Some ways of the realization of bringing up multilingual person at school

Doctor of pedagogical sciences, Associate professor  Ì.À. Absatova,

Candidate of pedagogical sciences R.Zh. Bazarbekova.

Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

The Republic of Kazakhstan


 Since the time when our country gained its independence, to create a model of Kazakhstani School in the sphere of education and upbringing and citizen that is appropriate to our country in the Educational Law is written: “The main objective of educational system – national and all human values, to set up necessary conditions to form, to develop and to temper professionally an individual on the basis of science and practical achievements.”

 The historic way of development of any state and its present peculiarity is identified not only with its economical and social-political state, but also with the level of its material and spiritual culture, and its role and significance is limitless nowadays.

Kazakhstani philosophers, educators, psychologists (A.Nisanbayev, K.Zharikbayev, S.Kaliev, T.Tabildyev, Zh.Naurizbay, etc) consider that ethno cultural education is important in solving actual problems at present, such as class, political, economical and religious contradictions, and conflicts between nations. In order to get rid of such events to bring up cultural tolerance in a pupil we must develop the feelings of respect, calmness and try to know and understand every nation’s culture.

According to the Kazakhstan Republic State social-cultural development policy, it is written in the Conception: “Much attention will be paid to specific cultural peculiarities of all the nations living in Kazakhstan, because any culture is unique, incomparable treasure and a particular country will introduce itself to the world. Uniqueness of any culture enables its own people to remember their old traditions, to get spiritual strength, to develop its own … process in order to cultural aspects creatively. The unity of Kazakhstan nations’ cultural treasures is formed from national cultures’ peculiarities. Therefore, the Republic of Kazakhstan guarantees the rights to keep and protect all the nations’ cultural inheritance, to set up, keep and develop every nation’s cultural peculiarity and the equality of cultures. The objective of any national culture is not to break relations, but to develop and make them wider”. From this point of view, we can say that the concept “culture” has a wide meaning. Not only spiritual notions, but also material objects can be a proof to it. Perhaps, that’s why culture is classified as material (instruments, households, clothes, vehicles, etc.) and spiritual (cognition, customs and traditions, upbringing, art, science, education, politics, ethics, esthetics, literature, religion, philosophical rights, etc.).

Leading the national policy, we should take into account the process of forming national structure of the people in the country. According to the research work done by analyzers’, in the period before the revolution 1million 150,000 people had come from Russia, Ukraine, Belorussia. During the collectivization period from the central part of the USSR 250,000 people were confiscated and deported to Kazakhstan. Before the war 1 million 200, 000 people had been moved to Kazakhstan for enterprise construction from all parts, especially European part of the USSR.

Every year about 800,000 Germans, 18.500 Korean families, 102,000 Polish, 507,000 representatives of Northern Caucasus were moved by force. Crimean Tatars, Turkish, Greeks, Kalmaks and representatives of the other nationalities came without their wish.

As a result of making nations move to Kazakhstan by force the population of the republic multiplied to 500,000 people. During the World War II 350,000 people were deported to Kazakhstan. 1.5 million people came to cultivate virgin lands in Kazakhstan; closed military facilities received 150,000 people. All these after gathering the other departments’ work forces, not including people who moved to our country voluntarily.

Since the beginning of the century 5 million 600,000 people were moved to Kazakhstan, 3.5 million people came in the last 40-50 years except exiles.

On the second hand, due to Stalin’s criminal collectivization about 1.5million Kazakh people died. In 1930-1932 1.3 million Kazakhs moved from the USSR abroad. Let’s give two examples that describe the unfortunate case of totally punishing policy. In 1930 the population of the republic had been 5 million 873,000 people. The same number of people had been moved to Kazakhstan. But toward 1933 the population had been decreased to 2 million 493,000 people.

At present newspapers are being published in several national languages in the republic. TV studios broadcast in 12 languages and radio stations in 6 languages. That is the base of self realization and development of the nations.

Also the national kindergartens, schools are being opened. At preschool institutions 426,000 children, in compulsory secondary schools – over 3 million children are being educated and brought up in 7 mother tongues. 106,000 children of minor nations study their mother tongue as a separate subject. We would like to point out the example of people from Pavlodar.  A national renewing school for 500 pupils was opened there. Education and upbringing process are being lead in 9 languages of ethnic groups.     

