Postgraduate student, Podmarkova E.M.

Penza State University, Russia

Automated decision support system for the restructuring of the administrative-territorial division of the regions

At the present time in Russia, a restructure policy of the administrative-territorial division of the federal subjects is used [2,4]. Since there are areas that are self-sufficient economically, it makes sense to combine them with subsidized, which will strengthen the economy as a whole.

Making efforts towards the consolidation and integration of regions associated with the decision of the four major tasks. The first and foremost task is the centralization of state, unified it, you need to create a powerful and economically strong state, able to withstand external negative influences. Second task is the provision of legal equality of the regions. The third one is a reduction of disparities in the social and economical development of regions, reducing the gap on key indicators of social and economical development among the most advanced and lagging regions. The fourth goal is to increase the manageability and efficiency of management regions from the federal center.

For the Russian Federation with its huge territories and the principle of its construction, administrative-territorial division is one of the main foundations of its statehood [3]. Until now, the procedure of consolidation was carried out without evaluating optimal variants [1]. In this article, the author proposes an algorithmic approach to solving the problem.

The problem is solved in several stages. The first stage of this work is to collect and process statistical data received by the federal government from each subject of the federation. Then, based on the values ​​of social and economic indicators based cognitive map reference, and derived from her cognitive maps of each region. After that, each area are compared with each, as well as with the reference, which uses special algorithms for consolidation. The final step is an iterative algorithm for finding the optimal variant of consolidation. The degree of optimality is determined on the basis of cost-effectiveness and criteria for evaluation of local government in regions that are defined in the Presidential Decree № 607. After a study prepared recommendatory basis for decision-makers (Fig. 1). All of the above algorithms are presented in the form of software modules and integrated into a single decision support system.

This work covers a range of complex problems to create a single system, which should provide:

·        automated collection of initial data;

·        creating a road map;

·        seeking the shortest route;

·        preparation a cognitive map of the region;

·        automatic visualization of cognitive maps;

·        implementation of algorithms for combining multiple criteria;

·        calculation of cost-effectiveness of the combined areas;

·        visualization of the consolidation on the basis of the map.

Currently, this system is being developed in the Penza State University to integrate parts of the Penza region. For this purpose, statistics at the level of districts is collected and processed. The developed decision support system can be used also for higher-level hierarchy of administrative-territorial division in case of the subject content of the database values ​​of indicators of regional purpose.

The analysis of the subject area of research (inventory of socio-economic performance of regions and their subsequent consolidation) showed that the problem is actual. Despite the work in this area, there are no effective means to solve the problem.

The developed methods will reduce the differences in social and economical development of regions in the Russian Federation, and will significantly close the gap on key indicators of social and economical development among the most advanced and most lagging regions.

Fig. 1. An example of the visualization module



1.     Корытный Л.М. О необходимости и возможности реформирования административно-территориального деления России // Сборник докладов XXV сессии МАРС / Под ред. С.С. Артоболевского и Л.М. Синцерова. – М.: Институт географии РАН, 2008. – С. 5-15.

2.     Правительство Российской Федерации, постановление от 11 октября 2001 г. № 717 о федеральной целевой программе "Сокращение различий в социально - экономическом развитии регионов Российской Федерации (2002 - 2010 годы и до 2015 года)".

3.     Тархов С.А. Изменение административно-территориального деления России за последние 300 лет // География. – 2000. – № 51, 52.

4.     Федеральный закон Российской Федерации от 6 октября 2003 г. N 131-ФЗ "Об общих принципах организации местного самоуправления в Российской Федерации".*