and microelements in the muscle tissue has increased, remaining within the limits of admissible norms.



Table 1.

Content of micro- and macroelements in the meat of hogs
at the age of 60 days, mg%



























































However, the addition of Permamik and Calciphyte-5 to the diet, noticeably increased, in comparison with the control animals, content of elements such as sodium, phosphorus and iron in the muscle tissue of hogs. The difference between the first group and the second respectively is: 41,93±of 3,43%mg; 11,4±3,55(P<0,05) and 1,5±0,51 mg% (P>0,05). Between the first and third – 60,13±4,33; 19,8±1,67(P<0,05) and 4,8±0,06 mg% (P>0,05).

Less noticeable difference found in favor of the hogs of the second group in comparison with a control on the content of potassium, calcium and magnesium.

Thus, the concentration of potassium in the samples of muscle tissue of the animals of the second group was more than in the tissues of the supervisory hogs only on 2,9±0,95; calcium – 0,1±0,01 and magnesium on 3,7±1,33 mg% (P>0,05).

A more significant difference is found in the content of potassium, calcium and magnesium in samples of meat between animals of the control and the third groups.

Revealed that potassium in the samples of animals, held with the combined application of Permamik and Calciphyte-5 in comparison with animals, contained in the MD, there was more on 26,8±2,58 mg% (P<0,05), calcium – on 2,6± 0,67, magnesium – on 2,1±0,43 mg% (P>0,05).

It should be noted that the high content of iodine found in the muscle tissue of animals of the third group, which constituted 6,63±0,16 mg% compared to 5,43±0,24 mg% in hogs of  the control group (P>0,05). Adding to the diet of only Permamik hasn't rendered on the given indicator an essential influence.

Reliable difference in the concentrations of elements such as zinc and copper in samples of  hogs meat of all groups has not been revealed. Zinc content ranged from 5,9±0,23 to 6,1±0,35 mg%, and copper from 0,04±0,01 to 0,09±0,01 mg%.

It was noted, that in all samples of muscle tissue of hogs of the control group were found elements such as lead and cadmium in concentrations of 0,017±0,002 and 0,0005±0,0002 mg% respectively. Arsenic was found only in one sample of muscle tissue in the concentration of 0,003 mg%. Mercury was also found in one sample at a concentration of 0,0004 mg%.

It should be noted, the complete absence of mercury in the samples of pig meat of the second and third groups. Also the samples of muscle tissue of animals of the second group did not contain arsenic, which was found in one sample of the meat of animals of the third group, but its concentration was 0,001 mg%.

The content of elements such as lead and cadmium in the muscle tissue of hogs, contained with the use of studied drugs amounted to respectively: 0,014±0,002 and 0,0001±0,0001 mg% (the second group) and 0,008±0,003 and 0,0001±0,000 mg% (the third group). That is lower compared to the control animals on 0,003–0,0004 and 0,005–0,0004 mg%.

So, it is established that in the geochemical conditions of the southern subzone of the South-east region of the Chuvash Republic feeding hogs with Permamik and Calciphyte-5 increased the content in the muscle tissue of sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and iodine, and reduced the content of lead and cadmium, that, undoubtedly, improved nutritional value of meat products. And indicators were more marked in the conditions of combined use of animals of Permamik with Calciphyte-5.


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