The principles of arbitration assessors participation in arbitration legal proceedings of the Russian Federation.


Chikulaev Roman Vladimirovich. The Perm State University.

The senior lecturer of chair of civil law and process. cand. of sciences, docent.

The arbitration assessor of the Arbitration court of the Perm region.


         Russia enters into a new historical stage of its sociopolitical and legal system development. It is caused by integration into processes  of the European Union activity, requirements of participation in the World Trade Organization, in efforts of the developed countries of Europe and America on economic crisis overcoming. In this aspect special value is got by perfection juridical country system, including legal proceedings. In the majority of the developed countries the judicial permission of affairs of economic character, disputes with participation of subjects of enterprise activity as among themselves, and with the state, it is allocated in a separate branch of judicial authority. This problem is carried out by specially created judicial bodies -  economic courts (for example, in a number of the countries of Europe and the CIS). In the Russian conditions the tradition of formation of the specialised bodies which are resolving trials with participation of enterprises, had result creation of arbitration courts as integral part of judicial system of the state.

            Development of modern judicial system and system of arbitration legal proceedings in particular has received an impulse in 1991, with acceptance of the Concept of judicial reform[1] and the USSR Law «About the status of judges». The Russian law «About the status of judges»[2] has been accepted on June, 26th, 1992, and the concept "judicial authority" was included into the new Constitution of Russia in 1993. In process of formation of market economy and formation of the democratic state by authorities repeatedly the certificates directed on perfection of judicial system (e.g., the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation «About measures on realisation of the concept of judicial reform in the Russian Federation» from November, 22nd, 1994 ¹ 2100)[3] were accepted. 

            Periodically authorities and judicial community address to a theme of modernisation of judicial system, and it is possible to consider this process continuous.[4]

            In its turn, construction of system of arbitration legal proceedings occurred in parallel and in an interconnection to formation of the judicial mechanism of the Russian state as a whole. A basis of it has became the Law of RSFSR «About arbitration court» from July, 04th, 1991,[5] and the Arbitration Remedial Code of the Russian Federation from March, 05th, 1992,[6] on change to which as a result of judicial reform of 90th has come the Arbitration Remedial Code of the Russian Federation from May, 05th, 1995.[7]  These certificates in itself did not contain particular norms about realisation of justice with participation of other persons, except professional judges.

  However, along with it, to execute positions of the Concept of judicial reform, the acceptance of the Federal law «About introduction in action of the Arbitration Remedial Code of the Russian Federation»[8] there was a significant event - introduction in a legal turn of concept of the arbitration assessor as special remedial figure of justice. According to article 8 of the named law, the Supreme Arbitration Court of Russia has started experiment carrying out on disposal of legal proceeding with attraction of arbitration assessors. It has been established that experiment is spent by joint disposal of legal proceeding in the first instance, term of carrying out of experiment has been established in three years. For the first time the general requirements to arbitration assessors have been defined: persons, «possessing special knowledge and experience in sphere of enterprise and other economic activities» could be them. Also the general approach to legal status of the arbitration assessor, assuming was established that the assessor "takes part" in consideration of action of proceeding and decision-making on it on a level with professional judges. Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation had been defined an order of carrying out of experiment, arbitration courts where experiment was made and the list of arbitration assessors is confirmed.

The experiment on participation of assessors in arbitration justice has been recognised by successful and the institute of arbitration assessors has been entered into the national legislation by the Federal law «About arbitration assessors of arbitration courts of the Russian Federation regions» from 4/11/2001,[9] operating in an update and now. From a position of a specially-legal regulation of arbitration process the order of participation of arbitration assessors is provided and operating Arbitration Remedial Code of the Russian Federation from July, 24th, 2002.[10]

            With their participation, realised in corresponding rules of law, in modern conditions it is possible to classify and characterise main principles of activity of arbitration assessors and arbitration legal proceedings as follows.

