Romanyuk N.K., Yerysh L.A.
Donetsk national University of Economics
and Trade named after M. Tugan-Baranovsky, Ukraine
functioning of the modern industrial and commercial enterprise being an
integrated and open social and economic system is determined by management
system elements interaction efficiency within the organization and organization
itself with external business environment.
approach is the methodological basis of the modern social systems study, the
enterprise's management system being one of those.
the system based methods of research into the modern science has been prepared
with the entire prior development of philosophical and scientific cognition [1,
p. 9].
concept in question emerged being determined on one hand by the summarizing
experience of specialists on the
operations research and on the other hand by the development of the general
theory of systems ,the theory of automated regulation and managing as well as
cybernetics which provided
methodological tools enabling to combine heterogeneous managerial tasks into
integral unity [2, p.272].
It is
the system–based approach (SBA) that acquires nowadays the greater popularity
in the process of developing and grounding managerial decisions in a greater
variety of economic branches in Europe and the USA. “It becomes evident and
conventional that system-based methodology emerges as the most structured and
reliable basic for managing complex spheres of interactional activity enabling
to depict and analyze components included into the system and subsequently
combine them with one another” [2, p.272.]
into any phenomena of processes is to be started with the study of their springs and sources. Knowing the
evolution aspects of events enables us to penetrate into the essence of the
phenomena to be studied, to identify the premise of there emerging and development,
to ground the truthfulness of treatments.
Chronological principle of the life cycle
stages study of the system-based approach (SBA) which has become one of the
basic methodologies of the modern science accompanied by the systematization of
the of the confirmed facts of emerging, developing, dissemination of the system
targeted methodology provide clearer vision of historical roots of system
methods formation within the frameworks of different social and economic
structures which preconditioned various directions of system studies usage.
Wide and diverse utilization of the cognitive
tools of SBA requires detailed research into the evolution of scientific
thinking, ontological and gnosseological foundations of system-based research
targeted understanding the essential content of the SBA to be the methodology
of the research in question. SBA evolution is to be considered alongside with
the history of society development, the history of philosophy and stages of
different natural sciences development and other sciences.
Significant contribution into the development
of SBA as the general methodology of research has been made by the fundamental
works of the Russian and Ukrainian scientists namely I.V. Blawberg,
V.N.Volkova, D.V. Gwyshiany,
E.P. Golubkov, V.M. Glushkov, V.N. Sadovsky, A.I. Uyemov, E.G. Yudin etc.
As far as foreign scientists who started to
develop SBA the following are to be mentioned:
P. Anoff, Ch. Barnard, D. Klyland [3], L. von Bertalanffy [4], St. Beer,
D. Dicson, F. Kast, E. Quade, V. King, E. Kuntz, O. Lange, and many others.
Much has been done, but the issues of staging
the development of system-based approach ideas within organization management
as well as the issues of terminology (cognitive tools) which manifest
themselves within a contradicting character and a multitude of definitions of
the system-based approach (SBA) key concept still require further and thorough
lack of comprehensive theoretical groundings for deep inside understanding of
etymological and lexical meaning of the widely used expression such as system
based approach, system based analysis, system analysis alongside with yet
ambiguous and not well defined methodology of system based approach needs
nowadays clear and grounded formalization of a/m definitions.
The main objective of the methodology of
science falls within analysis and clarification that is fine explanation of
what is being done in modern science and, what is of major importance, what is
to be done. Roughly speaking if within the methodology of science we are going to use the term “system” the
meaning of that term is to correlate with the meaning of this term assigned to
it by science and adopted by the majority of scientists. The same is to be said
about other terms used including those mentioned above (“system based
approach”, “system based analysis”, the general theory of systems, systemology,
structural research etc).
So, the
systems–based approach is the basis of the methodology of scientific research.
and foreign scientists have made their contribution to the theoretical
development of the problem.
Ñàäîâñêèé Â.Í. Îñíîâàíèÿ
îáùåé òåîðèè ñèñòåì. – Ì.: Èçä-âî «Íàóêà», 1974. – 278 ñ.
Ãâèøèàíè Ä.Ì.
Îðãàíèçàöèÿ è óïðàâëåíèå. - Ì.: Èçä-âî ÌÔÒÓ èì. Áàóìàíà, 1998. – 434 ñ.
Êëèëàíä Ä., Êèíã Â.
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Bertalanffy, Ludwig von. General System Theory. N. Y., 1968