Medical sciences / public health services
As. prof. Dubitskiy A.A.
Medical university Astana, Kazakhstan



The public health services in the different countries and at various times were meant as various structures - from providing supervision over a sanitary-and-epidemiologic condition of  a society to the ministries which are responsible for the organization of medical aid and health of the population.

Now in the majority of the countries of the world concept the public health services get the similar maintenance.

Public health and public health services - the section of medicine studying influence of social factors on a state of health of the population. It is the theoretical basis of public health services including questions prevention of illness, prolongation of life and health protection, maintenance of a condition of optimum ability to live at the expense of organized effort of a society in following directions [1, 2]:

- Improvement of environment and sanitary control;

- Control mass infections;

- Population education to health and hygiene questions;

- The organization of medical aid and care of patients;

- Early diagnostics and prevention of dangerous illnesses;

- Distribution of the social blessings so that each citizen could realize the right to health and longevity;

- Development of social services;

- Maintenance to everyone a worthy standard of living, for health maintenance.

Development of public health services - today one of priorities of system of public health services of the developed countries.

The public health services in Kazakhstan are characterized by absence of harmonious system of interaction between existing structures and accurate distribution of functions concerning public health services. In system of Ministry of Health of Republic Kazakhstan in concept public health services join:

- Profile scientific research institutes;

- Higher educational institutions;

- Institute of development of public health services;

- The higher school of public health services;

- The national Center of problems of formation of a healthy way of life;

- Local controls public health services;

- The public health services organizations;

- Committee of the state sanitary-and-epidemiologic supervision;

- The national center quarantine and зоонозных infections;

- 239 bodies of supervision and 225 bodies of control.

The basic sections of public health services:

- A honey agarics of a state of health of the population and public health services system;

- Studying and control of infectious diseases;

- Noninfectious diseases and struggle against them;

- Family health;

- The specialized help to the population;

- Hygiene of a food.

- Influence of environment on health of the population and occupational diseases;

- The organization of system, public health services;

- Public health services economy;

- Personnel resources;

- The international aspects of public health care.

Measurement and estimation of a state of health of the population and public health services system:

Epidemiological approaches:

- The description of distribution and scale of the problems connected with illnesses;

- Revealing of the data necessary for planning, introduction and maintenance of services in preventive maintenance, control and treatment disease, to a choice of priorities in activity of services.

Demographic approaches:

- Studying of number and structure of the population, reproduction of the population, indicators of a potential demography;

- The disease analysis;

- An estimation of influence of the organization and health services financing on population health;

- An estimation of knowledge, relations and behavioral stereotypes;

- An estimation of influence of environment on health;

- Use of biostatistics for gathering, descriptions, studying of the data and forecasting of results;

- Supervision, the account and the publication of the data.

Studying and control of infectious and noninfectious illnesses and struggle against them.

Infectious diseases:

- Kinds, ways of distribution and preventive maintenance methods;

- Revealing and registration;

- Epidemiological control;

- Destruction of infectious diseases (the immunization program, monitoring, sanitary-educational work with the population).

Noninfectious illnesses:

- Studying of indicators of prevalence of chronic diseases (СD);

- An estimation of risk factors and studying of etiology СD;

- Struggle against noninfectious illnesses: programs of primary, secondary and tertiary preventive maintenance;

- Studying of social and economic consequences СD.

Health of a family and separate groups the population:

- Specific aspects of health protection of members of a family at different stages of life;

- Studying of problems of health of the woman and the man;

- Studying of problems of health of children (all age groups);

- Studying of problems of health of adults;

- Studying of problems of health of the elderly;

- Formation of strategy of public health services for each stage of life of members of a family;

- Definition of specific aspects of public health services of various groups of the population (the invalids concluded, refugees, migrants, military medicine, medicine of accidents);

- Working out of programs of activity governmental and not governmental the organizations for the decision of specific problems of public health services of separate groups of the population.