            1. Status principles. The order of acquisition of the status of the arbitration assessor and requirements made to its are established legislatively and provide such base characteristics as: full capacity, citizenship of the Russian Federation, possibility when due hereunder powers on realisation of justice, the age qualification from 25 years till 70 years, faultless reputation, the higher vocational training, the work experience in sphere of economic, financial, legal, administrative or enterprise activity not less than five years, absence of the factors interfering acquisition of the status (for example, a previous conviction, a condition on the account in a narcological or psychoneurological clinic, a finding on the state or municipal service, realisation of separate kinds of activity - the attorney, the notary, the private detective, the military man, the employee of special services).

           It is lawful to carry to number of status principles and norms of the law on compensation of work of the arbitration assessor, which: 1) first of all assume a payment of activity of the assessor, 2) define rates of commission. It is remarkable that a basis for definition of rate of commission is the official salary of the judge of  the region arbitration court.

          At last, major of status principles is the establishment of legislative definiteness concerning special personal guarantees for the arbitration assessor. Such guarantees can be subdivided conditionally on 1) the general (preservation of average earnings in a place of work, the seniority, others labor and social guarantees), 2) special (independence and inviolability). It is possible to notice that concerning last group of norms-principles the position of the legislator varied. So in edition of the Federal law operating throughout eight years «About arbitration assessors of Arbitration courts of the Russian Federation regions», on the arbitration assessor all guarantees of inviolability and the activity, established for judges and members of their families the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal constitutional law «About judicial system of the Russian Federation», the Law of the Russian Federation «About the status of judges in the Russian Federation», the Federal law «About jurymen of federal courts of the general jurisdiction in the Russian Federation» extended.

            Difficult to tell, how much successful was such legal design. On the one hand, granting of the arbitration assessor with all powers of the judge by a legal investigation is logical corresponded with an establishment of adequate guarantees of independence and inviolability. On the other hand, granting to the citizen - to the arbitration assessor who is not the professional judge, all without an exception of the rights of the judge, logically would mean, for example, granting also the rights to storage and carrying of office fire-arms that looks not quite reasonable.

            Definiteness has been reached in modern edition of the Federal law «About arbitration assessors of arbitration courts of the Russian Federation» from 6/29/2009 which extends to the arbitration assessor not everything, but only a part of the guarantees established for professional judges. And problem in this part the exception from among such guarantees special (established for judges) an order of prosecuting of the arbitration assessor to criminal and administrative responsibility is represented to the most disputable. Interpretation of the Law leads to a conclusion that on the arbitration assessor the general order of bringing to account established for all citizens extends, even in case such prosecution will be connected with realisation of assessors activity. 

   2. Procedural principles. For acquisition of the status of the arbitration assessor unconditional performance of some requirements and passage of some the procedures established by the law is necessary. So offers on nominees of arbitration assessors can put forward by a direction in arbitration court of the region  of Russian Federation the special organisations: commercial and industrial chambers, associations and associations of businessmen, others public and professional associations. Generated on the basis of such promotion of nominees lists of arbitration assessors are represented by arbitration courts to the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation then affirm Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, and are without fail published in «the Bulletin of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation». Thus the question on criteria of selection of the persons who are subject to inclusion in lists directed on the statement, from total number of the put forward nominees, the law is not defined. It is represented that such selection is made by corresponding arbitration court of the subject of federation under own discretion taking into account observance of status principles.

3. Restrictive principles. The law establishes is minimum necessary limiting number of arbitration assessors of arbitration court of the subject of the Russian Federation in double quantity in relation to number of judges of the given arbitration court. Thus the maximum number is not limited to the law and in practice admits equal is minimum necessary, however, at literal interpretation of the law, can be more. Also the law provides the general deadline of stay of the citizen in the status of the arbitration assessor which makes two years and may be renewed only in a case when the legal investigation with participation of the assessor has not been ended after its powers.

4. “Stop” principles. Such principles can be allocated in view of presence in the law of the special norms providing the termination of the status of the arbitration assessor both on its will, and irrespective of it. So the termination of powers of the arbitration assessor (that, in law interpretation, means the termination and its legal status) occurs as in case of the expiry of the term of powers, and ahead of schedule: at the termination of the Russian citizenship, condemnation of the arbitration assessor by a court sentence on criminal case, its recognition incapacitated or capable in part, fulfilment of the belittling judicial authority act, performance of the activity not compatible to the status according to the law. Powers of the arbitration assessor stop also his death (a recognition died). On will of the arbitration assessor of its power can be stopped on the basis of the personal statement referring to "good reasons".

