Философия\3. История философии


EH Simonenko,

Far Eastern Federal University, Department of education chair in the field of east languages and oriental studies, senior lecture, Russia


In this article we consider the influence of Eastern philosophy on the Russian religious mind. A similar effect is explained by the fundamental and cultural role of Eastern religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Chinese Buddhism).

We found a similarity between the religious Russian sect of eunuchs with ways to achieve immortality in Taoist and Hindu. In doctrine of eunuchs, in Taoism, and Hinduism, we see the intuitive idea of the three peoples of the semen as a vital spiritual essence, waste is deadly, and the accumulation of - life-giving. Taoism in China as the preaching of longevity and immortality arose in the VI-III centuries. BC According to Taoism, the body appeared as a pure vessel filled with primeval ether, in which the developing embryo of immortality. In order to preserve their life and spiritual powers, the ancient Chinese thinkers, especially Taoists, put forward a "crazy idea" - the maximum intensification of sexual activity. The main thing in this idea - minimize or even negate the ejaculation.

Moreover, Taoism, which is associated with most of the features of Chinese erotica, did not set its adherents purpose of procreation, and even, on the contrary, taught art to promote its prevention [2, p. 70]. If a person is not pouring semen (ching), and concentrates in itself, properly mixed with air - the essential substance of the universe Qi, instead of the banal birth of a child is born immortal - internal rebirth [2, p. 77]. To prevent ejaculation was conceived embryo of immortality - the true heavenly life within himself. From the Taoist point of view, the semen - the essential substance of man, the hypostasis of qi - should not be wasted, it's better not to spend, save, save in the vessel's own body. Also in the Taoist treatise, "The Canon of the way and grace in chapter 20 says:" For the person-body (shen), the accumulation of seed is by the grace of (de). " The ancient Chinese treatise Kuan-tzu Master Guan (VI-III centuries, BC) wrote: "The presence of semen (ching) means the birth of all things. Below are born five grains. At the top ranks of the stars formed. If it is hidden in the chest, it will be perfectly wise man "[2, p. 16].

 It is known that in the Indian religious systems of yoga, which developed a set of practical techniques and methods of control of everyday consciousness, feelings, sensations, as the stage of the formation of a special sensuous consciousness requires abstention (yama), i.e. suppression of the sexual instinct, which prevents the useless expenditure of vitality, nervous energy and promotes concentration, moderation [1, p. 190].

The religious  Russian sect of eunuchs emerged among the "whip" in the 60s of the XVIII century and represented a culmination of Russian sects. As he wrote, Rozanov, "In an era of congresses, and then Speransky Arakcheeva when you do not dare to stir" wrong ", not" the law ", nor a blade of grass - in St. Petersburg, in front of senior government formed by the society" [3, p. 334]. So he spoke of religious sects and whips eunuchs. The religious system of whips had nothing to do with any Christian church. Religious and Bacchus ecstasy was discovered whips and in no way was borrowed from the little-known ancient sects. These were the "Gaul’s" and "corybantic" literally - "shaking head" in the late Greco-Roman era, the Romans - College of the priests' Saliev ", or" horses ", and even earlier similar religious dances were used in ancient Finikinii and Syria [3, p. 328]. Therefore, we can assume that sexual abstinence as a way of spiritual renewal came a sect of eunuchs in China, namely, from Taoism.

It is believed that the religious beliefs of Russian sects borrowed from India and directly overlap with Buddhism and Jainism. For example, the Rozanov wrote that the whip-eunuchs were observed "unusual external signs of reverence, which provided for a meeting with one another, these people. "Brother", meeting somewhere in "brother" or "sister" - if there was no outsiders - baptized, and laid prostrate "before the image and likeness of God." The idea of god-like man was, thus, there is already quite familiar: they were all small "idols" ... "[3, p. 330].

In eastern countries, where Buddhism is prevalent, people greet each other with a nod, joining palms at chest level. Thus, they welcome the Buddha, which is located in each. According to the teachings of Buddhism, "every living creature endowed with the potential or Buddha nature is a potential Buddha," and that "The Buddha in the sutras preached the truth, that every creature is hidden germ of Buddha hood that every being has the ability to become a Buddha" [5, p. 22].

This explains the appearance in the local villages Khlyst "Christs" and "God". In the words of Rozanov, "Khlystyism us through some psychological or physiological quirk, has found a way (or illusion) of a" living gods "[3, p. 354].

In addition, in his book "In the dark light of religious" Rozanov on documentary describes the basics of cases burial old believed representatives of sects. Among the sects was tempted "in case of imprisonment, post it, that is, kill themselves starve to death "[4, p. 200]. It is known that extreme forms of asceticism from Jain monks deemed refusal of food, starvation.
The founder of the castration sect Kondraty Selivanov in the "Address" by emasculating called "my spirit be arranged, to connect the soul with the body, and to be with me in heaven rejoice" [3, p. 413]. In the emasculation of the product contains - joy, peace, the fullness of nature. In the Chinese manual on "The Art of Marriage chambers" Pure Virgin to question the Yellow Emperor on avoiding ejaculation said, "if you have sex without ejaculation, the forces will be in abundance, body and relax the senses sharpen. What are you calmer, the more delight "[2, p. 108]. The connection of soul and body by abstinence will give birth to them "the gift of prophecy and ecstasy" (rites). In the center of teaching - the exaltation of man: focus of constant ascending and descending currents of religious, always waiting for a "outpouring of the Holy Spirit." Sectarian took his ecstasies of truly divinely inspired, I felt that this divine inspiration flows from him, that he himself is the source of the divine. As Rozanov suggests that the seed in Russian myths and legends can be - the famous "living water", healing and reviving. By thinking about the fact that all (seed) is dissolved in the blood of castrate, and this blood - plays, as if with bubbles of oxygen in itself. Thus, the eunuchs have no idea what a seed is that they are at war against whose remains whole thing in them, have not spent, and will give birth to them "the gift of prophecy and ecstasy" (rites) [3, p. 403].

So, the spirit of a religious sect eunuchs took shape from the first centuries of Christianity. There are still facts of ancient self-castration who subjected themselves to the faithful not only simple, but even the priests in the III and VI centuries. Self-castration even subjected himself to a well-known teacher of the Church - Origen. Do Taoists achieve immortality was through the rejection of ejaculation, but did not expect rejection from sexual intercourse. The seed was seen as the Taoists the air similar substance, which is the accumulation of healing and reviving functions. Eunuchs have also suggested that if the "sin not to indulge in" the "spirit of the upgrade" and "soul resurrect". The idea of "resurrection", which was both immanent in Russian, has its roots in the East, namely China and India. Teaching eunuchs, in our opinion, represents a synthesis of ancient Eastern religions: Buddhism, Hinduism (Yoga, Jainism), and Taoism.

Thus, despite the fact that China and the East in general is some centered, closed on the culture and ideas move freely and borrowed another culture, thus influenced by Eastern philosophy, the Russian religious mind. In terms of modernization in Russia, continuing at the present time, the problem of cultural, religious borrowings and their perception is particularly relevant. XVIII century - a period of first modernization in Russia's history. Obviously, Eastern religions have been able to fill a gap in the spiritual life of the Russian Christian. The appearance of castrates' sect represented as the result of the fact that Christianity (the split between the Russian Orthodox Church) are not fully adapted to the conditions of the surrounding social and natural environment, and not all satisfy the religious needs of the population. Similar historical experiences influence of Eastern religions on Russian religious consciousness is very important for modern spiritual traditions.



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