D. econ. sci. Buresh O.V., cand. econ. sci. Zhuk Ì.À., Omelchenko Ò.V.

Orenburg state university, Russia

Human resource management in the agrarian-industrial complex of the Orenburg region


Òhe agrarian-industrial complex plays an important role in the economy of the country and each region. The presence of foodstuffs in the region depends on the development of such branches as agriculture and food industry. Qualitative and accessible food products influence the economic, social and demographic situation in the region, and it is the guarantee of food safety as well.

The Orenburg region is an industrial-agrarian one, it has a territory of 124 000 sq.km. and the population over two million people [1]. Therefore problems of providing with foodstuffs and the development of the agrarian-industrial complex in the region are especially urgent.

The Ministry of Agriculture, food and processing industries in the Orenburg region develops the target programs, aimed at the development of agriculture and the regulation of the markets for agricultural products, raw material and foodstuffs. The target programs are not carried out completely, it is evidence by the intermediate results of their realization. The possible reasons for deviation from the purposeful indices should be examined [2].

It should be noted that on the conditions of joint financing the state support of the agrarian-industrial complex is carried out in many directions: granting subsidies on compensation of the part of the expenditures for the payment of percentages in the credits, for the compensation for the part of the expenditures on the insurance of the harvest of agricultural crops, on the support of the economically significant programs of the development of agriculture, on support of branches of plant growing, on compensation of a part of expenses for purchase of forages, on compensation of a part of expenses for acquisition of means of chemicalixation and other important directions [3].

Unfavorable climatic conditions may be attributed to the other possible reasons. The Orenburg region has a climate with the marked continentality, which leads to the risk of obtaining considerable losses of manufactures of agricultural products. But the development of different classes of insurance in the field of agriculture makes it possible to partially compensate the losses, associated with the unfavorable weather conditions.

Deficiencies in staffing of the region can be another possible reason. In this sphere there are means of providing the agrarian-industrial complex by specialists, for example, in the region there are the educational establishments, which deal with training and retraining of personnel for agriculture. Educational establishments interact with ministries, services, enterprises, but it does not result in providing the effective employment in the region. This can occur for the following reasons:

1. The Orenburg region has sufficiently large territory, which requires implementation  of the active policy in providing favorable conditions for labor out of the regional center. Training specialists is conducted in the regional center, therefore the implementation of the programs, aimed at the attraction of specialists to the rural locality is required;

2. In the contemporary conditions new technologies constantly appear, requirements for the specialists increase, etc. The need in conformity of the directions in training with the requirements of the labor market and with the directed interaction with the employers is placed into the educational standards of a new generation. But in the region there are more than 6 000 enterprises and the organizations engaged in the agrarian-industrial complex, and educational establishments interact only with the part of them, and it does not give objective opinion about the requirements of the majority of employers;

3. One of the basic tasks of the Ministry of Agriculture, food and processing industries in the Orenburg region is conducting the common scientific and staff policy, organizing training specialists for the agrarian-industrial complex of the region. Therefore the ministry must take an active part in training personnel in the region. For the realization of this the ministry must interact both with the educational establishments and with the employers, and take the measures, which facilitate the establishment of effective employment in the agrarian-industrial complex of the region;

4. On making decisions about subsidizing the Ministry of Agriculture, food and processing industry must have the capability of evaluating the prospects for the development of enterprises and branches [4]. Making decision on subsidizing must be substantiated. For increasing validity and quality of the adopted solutions contemporary technologies must be used.

In connection with above mentioned and other reasons we propose the creation knowledge management system about the staff provision of the agrarian-industrial complex in the region.

For constructing this system the following work has been carried out:

1. the researches for the labor market in the region, and in particular in the agrarian-industrial complex are carried out [5];

2. the analysis of the mechanisms of the cooperation of the enterprises in the agrarian-industrial complex with the educational establishments, the ministries and the services is made;

3. the instrumental means of the creation of knowledge management systems are studied;

4. survey and comparative analysis of the models of representing knowledge is carried out, in accordance with the required functionality the frame model of representing knowledge is selected [6];

5. to improve the quality in making administrative decisions situation approach to control is proposed;

6. the basic subjects of the labor market are isolated and for the simulation of the cooperation of the subjects of the labor market and their behavior multi-agent approach is proposed;

7.  the instrumental means with wide functional possibilities, which makes it possible to develop knowledge management system about the staff provision of the agrarian-industrial complex in the region is chosen.

The developed knowledge management system about the staff provision of the agrarian-industrial complex of region allows:

1. to accomplish collection and information processing about the enterprises, their staff provision and proposed vacancies;

2. to facilitate and accelerate the process of search and of selecting the personnel in the enterprises of the agrarian-industrial complex of region;

3. to accumulate knowledge about the staff provision of the region and on their basis to achieve support of making decision in the Ministry of Agriculture, food and processing industries in the Orenburg region;

4. to increase validity and quality of making decision in the educational establishments on the questions of determining the enumeration of the directions of training, their profiles and collections of competence.



1. The regional statistical annual. 2008: Statistical collection / Territorial organ of the Federal Service of state statistics on the Orenburg region. – Orenburg, 2008. –  527 p.

2. http://mcx.orb.ru/ [The official site of the Ministry of Agriculture, food and processing industries in the Orenburg region].

3. http://mcx.ru/ [The official site of the Ministry of Agriculture in the Russian Federation]

4. Semenov N.A., Grishakina N.I. Increase in the effectiveness in the budgetary investments into the agriculture by the way of the optimization of the rates of subsidies // Vestnik of Novgorod state university, ¹61 – 2011. – P. 68-72.

5. Omelchenko T.V. Research of the problems of the Russian labor market in modern conditions // Mathematical methods and tools in information systems. – Orenburg, 2008. –  P. 283-286.

6. Omelchenko, T.V., Zhuck, M.A. Modeling of process of accumulation of knowledge about the labour market based on frame-presentation / T.V. Omelchenko, Ì.À. Zhuck // Vestnik OSU. – 2010. – ¹ 13. – P. 266-272.