In the cases assuming possibility of preservation of the status of the arbitration assessor for future time, namely in cases of a presentation of charge on criminal case, recognitions it is unknown absent, inability for "good reasons", including through illness, to fulfil the duties, powers of the assessor stop. 

The federal law «About arbitration assessors of arbitration courts of the Russian Federation regions» in editions from 6/29/2009 has brought variety of specifications in questions of activity of arbitration assessors, including concerning the termination and stay of their powers. So it is established that stay of powers is carried out by the order of the chairman of arbitration court, and the termination - by the order of Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation on representation of the chairman of arbitration court of the region of the Russian Federation. Uncertainty of some vital issues thus remains, for example, that is meant "good reasons", than their presence proves to be true and whether the termination of powers of the assessor under its personal statement without references to "good reasons" (for example, on family or industrial circumstances, in the absence of sufficient time for performance of duties, etc.) is possible, for example, 

5. Remedial principles. Unlike all principles set forth above directly following from norms of the Federal law «About arbitration assessors of arbitration courts of the Russian Federation regions» (or norms of other laws on which the specified law contains direct references), remedial principles are based on norms, first of all, the arbitration remedial legislation. The basic  laws are the Federal Constitutional Law «About arbitration courts in the Russian Federation»[11] and the Arbitration Remedial Code of the Russian Federation. Last act certificate enters a remedial figure of the arbitration assessor article 17 point 1, establishing possibility of formation of the joint judicial structure consisting both from three professional judges, and from the judge and two arbitration assessors. The particular order of attraction of arbitration assessors to arbitration legal proceedings is established by article 19 of the Code which, besides procedure actually attraction of assessors and formation in this connection judicial structure, contains also other important norms. In particular, in points 5-7 of article 19 of the Code the equal rights with the arbitration judge and duties of the arbitration assessor in the course of legal proceedings are fixed, with an exception of possibility of the assessor are the chairman in judicial structure.

The order of attraction of the arbitration assessor to participation in the business, established by points 1-4 of article 19 of the Code, has special importance because the given order provides a constitutional right of the parties of judicial dispute on its consideration with participation of arbitration assessors. However application of these norms throughout all term of existence of institute of arbitration assessors in the Russian judiciary practice was not problemless.

So the order and term for party will about a legal investigation with participation of arbitration assessors is established. The order consists in realisation of two special remedial actions: statements of the petition for attraction of assessors and the statement for a concrete nominee of the arbitration assessor. Term for the petition statement makes not later than one month, and for the statement for a nominee - not later than ten days prior to the beginning of proceeding. The moment of the beginning of proceeding, taking into account operating remedial, norms depends on variety of circumstances and is in advance precisely calculated to be, obviously, cannot.

According to point 1 of article 137 of the Arbitration Remedial Code of the Russian Federation, the judge, recognising trial prepared, takes out definition about business appointment to proceeding. Hence, the party can learn about exact date of proceeding only from the specified definition which should be not necessarily taken out not later than a month before date of judicial session. At last, it is necessary to take into account the norm of point 4 of article 137 of the Code, providing theoretical possibility of the beginning of the "basic" judicial session at once on termination of preliminary session. Objectively that all specified circumstances complicate condition performance about monthly term of the statement of the petition for a legal investigation with participation of arbitration assessors. In practice the question dares, as a rule, by removal by the arbitration judge, in case of the statement the party (parties) of the petition for attraction of arbitration assessors, definitions about proceeding appointment not earlier than in a month. It it is possible to recognise unique a true variant of remedial action, however thus there is also a problem of observance of the three-monthly term provided by point 1 of article 152 of the Code. 

