Экономические науки\10.Экономика предприятия


Khort Yu.V.

Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design (KNUTD), Ukraine

The organization of innovative entrepreneurship


Innovative entrepreneurship is a common techno-economic process that helps to create the best in their properties of goods, services or technologies with the commercial use of innovations. This type of modern business largely determines the rate of economic growth, competitiveness at the national and international markets. That is why interest in the organization of innovative entrepreneurship, its varieties of models is quite clear.

The organization of innovative entrepreneurship depends on what kind of innovation has to do businessman in the area which provides for its use. There are different kinds of innovation: innovation of products, technology innovation, innovation of work and social innovation.

Traditionally innovation is associated with the sphere of material production. Its basic importance for the development of innovative entrepreneurship, application of science and new technologies is very important. The innovations are exist not only in this area but also in non–production sphere such as healthcare, education, services and other.

In some cases there is interdisciplinary nature of innovation. This means that innovative entrepreneurship is not confined to narrowly defined limits. Its object appears whole movement of scientific ideas from its study by scientists, inventors to massive practical implementation in business practice that is passing through certain stages of innovation.

Research, implementation and use are the main stages of the innovation process.
Along with clarifying the stages of the innovation process, you should pay attention to its features and differences from the production process such as uncertainty of how to achieve goals and an increased risk of loss of capital, inability to detailed planning, direction of efforts to commercialize scientific research and the need for mutual interest of members of partner innovation process.

The difficulty of the implementation of research results and their commercialization is that simple accumulation of developments in any scale is not automatically implemented in the innovation process. Knowledge transfer chain from one phase of the innovation process to another requires additional mediation system as implementing innovative enterprises. These enterprises operate in the market of novelty which arises under conditions of uncertainty, due to the nature of innovation.
The relationship between development and enterprise directions of innovation policy defines innovative company that is based on certain principles such as the predominance of strategic focus, focus on market demand,
purposefulness, complexity, balanced development and information supply.

According to the principle of the predominance of strategic focus innovation policy should form conditions for creating and maintaining long term competitive advantage that requires prediction of the market situation in the long run. Therefore, innovation should be planned within the selected company's overall strategy and implementation of innovations to ensure achievement of strategic goals. Type of the overall strategy determines the direction of innovation and affects the choice of forms of its organization. Develop a strategy as long term model of enterprise development based on its internal capacity and is subject to the limitations of the environment and trends of change in predicting the future.

Focus on market demand suggests that development and innovation will be useful, provided that they bring in goods or services that favorably distinguish it from similar products of competitors, that it will create competitive advantage. You should thoroughly investigate the market, its existing and latent needs.

The purposefulness provides that any innovative changes in the company should carry out a purpose that defines senior management as the preferred model of the enterprise in the future, the ability to achieve which is estimated taking into account various internal factors (personal qualities of staff, level of professionalism of senior management, value motives, incentives, etc.) and environmental factors, establishing resource and institutional constraints under which the possible goals or points means to achieve it. A clear definition of objectives of innovation allows you to select tools for their implementation, monitor the implementation.

The complexity refers to the need for involvement in the development of innovation all internal elements of the enterprise. In addition, you must understand that changes in any organizational element will lead to corresponding changes among almost all other elements of the internal environment of the organization. So, following this principle, leaders of enterprises should create the necessary coordination and integration level, which comes all the information and are allowed to adjust the innovation process, as circumstances warrant.

The principle of balanced development  implies that planning innovations should become the subject to targets of different innovations, including differences in these processes of various services businesses. In the planning process innovation defined terms of innovation, performers, the steps necessary resources, forecast possible changes in the process, consistent implementation of innovative measures in the current plan of the enterprise. Planning necessarily includes assessing the effectiveness of innovation that contributes to adjustment and optimization of innovative measures. This principle also implies the continuity of innovation processes.

Information supply involves the formation of innovative policy based on modern achievements of science and technology and trends in science and technology in the sector. Therefore the management has to provide services to research and design development free access to sources of scientific and technical information to ensure their legal and technical, engineering, documentation, patent descriptions, developed in–house know–how that provides an enterprise.

In turn, the main areas of innovation policy objectives of the enterprise may be a dynamic study of internal and external market environment, purchasing new equipment and use new technology, organization of effective technological cooperation with business organizations and institutions, organization of joint production and implementation of high-tech products with foreign partners through their own production, participation in the development and implementation of effective energy-saving technologies and means of environmental protection from the negative environmental impact of production.

Planning innovation is not one-time willful act of guidance. This process consists of certain phases, stages and phases that are in logical relationship and constantly changing with the repeating sequence, creating a routine cycle. Operational planning is mainly line managers, but planners are involved in each stage such as control of the terms, calculation and coordination of separate elements of different sub-plans. During the year routine parts of organizations and regional offices of companies tested the plan.

It should be noted that the planning process in various business organizations have differences due to type of organizational structure of management in general and the nature of innovation and production processes. They affect the terms planning period and planning procedures and functions of individual units that deal with planning.

Modern circumstance of innovative activity put before of its initiators the task of continuing the process of building competitive advantages in all areas of resources for innovation. For today their main source is the so-called intangible assets and human resources, professionalism and knowledge as ordered specific field which is aimed at solving specific problems innovation. Human resources, professionalism and knowledge become the primary resource which is a key business value and ensure their economic development.

Innovative enterprises are the active independent of market participants of scientific, technical and other developments. Support for innovative entrepreneurship should help subjects of innovation activity in overcoming barriers of communicative competence.

Building a modern competitive economy based on innovation and investment, promotion targeting the financial, technological and organizational resources for innovative purposes, combine science, education, manufacturing are major strategic goals. Innovative entrepreneurship is a special process of management, which is based on a constant search for new opportunities to improve technical and technological inputs. It is associated with the willingness of business structure (individual or legal entity) to assume all risk for the implementation of a new project or improvement of existing and emerging at the same financial, moral and social responsibility.

Innovative enterprises must promote interaction and cooperation between researchers who have advanced scientific and technical ideas, potential investors who are willing to finance the implementation of these developments in production, and firms that are willing to use its full potential for the introduction of new ideas.



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