Ph.D. in Philosophy, Ass. Pr. Tsepeleva N.V.

Novosibirsk State Medical University, Russia

Immanuel Kant and N.O. Lossky

about the problems of morality



N.O. Lossky acquainted with the teachings of Kant, through his teacher A.A. Vvedensky, famous Kantian. Lossky himself specifically undertook translation of Kant's writings to their own understanding of Kant's terminology, and in the teachings of German philosopher. Russian thinker, unlike his German colleague believed in principle impossible to consider epistemological issues outside the scope of the metaphysical. Nevertheless, Lossky far from foggy mysticism and developed a "scientific" metaphysics, brought him to the philosophy and modern achievements of science. Lossky states that the most powerful enemy of metaphysics, it has created in the XIX century, the negative attitude of broad sections of society - is Immanuel Kant, who believed that metaphysics as a science is impossible. Metaphysics in Kant has a right to exist only as a belief system based on faith. N.O. Lossky's never been interested in epistemological problems by itself. He was not a pure epistemologist. Rightly remark N.G. Baranets "Epistemology Russian philosophical renaissance was applied nature, as through it was proved the possibility and necessity of metaphysics" [1. P. 21]. The fundamental rejection of metaphysics in Western philosophy, which has criticized Lossky, making it impossible to justify the reality, drove to the existence of pure thought. Therefore, Lossky is taken for justification of metaphysics, but as the negation of metaphysics Kant was based on "scientific" epistemology, then Lossky refers to the problems of knowledge.

However, a not only epistemological issue has attracted Lossky in the teaching of Kant. Russian thinker interested in the autonomy of morality and the relationship of good and duty, the relationship of religion and morality.

First of all, it should be noted that Lossky, like Kant, rejects the relativity of morality and ethical absolutism argues, that is, the presence of a single absolute moral ideal. However, the construction of an adequate ethical theory philosopher considers possible on the basis of religious experience.

In Lossky, like his predecessor V. Solovyov, faith is an essential element of knowledge. She brings integrity to the structure of knowledge, confirms the existence of an absolute outside of discourse and acts as a mystical experience. In Kant's faith leads to the absolute beginning, based on the moral necessity. For Kant, the mystical content of faith - a personal experience, which must remain outside the scope of scientific methodology? However, if Vladimir Solovyov believed that the credibility of faith can not be based on the necessity of moral standards, there is no Lossky criticizes the moral belief of Kant. Probably due to the proximity of its position of moral theology of Kant.

Lossky, like Kant, rationalizes religion, sees Christianity only as a doctrine of morality. Speaking for the union autonomous and heteronymous good in contrast to Kant, Lossky actually stands for heteronymous ethics. Perceiving Christian moral principles in the relations of "subject-object", raising morale in the rank of universal law, associating morality and spirituality, Lossky rationalize Christianity, reducing it to the teachings of morality. Russian thinker considers categories of moral all existence, the cosmos, creating metaphysical moralism. It is noteworthy that Lossky does not create a per se doctrine of man, so the ethical teachings of the thinker does not contain an anthropological dimension. In the ideal-realism Lossky's moral standards imposed by the Creator from the outside, for the violation of which That rewards or punishes. Hence, it is legal (fair) relating m to morality and religion, and finally to the person that quite contradicts the idea theonomous ethics of love Lossky's.

Itself Lossky writes that his ethics is not heteronymous because its rules are binding, not because of external events, such as pleasure, threats, rewards, fear of God, etc., but because the content of this ethics is valuable in itself a. But the principle teonomizma includes securities of autonomous ethics as stated here the idea that moral rules are not happening the will of man, and contain the proper discretion of the objective value. This ethic is unconditional.

In our opinion, the ethics of heteronomy due to the fact that the rules of natural morality of natural man. This is its essence of man. In addition, Christian values ​​are outside of God. The autonomy of morality - it is not «self legislation», self-realization of moral standards based on human freedom.  Do not follow the moral laws imposed from outside, and creative implementation of moral norms on the basis of love. N.O. Lossky formulates his categorical imperative. He writes: "Love God more than himself, love thy neighbor as thyself; attains an absolute fullness of life for themselves and all other creatures, etc." [3. P. 278].

