V. Semenyutin, A.
Semenyutin, V. Kostromitsky, S. Vasilenco,
A. Chomaev
Belgorod state
agricultural academy, Belgorod
One of the problems which the agricultural
enterprises bought the high-producing heifers in European countries and on the
American continent faced with is rather high percent of animals culling for the
first year of use.
It is connected
with high productivity of animals, an intensive metabolism and not always a
proper feeding level. In this case genetically programmed productivity of cows
is implemented due to the muscle bulk, and its losses, in turn, cause
disturbance in metabolism , decrease in nonspecific resistance of an organism,
productivity and the reproductive function disturbance.
functions recovery requires considerable expenses of medicines and labour resources.
After all, this all has serious consequences for the economy of industry
sector, especially if taking into consideration the milk prices and the fact
that for the enterprise the heifer costs out about 3 thousand EURO.
Material and research methods
The group of
companies "Agro-Belogorie" bought import cattle of the Holstein for
the subsidiary enterprises LLC (Limited Liability Company) «Grajvoron dairy
company» (GDC) and CJSC (Closed Joint-Stock Company) «Belgorod dairy farms»
(BDF): 2677 heifers from the USA for theGDC and 400 heifers from Hungary for
the BDF.
On both farms
animals were kept without outdoor run in premises with no main walls, but
equipped with curtains. Feeding of animals was the same the whole year round.
Diets correspond to productivity and physiological state of animals. Fodder delivery
and manure cleaning are mobile. Drinking bowls are equipped with heating parts.
Fecundation is recto-cervical and single. Milking operation in the GDC is
carried by means of "Westphalia Surge" wheel, capacity of which is 60
animals, in the BDF milking operation is carried by means of the same company
parallels with the capacity of 2 ő 40 animals. Animals stay on the milking parlor during
9 minutes.
The control of
full-value feeding and health status of animals was carried out by means of
physiological and biochemical blood characteristics monitoring during the most
critical periods: intensive pregnancy, early after-calving period and on
lactogenesis peak period. Blood for morphological and biochemical researches
was taken monthly in each period 3,0-3,5 hours after morning feeding (at
heifers 60 and 10 days before the assumed calving, and at firstcalf heifers -
10, 60 and 90 days after the calving ).
Results of research
The blood
monitoring showed that concentration of glucose 10 days before calving was
decreasing to the level 33,3 mg/dL (tab. 1)
inspite of the fact that down-calving animals
were dieted as during the newpregnancy period. At a time when the concentration
of nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA) was increasing a hypoglycemia indicates the
decrease in energy supply of an organism, acidotic phenomena in a paunch,
possible poisonous liver affliction and predilection to the extremities
However, on the
specified indicators inverse relationship is shown already by the end of the
first decade after calving.
The given
indicators tell that changes of the physiological state of animals, increase of forage consuming and rumen fermentation to some extent
resulted in relative balanced feeding on energy. A certain increase of volatile
fatty acids (VFA) in cows’ blood by the end of the first decade of a
lactogenesis period shows it.
albuminous profile of blood says about the quality of an protein nutrition of
animals (tab. 2).
Table 1. Indicators of the carbohydrate-fat exchange in heifers and
firstcalf heifers of the GDC, mg/dl
Indicators |
experience |
60 days before calving |
10 days before calving |
10 days after calving |
50 days after calving |
90 days after calving |
Glucose, |
53,59±3,26 |
33,30±5,44 * |
45,30±2,06 |
55,32±5,46 |
38,85±4,92 |
% to previous period |
- |
62,1 |
136,0 |
122,1 |
70,2 |
5,23±0,63 |
6,19±0,61 |
5,29±0,99 |
3,01±0,36 * |
3,03±0,24 |
% to previous period |
- |
118,3 |
85,4 |
57,0 |
100,6 |
VFAs |
4,34±0,03 |
4,27±0,02 |
4,51±0,05 ** |
4,43±0,03 |
4,50±0,11 |
% to previous
period |
- |
98,4 |
105,7 |
98,2 |
101,5 |
The note: difference to previous period at* -
p<0,05; ** - p<0,01;
Table 2. Indicators of the proteometabolism in heifers’ and firstcalf
heifers’ blood.
