B.V.Gusev, the member correspondent of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the dr. techn. sciences, the professor, the manage of chair of building materials and technologies of the Moscow state university of means  communication

V.T.Yerofeev, member correspondent RAABS, the Dr. techn. sciences, the professor, the manager of  chair of building materials and technologies, the dean of architecturall-building faculty of the Mordovian state university, the Russian Federation

A.V.Dergunova, a cand. tech. sciences,  the reader of chair of economy and management in building of the Mordovian state university, the Russian Federation

A.D.Bogatov, a cand. tech. sci., the reader of chair of building materials and technologies of the Mordovian state university

À.À. Piksaykina, a cand. econ. sciences, the reader of chair of economy and management in building of the Mordovian state university, the Russian Federation






Protection of building designs of buildings and constructions against negative influence of biological environments which lead to essential material inputs and losses, becomes now an acute problem. Annual global losses from biodamage of materials and designs reach several percent of cost of all cumulative production of mankind for a year [1].

Perfection of technics and technology leads to improvement of many qualitative characteristics, including to biofirmness of building designs. Process of perfection of building designs staticizes researches of various aspects of this problem and including problems of increase of durability.

The durability is a property of system to keep with necessary breaks for maintenance service and repairs working capacity before a limiting condition which is caused by safety requirements or ineradicable decrease in efficiency and is shown in technical impossibility or inexpediency of the further operation of system. The general durability of building designs is defined by economically optimum term of their service representing calendar operation time during which their operation is economically justified. The durability in many aspects defines efficiency of operation of building designs. The concept of efficiency reflects technical, economic, social, ecological and other results of functioning of designs which use technical and economic indicators [2] more often.

The durability influences in level of economic expenses both in manufacturing sphere, and in consumption sphere. Increase of durability of any elements removes the beginning of carrying out of repair work by the consumer on their restoration and can prolong economically expedient duration of operation of building designs. Actions for durability improvement at manufacturing of building designs, as a rule, demand additional single and current expenses, however at the expense of durability increase. It is possible to lower requirement for building designs that conducts as a whole to reduction of capital investments. The above economically optimum service life of building designs, is less requirement for them.

Actions for durability increase, from the point of view of an estimation of their economic efficiency,­  it is expedient to divide on two groups. In the first group those from them which ­ are reduced to increase of durability (resource) of elements of building designs carry,­ but do not change optimum service life of the given building designs. Allocation of such group of actions quite legally in spite of the fact that theoretically the durability of any element participates in formation of optimum service life of building designs. However not any increase in a resource of a concrete element makes ­essential impact on technical and economic ­ parametres of building designs and changes optimum service life. Thus definition ­ of economically optimum service life is based on forecasting of the future changes of technical and economic characteristics of the building designs, shown in an obsolescence­ and to depreciation. Therefore all qualitative changes of elements ­ appear as though already considered.

­ Those which realisation leads to increase in service life of building designs ­ concern the second group of actions for ­ durability increase­. Actions for those elements and subsystems of the difficult technical systems which durability limits term of their service are included in their number.

At carrying out of actions of the first group ­ economic benefit can be received only when for service life of building designs the quantity and duration ­ of repair work on restoration of working capacity and replacement of elements with the raised resource are reduced­. ­The economy received ­ as a result of it, should exceed an increase in value of the elements used at carrying out of planned repairs (replacements).

At delimitation of economically expedient increase in durability it is necessary to start with the developed ­ optimum system of repair of building designs which under the influence of increase in a resource of group of elements can so to change that there will be a problem of its next optimisation. Therefore the problem ­of an estimation of economic efficiency of increase of durability ­ of one element cannot be considered in a separation from other elements and corresponding system of repair of all building designs [3].

What do not reduce quantity of planned replacements of elements concern obviously inefficient actions. Having designated quantity of planned replacements before ­ durability increase ­ through ïñ, we have:


where Tc - service life, years; t0 — an average resource of elements before durability increase, years.

So, concern obviously inefficient actions for the given building designs on durability increase for what


where t1 — an average resource of elements after durability increase; ïí - quantity of planned replacements of elements after durability increase.

If the quantity of planned replacements of elements of designs as a result of resource increase is reduced, and the total of planned repairs of building designs remains invariable in consumption sphere it is necessary a gain of the price for elements in connection with durability increasing to compare with possible economy as a result of reduction of quantity of their planned replacements. At observance of these conditions the economy from use of more durable elements, in essence, is reduced to economy of expenses for their acquisition. Here it is necessary to carry not only expenses for carrying out of planned replacements (repairs) of elements, but also cost of elements as a part of building designs which is equal to product of quantity of elements and their wholesale prices. From here without time factor approximately expenses of the consumer for elements before increase of their durability are defined under formulas


Where Çñ and Çí - expenses of the consumer for elements of designs accordingly before increase of their durability; Öñ and Öí - a wholesale price of one element accordingly before increase of its durability; βý - quantity of the elements containing in technical system; Çîâ - expenses of the consumer for registration and delivery of one order for acquisition and reception of elements for replacement from the supplier; Çäïð - expenses of the consumer for planned replacement of elements without their cost.

The difference between expenses before increase of their durability represents size of economic benefit of durability increase:


öhere Ýýä – economic benefit of durability increase.

According to it all variants of increase of durability of elements, for which are economically defensible


The economy of the consumer is formed at the expense of decrease in number of planned replacements. In general the economy is defined as the sum of the expenses saved by the consumer ­ as a result of reduction of quantity of planned replacements of elements:



öhere Ýï – the economy of the consumer received for the account of decrease of number of planned replacements, Δn =nc – n ν.

Durability increase, as a rule, is accompanied by growth of expenses in manufacture sphere, as a result of it ­ the price of building designs raises. Additional expenses of the consumer in this connection generally will make:


It shows, that the size of economic benefit of durability increase can be defined also in a kind


Thus, the estimation of efficiency of actions for increase of durability of building designs can be conducted, leaning not only on change of costs in manufacture sphere, but also from positions of the separate consumer. In these cases efficient measurement provides comparison of expenses before durability increase.