Through a combination of the principles of autonomy and teonomy by Lossky, lost the temptation of pride inherent in the concept of autonomy. Autonomy Kant's is based on «self legislation». Kant understands by the idea of ​​autonomy obedience to the law, a person who formulates for himself. In theonomous ethics Lossky's there is  not «self legislation» because moral norms are not created voluntarily man but contain the proper discretion of the objective value. In this man's freedom is remains. In theonomous ethics developed an entirely different concept of duty than that of Kant.

As part of the judgment of the moral consciousness of right and duty interrelated. Lossky notes this relationship and says that the due caused by as a good value, and conversely, a real good is possible as a virtue, that is, as a practical and active person pursuant to the debt. In this vein, Lossky observes that theonomous ethics is not only a means must be such, and not otherwise specifically provided the goal, but also its ultimate goals are established for granted. Itself ought explained by reference to the fact that the content of this ultimate goal is something valuable in itself, worthy, sublime. "It is not because of external orders coming from some authority ... the content of the ultimate goal is recognized properly, ought here arises as a natural complement to the discretion of the objective dignity of purpose. Therefore, it is unconditional, it is a categorical imperative: love God more than himself, love thy neighbor as thyself; attains an absolute fullness of life for themselves and all others ... "[5. P.68]. Ñëîâàðü

In other words, ought here arises as a natural complement to the discretion of the objective dignity of purpose. Lossky writes that many people's lives is often reduced to fulfill the imperative of duty, going through a painful, depressing and boring, but it says only what is good when the debt is not fully implemented, in perfect form. "Indeed, - the philosopher develops his thought - if the execution of debt and disappointing results in the impoverishment of a boring life, then this means that it is caused not so much love to the suffering person, as the fear of public opinion or fear of punishments beyond the grave, etc. motives, or whether it indicates laziness, untalented, inability to make a creative moment in the little things in life, generally on the imperfections associated ultimately with the moral shortcomings of personality "[5. P. 159].

The philosopher said that the demands of Christian theonomous ethics can not be proven scientifically, if a scientific approach to understand just a sensual experience and its mathematical treatment. Lossky recognizes a person more subtle forms of experience and speculation (intellectual intuition). The starting point of intellectual intuition is the axiological experience that is the direct perception of the objective of absolute values due to high feelings, intentionally directed at them. Along with the axiological experience is crucial to moral experience that opens the requirements of the absolute ideal of perfection and includes the voice of conscience. Then there is a religious experience in which God reveals himself as the supreme value and the most worthy object of love.

Thus, the epistemological quest Russian thinker were a kind of justification for the right to exist of metaphysical knowledge. Ethics Lossky is based also the metaphysics. N.O. Lossky connects religion and morality, believing it impossible the existence of morality without religious foundations. The Russian philosopher goes after axiological tradition that places the good higher debt and sees a natural addition to the duty of absolute goodness. It is the duty of philosophy at Lossky has a subordinate position, so no higher duty of good, but due to the good.

Kant's philosophy was estimated Russian thinker in general as an abstract, subjective, bad, despite some interest in Kant's methodology and terminology. In this metaphysical ideal-realism created by Lossky, is in his understanding of propaedeutics to religious knowledge and faith. In this sense, the philosophical works of the Russian thinker demonstrates the development of personal religious intuition Lossky and it is a path to God.

1. Baranets N.G. Ontological and epistemological assumptions and Russian philosophical grounds Renaissance: symmary of dissertation Ph.D. in Philosophy. Nizhny Novgorod, 1998. 22 p.

2. Kant I. Collected Works: In 8 vols. Moscow: Nauka, 1994.

3. Lossky N. O. God and the world evil. AM: The Republic, 1994. 432 p.

4. Lossky N. O. Favourites. Moscow: Pravda, 1991. 611 p.

5. Lossky N. O. Conditions of absolute good: Fundamentals of Ethics. The nature of the Russian people. M. Politizdat, 1991. 368 p.