Филологические науки/3.Теоретические и методологические

проблемы исследования языка


Guseinova E. I.,  Galynska A. V.

Sumy National Agrarian University, Ukraine


Linguistic Genderology


The term “gender” appeared in the contemporary linguistic paradigm much later, than in other humanities, namely in the second half of XX century. Originally works in this field and the first systemic descriptions of male and female peculiarities of speech were made on the basis of German and Romanic language groups. But starting with the middle of the nineties the researches in this sphere began to develop rapidly. Nowadays this process is so swift, that it is possible to speak confidently about the appearance of a new branch of Linguistics – Linguistic genderology (or “Gender linguistics”).

Though “gender” is not a linguistic category, the analysis of language structures enables us to get the information about the role of the gender in this or that culture; about the behavioral norms, fixed in various texts for men and women; about the way the concept of gender norms, femininity and masculinity changes in time; which stylistic peculiarities can be rendered as purely female or male; how femininity and masculinity are conceived and interpreted in different languages and cultures. Thus, language study helps determine by means of which linguistic mechanisms the manipulation with gender stereotypes becomes possible.

D. Spender claims that language in its essence is initially predisposed to the establishment of a man’s superiority in the society. This statement provoked heated discussions concerning the problem: if such phenomena are caused by the fact, that language creates reality, or if words, which are at our disposal, are irrelevant to the mental processes.

At the present stage there is a number of works, where an attempt of systemic understanding and language description is made in connection with the phenomenon of sex; where a theoretical model of a gender is created and the systematization of methodological approaches to the research of the gender problem in linguistics is done. The questions, connected with the elaboration of a system of linguistic research of a gender, with creation of concepts in gender researches, are at the moment regarded of a paramount importance in modern linguistics.

Generally, when studying the problems of correlation between gender and language, we can distinguish three main approaches:

A purely gender approach comes to interpretation of an exclusively social nature of male and female language and is aimed at revealing of those semantic differences, which can be explained by peculiarities of redistribution of social power in society. For all that “male” or “female” language is defined as a certain functional derivative from the basic language, used in those cases, when speech partners are on different levels of social hierarchy.

A socio–psycholinguistic approach - reduces scientifically the “female” and “male” language to the peculiar features of language behavior of sexes. For scientists, working in this direction, statistics or determination of average parameters have a fundamental importance and are a basic for creation of psycholinguistic theories of male and female types of speech behavior.

The representatives of the third direction emphasize a cognitive aspect of distinctions in the language behavior of sexes.

In the modern scientific paradigm all three approaches are considered to be complementary and only in their integrity they possess an explanatory power. A.V.Kirilina, making the more detailed and systemic analysis of linguistic genderology’s problems, distinguishes six basic tendencies, which can be differentiated conceptually, as well as from the point of view of methodology and the character of material under investigation: sociolinguistic gender researches, feminist linguistics, gender researches proper (studying speech behavior of both sexes), researches of masculinity (the youngest direction which appeared in the end of XX century), psycholinguistic researches, cross-cultural, linguo-cultural researches including the hypothesis of gender subcultures.

At the same time A.V. Kirilina considers, that the given classification is rather relative, and all these schools have much in common, since similar problematic and the object of research are characteristic for all groups listed above.

First of all, as a rule, the correlation between the language and sex become the object of research, i. e. the question  of how sex  is manifested in the language – nominative system, lexicon, syntax, the category of gender, etc. The main aim of such researches is the description and explanation of how sex is shown in the language, what estimations are ascribed to men and women in language and in what semantic fields they are the most widespread.

In the second place, the aim of gender researches in language can be considered as studying of speech behavior of sexes, the allocation and the description of male and female speech pattern’s features. Thus, the researches are more often held from the point of view of socio–cultural determinism, or within the theory of biodeterminism.

In the third place, it is necessary to emphasize that gender researches in linguistics are often of an interdisciplinary and comparative character.

In the fourth place, practically any area of linguistics can be viewed from the point of view of gender.

Finally, the gender problematic in linguistics has a pronounced applied character, and particularly within this research paradigm a great number of successful attempts were made in the course of language planning and reforming.      

Reference Literature:

1.     Горошко Е. И., Кирилина А. В. Гендерные исследования в лингвистике сегодня // Гендерные исследования. – 1999. - №2 – С. 234 – 241.

2.     Кирилина А. В. Гендер: лингвистические аспекты. – М.: Институт социологии РАН, 1999. – 180с.

3.     Колосова О. А. Когнитивные основания в языковых категориях. (На материале современного английского языка): Дис… докт. филол. наук. – М., 1996. – 212с.

4.     Спендер Д. Язык, созданный мужчиной. – Нью-Йорк: Харпер Коллинз, 1986. – 153с.