Hygiene of a food:

- Studying of relationships of cause and effect between a food and a state of health;

- Regulation and maintenance with a good food of separate people and a society in whole (a food of the woman in pregnancy, a food of newborns and children etc.);

- Studying of relationships of cause and effect between a food and social and economic development of the state and a community (the politician of food supply and a food, quality of foodstuff and safety etc.).

Influence of environment on health of the population and occupational diseases:

- Studying of factors of the environment menacing to health and consequences of anthropogenous influences on environment;

- Sanitary-and-hygienic actions and preservation of the environment;

- Revealing, studying and preventive maintenance of occupational diseases (work medicine).

The organization, planning and management in public health services system:

- Distribution of the power and responsibility for health between various levels of the state;

- Principles and features of financing of public health services on each of levels;

- The organization of programs of preventive maintenance and strengthening of health by public health services departments;

- Introduction of principles of strengthening of health of the population in work of concrete medical institutions;

- A policy of public health services and planning questions, the management theory;

- The management focused on performance of certain problems, organizational models;

- Strategic management of public health services system;

- Models of the organization of medical institution;

- Marketing in public health services.

Public health services economy:

- Studying of main principles of economy of public health services (state financing, health services cost, illness cost, structure of the general expenses in public health services, health services and hospitalization economy);

- Application of methods of the economic analysis to alternative systems of medical maintenance;

- Value of the economic analysis in public health services.

Personnel resources of public health services:

- Formation of personnel selection in the field of public health services;

- Personnel administration of public health services and planning in the field of preparation of professional shots;

- An estimation of programs of preparation of medical shots;

- System of certification and licensing in the field of medicine and public health services;

- The international standards and requirements to medical educational institutions;

- System of continuous professional development and training In public health services and its management.

Public health services. Social hygiene and the public health services organizations:

- Planning and management to public health services system;

- The organization of system of public health services;

- Public health services economy;

- Personnel resources of public health services;

- The international aspects of health protection;

- Health of separate groups of the population.

The higher school of public health services:

- In the field of training: prepares new generation of leaders of the public health services, capable to estimate its problem, to formulate the purposes, strategy and to carry out them in practice;

- In the field of research: it urged to develop and extend theoretical and applied knowledge of a population state of health in Kazakhstan and its risk factors, to promote carrying out of a rational policy, planning and management of public health care systems;

- In the field of social service: to support controls at local, regional and republican levels, and also not the state organizations in the analysis and realization of the policy directed on improvement of a state of health of the population.

The national center of factory hygiene and occupational diseases: a main objective is carrying out fundamental and applied researches in the field of medicine of work, industrial ecology, an anthropogenous pathology and increase of adaptation of an organism to changing conditions industrial and environment, the organization of works on revealing, preventive maintenance, treatment and an expert estimation of patients with occupational diseases.

The national Center of problems of formation of a healthy way of life:

- Working out and introduction of scientific researches concerning formation of a healthy way of life, and also economy, management and public health services reforming;

- Working out of republican and regional target programs of formation of a healthy way of life, preventive maintenance and struggle against bad habits, hygienic education of the population and environment improvement;

- Carrying out of sociological researches in regions by definition of level of health of the population, influence of harmful factors and other workings out on the basis of these given recommendations about introduction of principles of a healthy way of life, etc.

Thus, the problem questions facing public health services of Republic Kazakhstan:

- Absence of coordination of activity of the centers of science, prosecuting subjects of public health services (an activity principal view);

- Duplication of researches and area of public health services;

- Absence in profile research divisions of public health services;

- Creation of uniform body on coordination of activity of the organizations of public health services;

- Accurate distribution of sphere of researches;

- Integration with chairs to degree and after degree formation;

- Creation at all profile scientific research institutes of structures on carrying out of researches in the field of public health services.

The literature:

1. A healthy way of life (the methodical grant.) the British Department on the international development at embassy of Great Britain in Republic Kazakhstan. - Almaty, 2001. - p. 155.

2. Bajgenzhin A.K., O.T.Zhuzzhanov. Investments into health of the person – a basis of development of a society. – Astana, 2006. - 263 p.