All of these facts are based on Nazarbayev’s idea of uniting all the nations’ cultural movements into one organization – the Assembly of Kazakhstani people in the beginning of 90th of the last century. This period was difficult for our people because of the fall of the USSR. Due to the collapse of the strong union, 15 separate independent republics were formed. Kazakhstan is an integral state, as there are no any autonomic republics, regions and districts (like Georgia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan) in its structure. Any nation hasn’t joined Kazakhstan with its territory; representatives of all nations had come with the order of the central government and historical fate. Here the most proper way – to unite them to one structure was found by N. A. Nazarbayev.  So N. A. Nazarbayev formed the Assembly of Kazakhstani People, and became its leader.  The authority of the Assembly is so high, that the UNO (United Nations Organization) and European Organization of Commonwealth and Security pay attention to its work. Since the Assembly of Kazakhstani people had been created, its secretariat started its work. There are Kazakhs and representatives of other nations in its structure. Regional organizations - Minor Assemblies of Kazakhstani people and its secretariat were formed. The Assembly of Kazakhstani People (AKP) has become a Council at the President of Republic of Kazakhstan. In AKP republican and regional national-cultural association except chairman there are two assistants, representatives of different confessions. Minor Assemblies comprise regional, city’s national cultural canters, representatives of ordinary people, also representatives of different confessions.

Al-Farabi said: “Upbringing is prior than education. Education without upbringing is enemy of a person, it will bring disaster to his future life”; if we harmonize education with upbringing, taking the best ideas of science and techniques, through bringing up pupils’ cognition on the basis of ethno pedagogics, we can bring up multilingual ethno-cultural individuals.

Above we have talked about forming an ethno-cultural pupil through education. Nevertheless it is not sufficient to form a cultural individual through education. The source to educate, bring up, teach, develop pupils is the whole humane culture and dialectical unity with cultural history of the Kazakh nation. The main aims of compulsory secondary education are the same, but on the way of its realization a view towards actions have been changed. This gives certain knowledge, skill and habit, raise pupil’s scope; form world view gives opportunity to work creatively.  

Thus, every pupil has a chance to develop himself according to his own interests.

Prepared in accordance with 30th article, 4th branch of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan State education standard, the Conception of ethnic-cultural education clarify the basic purposes of Kazakh compulsory secondary schools. The main principle of the Conception of ethnic-cultural education is to form multilingual individual, to prepare citizens who are able to communicate in Mother tongue and Russian language. So that to realize a model of being honest both one’s ethnic group and state as well. In exact practice to know three, four and more languages will be targeted. To create the necessary prerequisites in Kazakhstan to form cultural-ethnical education system is to form ethnical-cultural education space.

The life movement always needs renewing and development of individual’s knowledge. Because education serves mostly to form an individual, i.e. his wisdom, spiritual culture, character, qualities and to organize activities on the scientific base. Wise Kazakh understood it, having said these: “powerful man wins one, educated wins the thousand”, “Wisdom will never get old”, “Knowledge is endless field”, and “Knowledge is the first riches”. 

The most prominent educator K.D.Ushinski: “So that upbringing mustn’t be weak, it must be national”, having said this, he inculcated in science national ideas and pointed ways of putting them into practice.

The major part of ethnic cultural education is teaching. The enhancement of pupils’ learning many languages is the significant problem of today’s school. On this account we can give as an example Kazakh-Turkish lyceums experiences of forming multi lingual individual. Foreign language learning starts at the 7th grade. Learning languages must be quick and deep. For that the lyceum has material-technical equipments. The process of teaching languages is divided into three groups: language development, practicum, grammar. At the 7th grade 18 hours are given to the English language learning. Each lesson materials are written to audiocassettes. Through the intensive method of teaching pupils can communicate in English freely in the 1st and 2nd semesters. The textbooks are nice, decorated esthetically. Language development materials and texts introduce sport news, science, and customs of the world people. For instance, at the 7th grade while they studied the theme “Sport” during press-conference lesson they met football player Maradonna and got answer to the questions they are interested in. At the English lesson they had relations with foreign countries and had a free talk with them.

According to the “Law on Languages” to make a condition to develop other nation’s languages as well as the Kazakh language multi language activities must be done. For example, language celebration, competition of reciting, stages, contest of songs, game “Leader”, cognitive parties. Not only lessons are conducted in many languages, but extra curricular activities are also to be held. Its results are given through tests every semester, evaluated according to rating system.

Firstly, multi cultural individual must possess integral world view, through his own culture directed towards other culture is to be considered as multi cultural individual. To know mother tongue and foreign languages widens individual’s world view, it opens a way to multi development. Patience and knowing the world widely form a habit. To know native culture deeply is to make a fundament of interest to other languages, to get to know multi culture is to make a fundament of spiritual enrichment and development.


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4.     S.Kaliev The Theoretical Bases and History of Kazakh Ethnopedagogics. Manual. – Almaty, Bilim, - 280 p.

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