S. A. Syurin, MD, DrMedSci.
Kola Research Laboratory for
Occupational Health, Kirovsk, Russia
Features of lipid peroxidation disorders in chronic bronchitis and
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Introduction. The imbalance of
the "lipid peroxidation - antioxidant
protection" (POL-AOP) system is a critical link in the
pathogenesis of both chronic
bronchitis (CB) and chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) [1, 2]. However, the peculiarities
of these two closely related
but nosologically distinct respiratory diseases,
cause interest in
the study of corresponding
disorders of lipid peroxidation
The aim of the study was to
examine the characteristics of
LPO-AOD systems in CB and COPD.
Material and methods. The studies
were performed in 91 CB patients and
in 74 COPD patients in a phase of remission of the disease. Of the 165 people there were 89 men and 76 women. The average age of the
examined patients was 45.7±1.2 and 46.9±1.4 years (p>0.5),
and the average duration of the disease
was 10.1±0.5 and 10.9±0.9 years (p>0.2), respectively.
The reference group included 30
healthy individuals (16 men and 14 women) who did not
differ significantly by sex, age and duration of the disease from the patients of the study group.
The state of
LPO-AOD system was assessed by the following biochemical indices:
the levels of total lipids (TL),
diene conjugates (Dcon), diene ketones (Dket), malondialdehyde (MDA) in
the serum, catalase (Cat) and
peroxidase (Per) activity in
erythrocytes, superoxide dismutase
(SOD) activity in the serum, the level
of sulfhydryl (SH) groups and ceruloplasmin (CP) in the serum, total
antioxidant activity (TAA) of the
serum. MicroSoft Excel 2007 was applied for
statistical analysis of the collected data with determination of Student's
t-criterion and Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r).
The results. Compared with healthy individuals the activation of
free radical lipid oxidation was revealed both in patients with CB and COPD. It
was more pronounced at the stage of primary products of lipid peroxidation,
which was evidenced by increased levels of Dcon and Dket (p<0.05-0.001). It is important to note that the level of Dket in COPD
was higher than in CB (p<0.05). The content of MDA (lipid peroxidation end
product) was also higher in CB and COPD patients than in healthy subjects but
to a lesser extent (p<0.05). Mean values of antioxidant protection
indices in CB and COPD tended to decrease as compared to their levels in
healthy individuals. Only the content of CP was higher than in healthy subjects
(p<0.01-0.02). This finding can be attributed to a fact that CP combines properties
of both antioxidant and acute phase protein that characterizes the residual
activity of the lung inflammation in a phase of remission. In COPD,
the content of CP was higher than in CB
(p<0.05), indicating a higher activity of
inflammation in the bronchopulmonary system in COPD patients (Table).
Indices of LPO-AOD system in healthy individuals
and CB and COPD patients (̱m)
Indices |
Healthy individuals |
CB patients |
COPD patients |
TL, g/l |
6.40±0.20 |
7.38±0.22 |
7.28±0.20 |
units îp/ml units op/mg TL |
1.77±0.10 0.22±0.02 |
2.37±0.10* 0.36±0.02* |
2.39±0.08* 0.37±0.02* |
Dket, units îp/ml units op/mg TL |
0.29±0.02 0.040±0.004 |
0.48±0.03* 0.064±0.003* |
0.59±0.04*# 0.075±0.004*# |
MDA, nM/ml nM/mg
TL |
208.5±16.2 31.1±2,0 |
262.4±10.4* 36.9±1.3* |
276.9±10.1* 37.7±1.3* |
Cat, mM/min.ml mM/min.106eryth |
23.3±2.1 4.52±0.21 |
19.7±0.9 4.46±0.21 |
19.4±1.0 4.40±0.23 |
Per, l/min.ml l/min.106eryth |
6.24±0.20 1.80±0.06 |
6.21±0.25 1.75±0.04 |
6.02±0.27 1.72±0.04 |
CP, g/l |
251.7±9.8 |
274.6±6.0* |
292.8±6.1*# |
TAA, mMol/l |
4.95±0.15 |
4.88±0.13 |
4.79±0.19 |
SOD, units |
70.7±3.7 |
71.4±5.4 |
67.4±4.8 |
SH groups, mg % |
2.19±0.06 |
2.12±0.11 |
2.06±0.12 |
Note.*- statistical significance (p<0.05) between healthy
individuals and CB and COPD patients;
# - statistical
significance (P<0.05) between CB and COPD patients.
According to correlation analysis in healthy persons there were seven pairs of correlating indicators: Dcon¾Dket, r = 0.71, p<0.01 Cat¾Per, r = 0.55, p<0,01; Per¾SH, r = 0.46, p<0.01; MDA¾Cat, r = 0.43, p<0.05; MDA¾SH, r = 0.39, p <0,05; MDA¾Per, r = 0.39, p<0,05; Dcon¾Cat, r = - 0.36, p<0,05. Four pairs of correlating indicators were found in CB patients: Dcon¾Dket, r = 0.49, p<0.01; Dcon¾MDA, r = 0.36, p<0.01; Per¾TAA, r = -0.35, p<0.01; Dcon¾Cat, r = -0.35, p<0.01.
Four pairs of correlating indices were also determined in COPD patients: Dcon¾Dket, r = 0.60, p<0.01; TAA¾ SH, r =
0.57, p<0.01; Dcon¾Cat, p<0.02; Per¾SOD, r = -0.36, p<0.05. The data
obtained in healthy individuals showed highly associative and structural parameters of the LPO-AOD system, which provided an adequate
balance of factors with the prooxidant and antioxidant activities. On the contrary, in CB and COPD there was a significant structural decrease
in the LPO-AOD system
and a pathological shift of the balance towards the activation of peroxidation processes.
Conclusion. These data indicate
that activity of lipid peroxidation
processes in patients with CB and
COPD in a phase of remission remains
substantially increased. The degree of this activation is somewhat more pronounced in patients with COPD compared with CB. However,
conducted study did not find out fundamental differences of LPO-AOD system disorders between
the two compared diseases. This fact can serve as an argument in favor of the approval of the similarity
in CB and COPD pathogenesis. The
importance of lipid peroxidation processes in the pathogenesis of
CB and COPD allows us to consider the
degree of correction of LPO-AOD system status as a key criterion for the effectiveness of curative and
rehabilitative measures.
1. Global Initiative for
Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD). Global strategy for diagnosis,
management, and prevention of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The 2009 report is available on: www.goldcopd.com.
2. Clinical recommendations.
Pulmonology / Ed. AG Chuchalin. - M.:
GEOTAR Media, 2007.
– 225 p. (in Russian).