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Sagaidak I.V.
Department of Finance Faculty of Economics of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National
University, Ukraine
Interbudget reform in Ukraine: new budget code didn’t promise to give
expected independence to local authorities to solve existing problems
relations are the main component in the budget process and essential indicator
of economical stability. Therefore, continuous improvement of interbudget
relations should take place within the current global economic trends, based on
national government priorities of financial and economical safety of Ukraine.
These changes should be based on strengthening of financial system and
empowerment of local governments.
The first ever
Budget Code of Ukraine was adopted ten years ago in 2001, which was the first
step in state and local budgeting and determined mechanism of formation of
local budgets.
Increasing share
of interbudget transfers in local budget incomes, small share of local budget
incomes in the aggregate, dependence from government in process of local
budgets formation and execution - all these shortcomings are hindering the
social and economical development of Ukraine.
Therefore, the
next stage of development in the public sector Ukraine in 8th of
July 2010 adopted the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to the Budget Code of
Ukraine" in fact - a new version of the document which shall become
effective on 1st of January 2011.
The Budget Code
of Ukraine defines the interbudget relations as relations between the state,
the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and local government budgets to provide
appropriate financial resources necessary to carry out the functions envisaged
by the Constitution and Laws of Ukraine . [1, hl.13, st.81].
Interbudget relations
arise while execution of budgets. Interbudget transfers are covering the gap
between local budget incomes and expenses. The need for transfering of
budgetary resources within the budget system in which there is an imbalance
between the amounts of accumulated funds and the need for them, leads to the
existence of interbudget relations.
The reasons for
the existence of interbudget relations are:
Defined in the law division of
powers between the executive branch and local authorities;
Guaranteed financing expenses
granted by the state to local authorities;
The current procedure for separation
of incomes and expenditures among levels of government and local budgets of
different levels;
Subsidization of local budgets due
to the significant fluctuations in levels of tax capacity of individual
territories and objective differences in spending. [2, p. 258].
The main function
of interbudget relations is to establish fair and equitable distribution of
finances, ensuring consistency between the powers of expenditure stipulated by
legislative acts of Ukraine on budgets and budgetary resources.
Imperfection and
excessive centralization of local authority influences the quality of regional
and local authorities in support of the local budget, an expansionary economic
policy aimed to increase business activity on the controlled areas. The
consequences of these deficiencies reflected the process of worsened investment
and business climate.
One of the
shortcomings of the system of interbudget relations, both before and after the
adoption of the Budget Code, is its administrative overregulation and only
vertical nature: interbudget transfer flows are provided only among the budgets
of higher and lower levels which are due to administrative subordination. [3,
p. 34].
The main problem
of the current budgetary system is luck of proper law regulation of interbudget
relations in terms of function division between state and local authorities, difference
between real needs of financing, expenditure and sources of funding, imperfect
transfer calculation approach and luck of transparency of interbudget
The ways to
improve the management of budget resources stated in the new Code have
preserved the distribution of the horizontal structure of the state budget, but
made clarify their structure.
The main positive
trend of tax and fiscal reforms were trends to reduce the state's role in
providing funds for regional development and the simultaneous creation of
opportunities for own sources of adequate financial base to ensure effective
and balanced territorial development. The new Budget Code of Ukraine has
undergone significant changes with the distribution of taxes and tax incomes to
the budgets of different levels.
An important
change was determination of income sources of budget funds. This innovation brought
some stability and predictability in the process of medium term planning
The list of second
basket incomes was extended. In addition to the existing list, it included
fixed tax on income from business activities, and transferred from the first
basket of the penalties, administrative fines and other receipts.
resources were enshrined to each type of expenditure that are considered when
determining the amount of interbudget transfers, which are calculated on the
basis of state social standards and regulations. Thus, it defines priorities of
linking social development to the amount of local spending, which allows to
achieve social objectives, targeting of social benefits, increase
Income base of
Kyiv and Sevastopol, Crimea and regional budgets in the form of fees, licenses
was significantly increased. These incomes are related to the first basket and
the effective mobilization of incomes from taxes reduced burden on the budget
in terms of need to bring transfers to local budgets. Strengthened income base
of cities, towns and villages by including the property taxes and transferred
the entire amount of incomes from the land tax to local budgets.
Thus, changes in
the Budget Code of Ukraine began the process of optimizing tax and fiscal
system at the local level and increased the efficiency of mobilization and
expenditure of funds, but it should be noticed that there was no significant
change in the system of financial equalization. But despite the positive Change
in the Budget Code of Ukraine, Government should continue to provide reforms to
improve the system of interbudget relations in the following areas:
1. Increase financial independence of local authorities.
2. Divide power between local authorities and central authorities.
3. Increase inflow of investments to local budgets and enhance infrastructure
at local areas.
4. Formula of interbudget transfer calculation improvement.
1. Budget Code of Ukraine of 08.07.2010 year. N-VI-2456 Mode of access:
2. Local
finances: a textbook / Ed. AP Kirilenko. - K.: Knowledge, 2006. - 677 p.
Restructuring in Ukraine: Problems and directions: Monograph / Science. yet.
Fedosov. - K.: MBK, 2002. - 387 p.