Botagoz Talgatovna Kerimbaeva – making for degree of doctor, department of general pedagogics and ethnopedagogics


Place of occupation: department of general pedagogics and ethnopedagogics, International Kazakh-Turkish University by H.A. Yasaui. E-mail:


Post address: 160400, Kentau Institute of International Kazakh-Turkish University by H.A. Yasaui, the B. Momyshuly Street 65, the Kentau town, South-Kazakhstan oblast, the republic of Kazakhstan.



Nowadays English language plays a lot of roles in the modern era of globalization. Regardless of how one views English as a second language, globally, a lot of people are interested in acquiring English proficiency.

One option for teaching English as a foreign language in technical university is using competent approach. Nowadays the globalization era has affected  peoples’ lives which demand people to build networks across nations and languages as well as to build interdependencies. This era of   information is not only occuring in terms of knowledge and  technology but also in terms of politics, social economy, culture as well as education. These development challenges give implications towards the important roles of education to produce qualified human resources.

As the agents of changes, electeoenergetics always have the demand to up-date their knowledge and improve their professionalism. In their hands, the quality of technical resources is trained and established which determine the future of the technicues; so if electroenergetics are not qualified and professional, it can not be imagined how qualified technical resources can be produced. This reality virtually puts the role of electroenergetic as one of paramount importance and becomes a real challenge which must be countinously improved.

Examples of the particular results includes the following: engineers in teaching and engineers out of teaching process demonstrate the similar communication characteristics, and very rarely differences: electroenergetics  (professionals in practical process) choose the indulgence style of conflict resolution frequently than non-engineers. The conclusion is that teaching work doesn’t make spontaneous socialization of communication competence at the communication level formative to more effective teaching interaction. It is necessary to teach teachers’ communication skills both at the initial education level for the teaching work, and continually in the professional domain.[1]

Competence is translated from the Latin «competentia» means a subject a person is versed in, a special area of knowledge and experience. A person who is competent in a certain area possesses a certain standard of knowledge and skills which makes it possible for him to judge soundly about this very area and act efficiently in it.

         The idea of «competence» is not a new one in methodology of teaching foreign languages of the future electroenergetics.

         Competence is a totality of interrelated qualities of a person (knowledge, skills, experience, command of methods of working), assigned with respect to a certain sphere of objects and processes and necessary for efficient and productive activity in respect to them [2].

Level of Competence refers to the possession of a relevant competence including a personal attitude towards it and towards the object of activity.

Competence is understood as a requirement (norm) relation to the standard of achievement of  the future specialist and Level of Competence is understood as his personal quality or totality of qualities and a minimum experience in the relevant activity. A level of competence achieved is always something which has a personal dimension to it, which is reflected in the future specialists’ personal qualities.

         In recent investigations the following functions of competence and level of competence in relation to the personality of the future specialists are singled out [3]:

·        reflect and develop personal relevance to the future electroenergetics of the objects under study;

·        characterize the personal component of a  the future specialist’s education, the degree of his abilities and practical skills;

·        set a minimum standard of experience in practical activities;

·        develop possibilities of solving real problems in everyday life – from common problems to professional and social ones;

·        they are many-dimensional – they certain to all the basic groups of personal qualities of the future specialist to be developed ;

·        represent integral characteristics of the quality of the future specialist’s  training;

·        in the aggregate, they determine and reflect the functional competence of the future specialist.

Functions and content of educational competence:

·        multifunctional, in as much as they let  the future specialists to solve problems of different spheres of life;

·        they are shaped by means of the contents of education;

·        they give a possibility to construct purposes, the contents of education (Educational standards) and educational technologies as a system;

·        they transcend individual subjects – through separate elements or as a whole they are present in different subjects and educational spheres.

·        allow to use theoretical knowledge to solve specific problems;

·        allow to pick out clear criteria to assess the  success of students in achieving the purposes and aims in question;

·        are verified in the process of performing a certain series of actions.

Educational competence is a totality of interconnected semantic orientations, knowledge, skills and the future specialists of electroenergetics’ experience which are necessary for performing personally and socially relevant productive activities in relation to the objects of reality[4].

