of Science (Economics)
O.Artemyeva ,Ph. D., Assistant
Finance University under the Government
of the Russian Federation.
Features of
the monitoring of the market of tourist services
By monitoring the development
of the tourism market is a complex of running programs on scientifically sound
observations, assessments, forecasts and developed based on these
recommendations and options for management decisions that are necessary and
sufficient to ensure control the formation and development of the market of
tourist services. Thus, the monitoring system is designed to identify the most
adverse, dangerous trend for the development of the market, to develop scientific
forecasts of its future status, as well as to determine the content of specific
actions for the further development of the tourism market.
The monitoring mechanism is based on the fact that its
objects (company, area, region) - an open system, actively interacting with the
environment and dependent on her. Monitoring is carried out by a number of
procedures: selecting an object that requires monitoring, information provision
the object of observation, assessment of the object changes the object's state,
bringing the obtained information about the object of observation to the
consumer. Efficiently organized system of monitoring contributes to the
formation of the so-called pre-emptive management. The main component of the
system to proactively manage the development of tourism market should recognize
the ability of the district administration to anticipate the emergence of
problems and reduce their impact on the market, or eliminated entirely.
Therefore, proactive management should include monitoring of changes in the
environment, their identification and achievement of understanding the sources
of the problems, as well as implementing the necessary control actions until
the problems become obvious (obvious).
In the formation of monitoring the development of
tourist services at the municipality should pay attention to how we think, an
Information Monitoring Unit in conjunction with similar units of other areas,
through which will be used to exchange information among market players and the
database at the regional level. The information block will solve the problem of
information management data monitoring observations of representatives of
various departments and committees, will improve the collection, processing and
storage of information in a database at the district level.
World practice has developed a generally accepted
standardized basis for such monitoring - is computer geographic information
systems (GIS). GIS is a multi-layered information structure in which a digital
map of the location information can be applied layers of very different content
- from sociology to economics. Thus, the GIS allows us to generalize and to
conduct a joint analysis of social, environmental and economic situation in the
market, as well as to develop and test simulation activities to develop the
market of tourist services.
In this regard, we formulate the following
- At the beginning of each stage of
monitoring is necessary to predict a generalized picture of the expected
changes in the dynamics of tourism flows in the near future in order to more
clearly present the processes which need to concentrate;
- Keeping track of changes on the basis
of a specific period, consistently select and study the factors that
predetermined them, including those that lie outside the scope of a test, but a
significant effect on it (it is advisable to use the results of monitoring in
other areas of economic, social)
- Based on the information, assess the
situation and justify the proposals for the development of tourism market.
The monitoring system consists of two levels - a level
that covers the whole region, and level, consisting of local subsystems for
monitoring and management at the district level and includes:
The regional center for receiving and processing
information, which is intended to bring a unified system of data collection and
processing of observations with ensuring their reliability and comparability.
A. Fund information. To organize the storage of
observations of specific banks and databases.
Three. Assessment and forecast of tourist arrivals and the state tourism
Two. Information support of government authorities and the public
information on the status of tourist resources, problems of tourist security,
the market of tourist services.
Thus, the monitoring system is
designed to identify the most adverse, dangerous trend for the development of
the market, to develop scientific forecasts of its future status, as well as to
determine the content of specific actions for the further development of the
tourism market.
1. Lew A.A., Hall .., Timothy D.J.,. World
Geography of Travel and Tourism: A Regional Approach. 14(4): 2008.553-573.
2. Monitoring of the market of tourist
services "GfK Travel Insights",
3. The analysis of travel agency services
market in Russia in 2007-2011, forecast for 2012-2016.