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Ph.D. Olga Bondarenko
State Agricultural Academy, Russia
potential of synergetic approach to a problem of a sustainable development of
Modern scientific representation of
the region as dissipative system serves as methodological basis for
understanding of a sustainable development as problem of finding
"structural stability" of the region - effect of creation of
structural-attractors. At research of evolution of region under the attractor
we mean certain (limited) and surely relative balance of natural-social
integrity is understood certain (limiting) dynamical and, surely, the
development itself appears as a transition, alternating phases of chaos-order,
from a structurally stable state (attractor) to another.
Researches within the limits of synergetic
had led to opening of essentially new way of movement of open non-equilibrium
systems (and almost all real natural and social systems are such) to a state of
stability. Therefore, speaking about a sustainable development, first, it is
necessary to refuse traditional treatment of development as process of
transition from one ordered structure to another, i.e. as transition from one
ordered structure to another, i.e. as a transition from one order to another
order of only a more complex type. Secondly, removing the opposition of chaos
and order, to legitimize the instability as a source of formation of stable
structures. And, thirdly, to pass from a static ideal of completeness to the
dynamic ideal of integrity, i.e., focus of research in the region should be a
measure of uncertainty, while maintaining integrity as a dominant attribute of
the ordered structure. The future in this description appears not predetermined
and probabilistic, multiple-as synergetic does not, as it was before the social
theories, a set of specific social prescriptions.
From the point of view the synergetic methodology evolution of a
dynamical system of any nature as well as physical, and as social, acts as a
self-movement, determined primarily by endogenous factors and only secondarily
by exogenous - environmental exposures. Therefore, the stability of the region
is funded by its system properties that allow it to maintain operationally
channeled resistance in a conflict of interest of different social groups, a
conflict between society and nature, under conditions of uncertainty and risk.
In this context, the operational
stability expresses a typical feature of nonlinear understanding of dynamical
stability as a process of self-sustaining (the relative self-reproduction),
self-organizing system that is manifested in a characteristic region as
periodicity of development.
The essential component of
sustainable development of the region (as, indeed, sustainable development of
civilization as a whole), "prism" through which all aspects and sides
of sustainable development are considered, is a balanced (coherent) developing
within the region of the system. Elements (subsystems) are: people, society,
nature. The integrity of this system is reached by coordination of values,
goals and interests of every person resident in the region and society (state,
society, nations, nationalities, etc.), as well as the coherence of the social
and natural, especially that part of nature, which outlines boundaries of the
This integral system, having a
subject-object properties of the system "human-society-nature" during
functioning proves itself in different areas: spiritual, social, political,
economic, environmental, etc. Therefore, sustainable development of social,
political, economic, and other constituents (processes) are determined by
emergent properties of the whole, i.e. the region itself as an open non-linear
In the concept of a sustainable
development of region such dynamics (i.e. mobility of components of region) can
be expressed on the basis of a principle of "floating accents», giving to
the concept situational, dynamical, considering varying conditions and factors
character and a showing, what spectrum of a sustainable development should be
allocated today for special attention and consideration.
As a whole, it is possible to say
that the system of maintenance of a sustainable development of region consists
of two interconnected subsystems: system (mechanism) of self-organizing and
system (mechanism) of management. The self-organization mechanism
"works" at presence of coherent values, the purposes and interests of
inhabitants of region (taking into account the dissipation factor of
social-natural systems). This system reflects "soft" strategy of
maintenance of a sustainable development.
The second subsystem - a control
system, as well as any similar system, assumes forecasting, planning, the organization,
coordination, motivation, the control. Within the limits of a control system
there are subsystems: revealings of the internal and external conflicts
menacing to stability of region; a subsystem of removal of uncertainty as
reduction of information vacuum concerning strategy and tactics of development
of the most important directions and key spheres of ability to live of region;
a subsystem of use of risk, etc.
Leaning against the aforesaid, it is
possible to make main, though and not absolutely happy conclusion, initiated by
search of universal (synergy) patterns of existence of steady structures and
their disintegration, - comprehension of basic inability to provide
"operated" development of a civilization in whole or separated
territory with precisely set purposes. We can talk only about
"directed" development, that is about possibility to support
desirable tendencies and to overcome arising crises and accidents. In other
words, to realize a sustainable development our management of region
developments only can to be adaptive. Adaptability of management means a certain
measure of ability of operating system purposefully to influence objects of
management without destruction of their integrity in the transitive or settled
condition. In case of adaptive (directed) development the new steady condition
- attractor is understood as achievement of such condition of region which acts
as the development purpose.
In its turn, directed development
can be characterized as a measure of possibility of control system to maintain
the invariance of the basic (progressive) course of dynamic process. Synchronization
(harmonization) of managerial processes and region self-development in an ideal
variant leads to occurrence of coherent, resonant communications between
operating and operated systems. It is possible to tell, that the first and a
main point defining a sustainable development of region is served by the
coherence factor of adaptive management and internal potentialities of region.
Let's notice that an objective basis
of application of a principle of adaptive management (it is possible to name it
as a principle of directed development) as methodological principle of strategy
of a sustainable development of region, is such integral property of open
systems as equifinality. Equifinality in application to region means possibility
of achievement of the same final (planned) condition at various entry
conditions with help of the account of internal laws of self-organizing and
interaction with environment (with other regions, the countries, etc.). Thus,
the region sustainable development appears as synchronization of processes of
structurization and functioning natural, social, spiritual, etc. subsystems,
providing an optimum mode of development of region by means of mechanisms of
self-organizing and adaptive management.
Today we have all bases to approve
that the synergetic acts not only the most general theory of self-organizing,
but also as a conceptual basis of the decision of a problem of a sustainable
development of region. Therefore modern regional-studyes is urged to include not
simply corresponding achievements in the field of synergetic in the scientific
arsenal, but also based on synergetic approach to develop new methodology of
administrative activity, leaning, first of all on its fundamental principles,
such as self-organizing, disequilibrium, nonlinearity, irreversibility and
Ascertaining of universality of
listed above principles suggests that they should be considered as the certain
conceptual bases of any sort of human activity, including activity in the field
of management of regional development. As region as difficult social-natural
integrity possesses all necessary patterns defining ability of system to self-organizing.
It gives to a problem of conformity of administrative influences of subjects to
internal potentialities of operated system to self-regulation and self-organizing
a special urgency.
This conclusion focuses an
administrative science to search and allocation in functioning and development
of difficult systems of the main things, leading variables (so-called, «order parameters»)
to which all other parameters of system are arranged. Corresponding influence
on these parameters is urged to provide adequacy of behavior of operated
systems to administrative efforts of subjects according to the set purpose. For
such synergetic acupuncture art to "operate" difficult systems of
society is still necessary to be learned. For, as a matter of fact, it is that
even insufficiently studied way of the decision of a problem of a sustainable
development at which influence is carried out, mainly, at microlevel, and
results arise at macrolevel, i.e. at level of all operated system (region, the
country, a civilization etc.).