Structural components of educational competence:

·        name;

·        type in their general hierarchy (key, general subject, subject);

·        circle of objects of reality with respect to which the competence is introduced;

·        its determination by social and practical factors as well as its significance (why and what for it is necessary in society) ;

·        personal significance/relevance of competence (in what and what for the future specialist of electroenergetics has to be competent);

·        knowledge of a range of objects of reality;

·        skills and experience related to this very range of real objects;

·        methods used in respect to them;

·        minimal standard of experience of the future specialists of electroenergetics in the sphere of competence;

·        «indicators» - tests and tasks which are used to determine the level of a the future specialists of electroenergetics’ competence.

Communicative competence is an ability to solve by means of language communicative problems important for an individual and for society, arising in the everyday, educational, professional or cultural spheres of life. It is an ability to realize competence in different situations of communication [5]. Communicative competences have been discussed for a long time and are used by specialists in the area of methods of teaching foreign languages where the communicative competence is also analyzed.

Professional competences are the system of knowledge, skills, abilities and motivational disposition which provide the effective realization of the professional activities. The future specialists of electroenergetics’ professional competences are determined by the social-interaction characteristics of the instructional process. Professional competence is ability for successful professional activity. It includes knowledge of theory and other sciences which are important for a successful and effective activity of the future specialists of electroenergetics, possession of professional skills (constructive, organizational, and communicative) and skills in organizing professional activity and in the management of this activity. Professional competence is one of the main goals of training of the future specialists of electroenergetics in any Technical University [6].

Generally educational competence is an ability to make use of rational ways of intellectual work and to make independent progress in the chosen area of study .

Subject competence is a totality of knowledge, experience, skills which are formed during the process of studying a subject. Subject competence, acquired during the process of studying educational subjects and characterizing a certain level of activity, includes the some types of competence .

Functional competence refers to the ability to accomplish communication purposes in activity. There are a number of different kinds of purposes for which people commonly use language .

The pragmatic aspects of communicative competence are those that have to do with how theory is used in communication situations to achieve some practical purposes [7.

Social Competence is an ability to have communicated successfully with other people. A wish for entering communication is explained by the presence of need, motives, a definite attitude toward the future partners of communication and personal experience. An ability to enter communication requires an ability to behave adequately in a social situation and to manage it. 

Summarizing from the findings above, it can be stated that competency-based curriculum is not entirely applied by most of the scientists under observation. The ‘competency’ is applied in the level of professional activities and even though it is applied in the practice, the application only touched the ‘surface’ level and did not really touch the intended level expected by the curriculum, yet. Based on this reality, it can be stated the key competencies of the future specialists of electroenergetics were not adequately performed. For that reason it is suggested that the keycompetencies need to be continuously improved not by theoretical training only but also by providing them with concrete models and examples through workshops.

The analysis of research sources and teaching practice shows that for realization competent approach in professional training it is necessary to form communicative competence on the base of professional activities of the future specialists of electroenergetics.

In conclusion we can say that he realization of competent approach technologies suggested by the author in professional training of future specialists of electroenergetics connects with the modernization of educational process, the renovation of content of English language course; in addition it reflects professional training of future specialists. Suggested by the author theoretical parts of the research is considered as the base for professional training of the future specialists of electroenergetics using competent approach in higher education.





1.Hymes D. On communicative competens.In: J.B.Pride and J.Holmes.Sociolinguistics-Middlesex:Penguin Books LTD, 1972.-67

2. M.Canale, M.Swain.From communicative competence to communicative language pedagogy. Language and Communication. London: Longman, 1983. - 122 p.

3. Brown G., Malmkjaer K., Williams J.Performance and competence in Second Language Acquisition.- Cambridge University Press, 1996. – 25-34 p

4. Littlewood W. Communicative Language Teaching. An Introduction. – Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1981 – 33 p.

5. Brumfit S. Communicative Methodology in Language Teaching – Cambridge,  Cambridge University Press, 1984 – 88 p.

6. Chomsky N. Syntactic structure. New York, 1957.- 80 p.

7. Widdowson H.G. Aspects of Language Teaching.-Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990.-218-260 p. 





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äîì. òåë. 87253630848, ã.Êåíòàó óë. Àëü-Ôàðàáè 88 êâ 116

ìàãèñò ôèëîëîãèè, Kerimbaeva-bota@