Csikósová Adriana, Antošová Mária, Čulková Katarína, Seňová Andrea

Faculty of BERG, Technical university Košice, Institute of Business and Management, Slovakia

Global marketing reality





In present globalized world with dominant market economy, one of its characteristics is also fact, that there is deepening difference between accounting and market value of the organizations. More and more knowledge of its employees decide about competition advantage and success on the market.

Marketing have fundamentally changed over the past couple of decades. This contribution documents the nature of these changes, which include the impacts of information technologies.




The changing nature of marketing


The changes are likely to be interrelated, depending on the industry context and their possible impacts.

It was uncovered up to five approaches to marketing practice today, including a greatly revised version of transactional marketing. The new pluralism in marketing practice is following:


It is also identify as a practice in itself an approach that did not emerge as such from the research programme, but was widely acknowledged as vital to implementation:


There are a number of important points to note with respect to the model:

The factors that presage relationship marketing can be summarized as:

·        the saturation of markets as they mature

·        the consequent focus on price

·        technological developments providing new solutions and products



Figure 1 demonstrates the actions, reactions and interactions that occur and the elements that drive the process of marketing. The relationship between two organizations is represented by the triangle formed by the focus, power and interface constructs.




external                                                                                                        external

market                                                                                                          market

pressures                                                                                                      pressures














                                               Buyer – seller - intergface





















external                                                                                                        external

market                                                                                                          market

pressures                                                                                                     pressures




Figure 1 The change model and pressures on marketing  

[Brokes, Palmer, 2004, p.13]





Globalization has brought a new view of the world, which is markedly transformed by information and communication technologies. Nowadays, there are organizations and companies in all parts of the planet, as they dinamically use cheaper raw material sources, lower production costs, the most flexible markets and thus increase the extent of their prosperity. However, globalization brings more complex and more difficult competitive environment. If organizations want to compete successfully in such an environment and join the European economic field in full-value, it is inevitable for them to capture incoming trends of transition into knowledge economy.

The central message is that, from a managerial perspective, contemporary marketing practices are highly contextual and pluralistic. In any given organization there is likely to be a range of marketing practices, with some combination of new relationship marketing approaches carried out in conjunction with some updated form of the more traditional transactional marketing.

The new pluralism in marketing thus signals that while the underlying principles of value sensing, creation and delivery may not have shifted, firms are fundamentally changing their marketing practices to integrate the various strands of marketing practice into a more complex coherent whole that is appropriate to their competitive situation and value delivery requirements.


The article is a partial output of a research task VEGA No 1/1033/12 -  Indicators for social responsible business of small and middel firms in context of regional development.



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