Филологические науки\
5.Методы и приемы контроля уровня владения иностранным языком.
К.филол.н., доцент МИТИНА Е.М.
государственный университет внутренних дел
important feature of present society development is expanding process of
informatization. The global Internet, today, is the undisputed leader
among telecommunication technologies.
The result of social and economic reforms become the increased level of foreign
languages skills. Practical language skills are the most important
characteristics of any professional profile. Order of modern society for
formation of communicative and intercultural competence of students involves,
above all, providing motivational training.
One of
illustrations of rapid introduction of information technologies into the life
of worldwide network -Internet which is characterized by unprecedented in the
history of communications technology growth. The prototype of Internet is
computer network Arpanet, was created in 1969 commissioned by the U.S.
Department of Defense to link computers in all the centers of missile defense,
which provided military superiority over the Soviet Union on military
technology. The Internet is relatively "young" invention, however,
the principles for creating web, defined the direction of development for
decades to come. The main requirements for this system: universality (possibility of combining disparate computer), reliability (preservation performance,
even in violation of relationship between its various parts), flexibility (adding and removing nodes
must occur with minimal costs). The global computer network, born of military
and blessed by Vatican, and quickly proved to be active in all spheres of human
activity, including foreign and national education systems.
computer technology is an integral part of multimedia technologies. They are
regarded as information technology courses that integrate audio-visual
information of any form (text, graphics, animation, etc.). Due to these
achievements an interactive dialogue with system is implemented, and there are
various forms of independent activity of collecting and processing information.
technology is system of methods and tools aimed at guarantee achievement of
deductive aims, development of student’s personality, on formation of his\her
intellectual, behavioral and occupational status.
following steps are allocated in technological approach of teaching students:
to set goals, their maximum refinement and formulation with a focus on results;
preparation of training materials and direction of entire course of study in
accordance with educational objectives; assessment of current results,
correction of training, main requirement of which is to achieve their goals;
final evaluation of results.
of training - is a sequence of (not necessarily strictly ordered) procedures
and operations, which represent a coherent didactic system, implementation of which in educational
practice leads to achievement of
guaranteed aims of education and training.
are several main areas of application of new information technologies in
teaching and education management (A.Andreev, V.Baikov, E. Karelova, E.
Polat and others):
Implementation of various forms of learning: individual, collective,
autonomous, distance;
- Using
of computer telecommunications in education;
Training of professional use of
information technology in education management;
- using
of information technology in educational research.
Internet the possibility of using computers in teaching of foreign language is
unusually wide. Training materials based on multimedia hypertext technology
have several advantages, first of all - it's new facilities of educational material presentation related
with using of visual and auditory clarity.
and graphical tools for conditional visibility (tables, diagrams, drawings,
graphs, charts, audio-visual aids, etc.) that are the main blocks of print and
electronic educational materials play an important role in intellectual
cognitive activity of students. From the visibility, clarity, sense of
completeness and other useful properties of material depends on theoretical
perception of educational information, understanding of it, learning and consolidation
of knowledge. Tools of modern information technologies improve the quality of
visual information, it becomes brighter, more colorful, more dynamic.
advantage of using Internet is accessible to a large number of authentic
information in foreign language. Materials, taken from original sources, are
characterized by the naturalness of lexical content and grammatical forms of
situational appropriateness of language used, illustrates the usage of
authentic cases which, although not specifically designed for educational
purposes, but may be used in teaching foreign languages.
processes are patterns in development of modern education. These educational
research shows that many scientists working in this direction (A.Andreev, M.
Clarin, E.Polat, A. Uvarov), paying particular attention to the need for new
forms, methods and tools that cause activation of cognitive activity of
students. One of these solutions was the development of project activities
concept using Internet as an innovative educational platform of information and
communication technologies.
of teaching turn into learning process technology, where, in addition to
traditional subjects of the educational process (teachers, students, academic
staff), there is a didactic and information medium.
(individual, group) of students using Internet involves the using of new
teaching technologies that encourage the disclosure of internal resources of
each student and at the same time contributing to formation of social personality traits.
aim of learning of foreign language in high school is communicative - formation
of communicative competence. It is the ability to extract sufficient
information when reading foreign language texts, the ability to correctly understand
the interlocutor to express his\her thoughts, views, orally and in writing. The
communicative orientation of language learning is provided both by material,
method of working with it and form of its organization. One of them is a
didactic virtual medium, on the base of which an effective educational process
emerges. Educational aim is to improve the linguistic knowledge, skills,
abilities, ability to cross-cultural interaction of students, and this is base
of Internet functioning.
C. (2006) "Distance learning of foreign languages", Language Teaching
39, 4: 247-264.
S.- HARDISTY, D.- EASTMENT, D. (2000) The Internet (Resource Books for
Teachers). Oxford: Oxford University Press.