Экономические науки/3. Финансовые отношения
Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,
Standards and norms as elements of
the financing of public social security
elements of the financing of public social security are the standards and
specifications. Without the establishment of standards and norms of financing
public social security can not achieve social cohesion between people,
government and employers, and therefore economic stability. Social guarantees
in the face of society provides special government bodies, trade unions, NGOs [1].
Troubleshooting welfare state requires the introduction of civilized social
standards and norms.
determining the size of salaries, pensions, social benefits, should build on
calculations aimed at establishing a real, not far-fetched "consumer
basket". Such calculations have become basic in determining the size of
benefits that provide a decent standard of living of the population and
specific groups.
purpose of state social standards and regulations is to define the mechanism of
realization of social rights and state social guarantees citizens the
Constitution of Ukraine, priorities of state social policy on human needs in
material goods and services and financial resources for their implementation,
identify and justify the size requirements State Budget of Ukraine, Autonomous
Republic of Crimea and local budgets, social funds for social protection and
maintenance of social sphere.
the basis of social standards determined by the size of basic social
guarantees: minimum wage, minimum pension age, non-taxable income, size of
state social assistance and other social benefits.
However, despite the measures
taken in the field of social welfare, aimed at strengthening social protection,
the size of individual payments are below the subsistence level, in particular
- help low-income families and assistance provided under the Law of Ukraine
"On state social assistance to persons who are not entitled to a pension,
and persons with disabilities. " It is used to calculate the index
"level of subsistence," which is the Law of Ukraine and this lowers
the fundamental social standards.
In a developing country growth is
a combination of budget financing institutions and organizations, with the
development of paid services and performance of work under contracts with
companies and organizations for a fee. This implies their rational, reasonable
combination, rather than replacement of free services paid. System of budget
financing method uses standard costs, and financing costs, based on actual
performance. Of particular importance are the standards that characterize the
requirements for public performance use of budgetary resources. They fixed the
minimum permissible value of the economic efficiency of budgetary resources is
socially justified the size of their efforts to achieve the most benefits.
Law of Ukraine "On State
Social Standards and State Social Guarantees" not resolve the question of
forming a system of social standards and norms, because they are inefficient
for economic and social development [2].
One important reason, in our
opinion, is that the Law does not clearly defined the essence of most of the
terms "social norms", "social standards" and in accordance
with the tasks that they perform as well as a comprehensive and systematic
nature of these indicators. A vague understanding of these parameters is
difficult to formulate even the very principle on which should be built appropriate
social norm or standard.
The law also states that
"State Social Standards" - is established by laws and other
regulations of social norms and regulations or their complex, which will be
determined based on level of basic state social guarantees.
Note the ambiguity and
arbitrariness of application and interpretation of such concepts as
"social standards", "social norms", as in scientific
papers. Therefore, their practical application to cover both of these
categories that will allow to identify their impact on the quantitative and
qualitative characteristics of the category "State Social
The concept of
"standard" should take in the meaning of mandatory requirements that
set maximum allowable values of certain parameters and characteristics to ensure
quality living conditions, such as standard free area of social housing,
benefits from the use of utility services and more.
As the term "State Social
Standards", the methodological problem in using them is the identification
of social standards of the state social guarantees.
Social standards are to form an
idea of the material and social benefits or their totality to ensure
"normal" (for this country and this time) "worthy" (in
terms of population) the level and quality of life of the general population.
It can be set by policymakers as a standard, and determine the statistical
method, ascertaining what people have on this level. Thus, standards of poverty
in economically developed countries for people from other countries seem
welfare standards.
The main role of social standards
is helping to define the standard of living of the population that actually
emerged at this time in a country that is relevant to determine the actual
performance to those that characterize the desired standard of living. Thus, in
the social standards should be performance, value which defines the goals of
long-term development in the construction of state economic growth.
this regard, it is logical that for the complex nature of social standards,
they should correspond with each other in a generalized category of
"living" [3, p. 296]. However, a specific methodology for this
process is suggested by the authors, and the term "social standards"
is defined as a set of measures, methods and tools aimed at the establishment,
maintenance and support required level of living.
most reliable estimate of the standard of living will allow the system of
social standards that reflect different levels of welfare, from poverty to a
high level of security. They should be developed based on consumer budgets set
by regulations. This is the first of such factors as cost of living, the
minimum consumer budget and rational consumer budget.
can be important indicators of the effectiveness of social policy, since cost
of living characterized by poverty, the minimum consumer budget shows the
achievement of acceptable social welfare, the budget determines the high
abundance of wealth.
