Y.Y.Kozel, E.A.Sheiko, Z.M.Vedzizhev, L.Y.Shashkina, A.I.Shikhlyarova
FGBU Research Institute of Oncology “Minzdravsocrazvitija”,
The wave technologies in the complex treatment of
hemangiomas in children
Hemangiomas of infancy [HOI] are the most common benign tumors in
children. The incidence in general newborn population is between 1,1% and 2,6%
but increases to up to 12% by one year of age. About 30% of HOI are noted at
birth and 70%-90% will appear during the first four weeks of life. The majority
of hemangiomas occur sporadically, however, familial occurrence of HOI has been
reported. The female-to-male ratio was 3:1 which is similar to previously
published ratio. Premature babies and those with a low birth weight have a
significantly higher incidence of HOI. While the majority of infantile
hemangiomas have a high rate of spontaneous regression, severe complications
are possible and it is important to identify the dangerous forms as early as
possible and start early treatment to prevent secondary complications[1,2,4].
Photochrome therapy is a kind of wave technologies of
treatment via visible electromagnetic radiation (light quantum) of a certain
wave length. Various visible radiation effects, with different waves, are
caused by adaptive and biophysical features of color sight, presence of photoreceptors
in a human body and in animals, etc. This light treatment kind peculiarity, is
the various intrinsic biological processes photo induction, bound to photons
energy absorption that are characterized by a weakening or a breakage of the
weak inter-and intermolecular bonds. Therefore, selective photolytic splitting of
bimolecular can result in the increase of their free forms possessing a higher
biological potency [3]. These processes are evident in the red radiance range.
Clinically the monochrome red color matrix application, with the wave length of
0, 67 micrometer, allows providing medical effect, including the one occurring
due to the inner mechanisms realization on cellular membranes. In this connection,
the new medical technology - photochrome therapy is developed and applied
clinically at hemangiomas treatment. The medical technology is patented in the
Russian Federation (¹2240159 from on the invention « Infant’s (at
children under one year of age) skin neoplasm treatment method ».
Method application is based on
the monochrome red light ability to induce in a body of a child the
photoadaptive processes resulting in the humoral factors regulation activation
at a local blood flow and in , regenerative, reparative reactions induction at
tissues with rising synthetic, phagocyte neutrophils activity and in lymphoid
immune defense part indices growth. The monochrome red light phototherapy
promotes stabilization growth and skin vascular neoplasm's retrogress and also
results in a peroxide and energy metabolism amelioration, body intrinsic
processes harmonization and child's nonspecific resistance rising.
The possibility and effectiveness of
monochromatic irradiation of red spectrum of 555 small patients with
hemangiomas has been shown for the period from
2007 to 2009. The results obtained have demonstrated that photochromotherapy
allowed to increase non-specific resistance and is accompanied by formation of
favorable adaptation reaction of activation. The gaining effects of healing the
wound by improving the reduced exudative and epitelisation phases, the
significantly tumor size decrease up to regress have been observed.
1. Hemangiomas and
Vascular Malformations: An Atlas of Diagnosis and Treatment/R.Mattassi, D.A.Loose,
M.Vaghi (editors), Springer, 2009.335p.
2. Kozel Y.Y.,
Sheiko E.A. The experience of photochromotherapy under the treatment of
children with hemangiomas//Oncology of children,2010.N.3-4.P.25-26.
3. Mechanisms for low
light thearapy/M.R.Hamblin.R.W.Waynant, J.And ers.San Jose, California,
4. Sheiko
E.A, Kozel Y.Y. Photochrome therapy in the treatment of infantile hemangiomas//Laser
medicine, 2011.Vol.15(3).P.33-38.