Indicators |
10 days before
calving |
10 days after calving |
50 days after calving |
Total protein, g/L |
74,40±1,82 |
75,62±2,41 |
78,40±2,93 |
% to
previous period |
101,5 |
103,8 |
Ureas, mol/ L |
6,68±0,81 |
5,38±0,95 |
8,43±0,34 * |
% to
previous period |
80,5 |
156,8 |
Albumins g/ L |
29,51±0,80 |
28,50±0,92 |
31,80±1,11 |
% to
previous period |
96,8 |
111,5 |
A/G |
0,65 |
0,61 |
0,68 |
% to
previous period |
92,6 |
112,5 |
Total protein, g/ L |
74,20±3,14 |
64,70±2,35 * |
76,00±2,32 ** |
% to previous period |
- |
87,2 |
117,5 |
Ureas, mol/ L |
5,18±0,47 |
5,81±0,35 |
7,17±0,50 * |
% to
previous period |
- |
112,2 |
123,4 |
Albumins g/ L |
33,90±1,22 |
32,50±0,95 |
30,70±1,63 |
% to
previous period |
- |
95,9 |
94,5 |
A/G |
0,84 |
1,01 |
0,68 |
% to
previous period |
- |
120,0 |
67,1 |
From table 2 one
can see that levels of the total protein in animals’ blood in both enterprises
were slightly below desirable level, but in the GDC it corresponded to
productivity and physiological state of animals more.
The reasons of the
shown decrease in protein level of cows’ blood in the BDF could be: inadequate
diet according to the amino-acid content, feeding of easy available protein for
pre-rumen microflora – oilseed meal, deficiency of energy, excessive carrying
out of a protein with colostral milk, etc. A relatively high level of urea in
blood of this farm cows, either before or after the calving can prove the facts
mentioned above.
to the materials presented in Tables 1 and 2, one can draw a conclusion about
relatively safe state of health and character of metabolism in an organism of
the brought heifers and newpregnancy cows of the Holstein breed, as well as
about potential absence of preconditions for the reproductive function disturbance
after calving.
Animals from the
USA turned out to be more vital, and, respectively, showed higher viability
(tab. 3). Their stock loss amounted only to 13 %, while Hungary animals’ - 36 %.
Table 3. The revealed pathology and stock losses for the first year of
Indicators |
Culling |
Culling |
An. |
% |
An. |
% |
Abortions and stillbirths |
- |
- |
3 |
0,8 |
Diseases: post-partum |
48 |
1.8 |
9 |
2,3 |
of extremities, incl hoof |
18 |
0.7 |
13 |
3,3 |
of joints |
4 |
0.1 |
41 |
10,3 |
apostasis, etc. |
16 |
0.6 |
7 |
1,8 |
Ěastitis |
171 |
6.4 |
16 |
4,0 |
necrosis |
8 |
0.3 |
3 |
0,8 |
Gastro-intestinal tract |
48 |
1.8 |
9 |
2,3 |
Liver |
16 |
0.6 |
7 |
1,8 |
Respiratory system |
11 |
0.4 |
44 |
11,0 |
Cardiovascular system |
11 |
0.4 |
2 |
0,5 |
genetic predisposition of Holstein-Friesian breed high-producing cows to
disease distal parts of extremities, special attention is paid to the
preventive measures of this pathology at the enterprise. All animals undergo an
obligatory health examination on a special hydraulic table twice a year.
Besides, every week within 2 days, all livestock takes sanitary bath with a
solution of cuprous sulphate.
It is
necessary to notice high milk productivity of cattle for the first lactogenesis
period in both enterprises with considerable overweight in favor of animals from
the USA.
average milk productivity of the American cows amounted to 29,70 kg of milk in
conversion to basic (3,4 %) fat content at the total milk yield of 10116 kg.
Productivity of the Hungarian cows was lower and amounted to 21,95 kg of milk a
day and 7485 kg of milk for a lactogenesis period.
Thus, the
adaptation of heifers from the USA
under acclimatization conditions in the Belgorod region more successful than
the heifers` from Hungary. The livestock loos for the first lactogenesis period amounted to 13 and 36 %