is appropriate, but subsistence, enter multiple levels of welfare budgets, in
particular, the rate of the minimum consumer budget and high budget consumer
welfare. It should specify that the state guarantees only provide minimum
social standards - a living wage.
this case, the rate of subsistence will serve an important social standards in
the regulation of all incomes.
now living wage is defined in the law as a basic social standard, not the
social norm, on which are determined by the level of social guarantees. The
current living wage to be approved by the Law of Ukraine "On Living
Wage", in its composition (not just the minimum consumption of food and
nonfood goods and a limited range of services at the lowest prices, but
visiting such establishments of culture and recreation), and the ratio with an
average standard of living is a social subsistence level.
a living wage, calculated by standard statistical methods may not be state
social guarantees. This state can only guarantee a minimum level of consumer
budget, based on a defined minimum income (wages, pensions, unemployment
to foreign experience, it should be noted that in the U.S. in the calculation
of cost of living the method in which the estimated cost of customized food
set, and then, based on the conditional correlation between the size of a
living wage and the cost of food set as three to one, determined by size
subsistence. In Eastern Europe to determine the lower limit of wages, minimum
pensions are usually used social minimum, in contrast to subsistence Ukraine,
includes a comprehensive set of industrial products, such as Bulgaria - 680
of control of basic parameters and characteristics of people's lives can lead
to the conclusion that between social indicators do not have a close
connection, can not build a common methodological approach to their
construction. However, detailed analysis on standardization and normalization,
you can find some common points. A characteristic feature of social norms is
that they are all connected with the process satisfy certain specific needs.
structure of social norms should be:
1. The subsistence minimum as the basic social standards
should be aimed at ensuring the level of the main types of income. On the basis
of developed state social guarantees minimum wages, pensions, unemployment
benefits, social benefits to persons not entitled to a pension.
Social norms provide the basic services provided at no charge government
agencies. This set of standards must include nomenclature, a list, a set of
services defined by law as such that should be public and free to be the only
in Ukraine.
Norms to provide assistance to persons with disabilities (according to the
criteria of age, disability, etc.). For various social and demographic
characteristics of the case differentiation special needs, that we can speak of
social and group norms.
Standard compensation: professional and social groups work. Today Ukraine is
delineated reasons for the need to grant privileges.
of state social security system based on standards will allow for targeting
their direction, to substantiate adequate forms of support of various social
groups in need of social protection, make the transition to monetary form of
state social standards and norms will help solve a number of systemic problems,
including inter-governmental regulation, the calculation of the budget needs of
regional, state regulation of personal income and wage reform, assessment of
economic self-sufficiency of citizens and their families determine the level of
economic and social security , targeted social protection and others.
classification of social standards and norms, which is part of the state system
of classification and coding of economic information developed in Ukraine for
the Constitution of Ukraine of social rights and state social guarantees
adequate standard of living for every citizen, the legal establishment of major
state social standards and norms differentiated by socio-demographic approach
to defining standards of scientific justification consumption rates,
transparency and public control in their definition and use [4].
of Ukraine "On State Budget for 2012" provided for in 2012 five times
to raise social standards for the population that will strengthen social
protection of most vulnerable citizens.
building a system of state social standards and regulations has become a major
part of the new social policy, the most important means of improving the
management of social processes and social crisis areas. Deviations of the
actual level of a social indicator of its legal significance is a signal to the
need for the current decisions on regulation and control of the object or
1. Башнянин Г.І. та ін. Політична економія: Підручник для вузів / Г.І.
Башнянин, П.Ю. Лазур, В.С. Медведєв. – К.: Ніка-Центр, Ельга, 2000. – 442 с.
2. Про державні соціальні стандарти та державні соціальні
[Електронний ресурс] / Закон України від
05.01.2000 № 2017-III // Режим доступу: http://zakon.rada.gov.ua/cgi-bin/laws/main.cgi?nreg=2017-14.
3. Проблемні питання
праці та соціальної політики: Моногр. / За ред. М.М.Папієва, Т.М.Кір’ян. – К.: Соцінформ, 2003. – 510 с.
4. Про затвердження
Порядку надання державної соціальної допомоги інвалідам з дитинства та
дітям-інвалідам [Електронний ресурс] / спільний наказ Міністерства праці та
соціальної політики України, Міністерства фінансів України та Міністерства
охорони здоров'я України від 30.04.2002 № 226/293/169 //
Режим доступу: http://zakon2.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/z0466-02.