науки/14. Экономическая
Candidate of Economics, Krivokora E. I.
The North Caucasian state technical university, Russia
The active
conversion of the old system of economic relations and the creation and
approval of a new, form the content of transformation processes in the Russian
economy, which in a sense, as an integrated system combines various subsystems. The system of
rent relations, as an important subsystem in its structure, is performing a
crucial role in the process of social reproduction. As part of the overall
system of economic relations is linked with the economy of rare, often unique
resources that can generate additional income in the form of rent. Occurring
dramatic changes in the economic basis of social relations predetermined
widespread objects of rental income, the complexity of modern rent relations
and led to the rent level of systemic effects. Even in scientific community
began to talk about the formation of "economic rent" [1], dictating
the expansion of the various manifestations of rent-seeking agents and
producing negative effects that can block the normal functioning of all spheres
of modern society. In this case, there naturally arises the need to limit the
negative effects of rent-seeking behavior through the establishment of
appropriate mechanisms and institutions.
However, in our
opinion, the assertion that the origin and assignment of rental income is the
only source of negative economic shocks that destroy or distort the system of
economic relations, is not justified. The matter is that any modern economic
systems as a result of complication of structure of public reproduction face
occurrence of new kinds of investment incomes, many of which bear in themselves
function of a source of development and cause lifting of innovative activity in
economic agents. Obviously, a research of rent relations requires consideration
of new economic realities, understanding new phenomena and a full theoretical
and methodological grounds. Systematic research involves the studying of the
dynamics of the rental relationship, identifying their characteristics, the
implementation of the contradictions, the rationale for the classification,
mechanisms of formation, distribution and use of rental income in the economy.
Rental income as an important component of market-oriented economy associated
with the construction of various models. In this subsystem of rent relations
has a direct impact on the dynamics of economic growth and macroeconomic
proportions, but at the same time is under the direct or indirect effects of
macroeconomic components and dynamics of economic growth in general.
Modern economy is
characterized by the appearance of new types of annuities, created by a wide
variety of rent-composing factors. Part of some types of annuities over time
and changes in economic conditions, exhaust themselves and cease to exist, the
appearance of other species leads to their proliferation and securing a long
term rental in the structure of relations. In the modern classification of
rental income can be quite a lengthy talk about the lineup of rents, arranged
in depending on the resource rent. Species diversity of the rent is mainly
determined by the difference in the sources of its occurrence. The formation of
the rent can not be realized without rent-composing resource, endowed with
exceptional property and giving the holder of the exclusive opportunity to
share the rent as a disposition under the ownership and farming with its use.
Formation of the rent is made as under the influence of environmental factors,
and as a result of purposeful action. A condition of occurrence of a rent is
differentiation of factors of manufacture and presence of entrance barriers in
the process of cost creation. Dynamism of rent incomes is set by a market
competition, and in the course of competitive struggle the rent of the
manufacturer will be transformed to consumer profit. Process of distribution
and rent assignment promotes growth of innovative activity and is very
important for dynamical development of productive forces in the modern market
Pursuing the
identification of essence and features of reproduction of the communication
capital, we have some system bases to speak about allocation as a part of
investment incomes of a communication quasi-rent. Occurrence of a communication
quasi-rent is caused by interconditionality of processes of modernization of
economic system and achievement by information-communication technologies of
qualitatively new existential level of development. It, as special payment for
use of unique properties of the limited resource, can be produced only by the
communicative resource which is representing itself as the capital blessing.
From our point of view, the social and economic potential of a communication
quasi-rent can successfully add effects of use of base factors of manufacture.
The rent of the capital blessings in the modern world becomes the main stimulus
of scientific and technical progress and economic growth along with
preservation of natural factors and development of the person. Eternal race
behind superprofit forces manufacturers to introduce the most perfect cars,
deducing from manufacture inefficient. High technologies bring in the
additional income (rent) to those who creates them, since scientists,
inventors, and finishing the businessmen using at the enterprises high
technologies. The quasi-rent carries out important function from the point of
view of technological progress as it stimulates innovative activity and use of
more effective forms of the organization and production management. The
communication quasi-rent is considered by us as the additional income over
industry average profits, received at operation of communicative resources as a
result of the organization of effective communication activity on the basis of
innovations in information-communication field. In this case it is possible to
speak about process of capitalization of the communication capital of the
organizational system possessing the best communicative resources. Presence,
expansion and maintenance of business ties of the organization offers the
notable advantages transformed under certain institutional conditions in a
communication quasi-rent. The size of a communication quasi-rent in structure
occupies with received business system of profit takes a significant share.
Formation of additional benefits from business interaction is carried out
through integration with partners by means of the business ties opening access
to the information, contacts, skills, abilities, organizational competences,
resources, financial possibilities. As part of the communicative resources,
rent resources are those internal and external communications, which can reduce
the magnitude of transaction costs for participants in the value chain, thereby
increasing the capital of each participant in the communication chain.
Competitive advantages of organizational systems in modern Russian economy can
be created by communicative resources, forming a basis for a sustainable
development, overcomings of structural deformations, backlog liquidations on a
market level of development.
The communication
quasi-rent as the income of application of communicative resources represents a
benefit from inclusion in industrial activity of the communicative resources
created by organizational system which can't be got in the market and which
therefore get properties of exclusiveness and a rarity. Ready-to-use
communicative resources are not available on the market. Communicative
resources of the organization are as though "an internal" product
(result) of its communication activity. Consequently, the economic condition of
the formation of communication quasi-rent is the difference in value and
usefulness of public communication resources used by the different subjects of
the market, they possess. Extremely interesting there is a possession question
communicative resources. The communicative resource also as well as the
communication capital is inseparable from the organization, therefore can't be
withdrawn or moved at will of the proprietor of the organization. However, as
the property complex belongs to its proprietor also the inalienable
communicative resource belongs to the same proprietor who gets the opportunity
and right to use the communicative organizational resources. Thus, feature of a
communication quasi-rent is the specification of the property rights to
communicative resources.
Any forms of a
communication quasi-rent finally on a surface of economic events act in the
form of additional profit of the organizational systems using more valuable or
improved communicative resources.
Classification of
a communication quasi-rent allows to designate its basic forms:
- The
differential quasi-rent received at use of more effective resource;
- The exclusive
quasi-rent caused by exclusive use of the limited resource;
- Local
quasi-rent, which is formed within the private business processes;
- The joint
quasi-rent formed in joint business processes.
The communication
quasi-rent arises in bowels of the system of economic relations, forms as their
natural result. Economic preconditions of formation of a communication
quasi-rent are interaction and integration of activity of economic agents in
the course of creation consumer values. Application of a communicative resource
as the rent-composing factor can promote a gain of the total public income, and
process of assignment of the created communicative quasi-rent is connected with
its distribution between participants of an exchange.
The used sources
1. Latkov A. V.
Rent relations and features of their functioning in Russia: the monography. -
Saratov: Nauka, 2008. - 194 p.