The remedial law does not connect the right of the party to consideration of arbitration trial with participation of arbitration assessors with a choice of a concrete nominee of the arbitration assessor. In case the petition for attraction of arbitration assessors is satisfied, but the party (at least and declared the petition) has not made when due hereunder unequivocal will concerning a nominee, the arbitration assessor is defined by court independently. In the specified aspect it is necessary to note two important features: 1) for formation of judicial structure with participation of arbitration assessors of enough unique remedial action (the petition for it) only one party of dispute, 2) the law at present does not establish a special order of definition of a nominee of the arbitration assessor by court in the absence of statements of the parties for a nominee.

It is possible to assume that from all number of norms about attraction of the arbitration assessors who as a whole are keeping within frameworks of one article 19 of the Arbitration Remedial Code of the Russian Federation, the greatest quantity of questions the disposition of norm of point 3 of the specified article, containing and in present edition caused a condition: “If the petition for a legal investigation with participation of arbitration assessors is satisfied … “. At logic interpretation of this part of norm, with the account as well norms of point 4 of the given article directly sending to article 159 of the Code, the petition for attraction of arbitration assessors can be, but can and not to be satisfied by arbitration court. In our opinion, at construction of the specified norms of article 19 of the Code the logical-legal error, including absence of obvious system connection, unfortunately, has been admitted at reference design construction (in reference to Code article 159). Result of it was that courts took out definitions about refusal in satisfaction of the petition for a legal investigation with participation of arbitration assessors, for example, because of absence of necessity for special knowledge. We believe that such position is not true taking into account that the remedial figure of the arbitration assessor should not be identified, for example, with the judicial expert or the specialist (really possessing those «special knowledge»).

Appointment and role of arbitration assessors follow from all named above the laws regulating activity of the Russian judicial system, including from article 47 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation assuming the unconditional right of the party on a legal investigation by the only court and judicial structure according to the law. Hence, the right of the party guaranteed by the law to consideration of arbitration dispute with participation of arbitration assessors means necessity of corresponding formation of judicial arbitration structure. Other will of the legislator should be accurately stated in norms of the law.

At last, in end of the characteristic of remedial principles of activity of arbitration assessors, we will note existing while legal uncertainty of a question of a choice of a nominee of the arbitration assessor in case of remedial partnership. Proceeding their operating legal designs, it is represented that co-claimants or co-defendants should express the coordinated will concerning arbitration assessors. In other cases, for example, if one participating party wishes to involve arbitration assessors, and the second - strongly objects, there will be an uncertainty, not removable on the basis of operating rules of law. If the petition for attraction to business of arbitration assessors is satisfied, but there is no definiteness of remedial accomplices concerning a concrete nominee, obviously, the question on nominee appointment should be resolved by court on the basis of the paragraph of second point 3 of article 19 of the Arbitration Remedial Code of the Russian Federation.

Summarising the aforesaid it is possible to notice that in Russia already enough extensive and certainly positive experience of participation of arbitration assessors in the state legal proceedings is saved up. From perspective problems on which it would be desirable to appoint the legislator and scientific community, we name the cores: 1) consideration of a question of returning to a special order of attraction of arbitration assessors to criminal and administrative (or, at least, - to criminal) responsibility; 2) specification of a legal procedure concerning appointment of arbitration assessors for a legal investigation (including basic definiteness in a question on appointment of a nominee as the party, court or a method of casual sample); 3) formation of the general legal doctrine of institute of arbitration assessors and explanation of the legal maintenance of the given institute (or as representative of the party in trial, or as the person having functions delegated by the state, or as special case of partial execution by the special representative the person of judicial powers, or other).







[1] About the concept of judicial reform in RSFSR. Decision of SÑ of RSFSR from October, 24th, 1991 ¹ 1801-1 // // Vedomosty VS RSFSR, 1991, ¹ 4, ò. 1435

[2] Vedomosty  SND I VS RF. 30.07.1992/ ¹ 30, art. 1792.

[3] Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF. 28.11.1994. ¹ 31. art.. 3253,

[4] The decision of VII All-Russia congress of judges from December, 04th, 2008 «About a condition of judicial system of the Russian Federation and priority directions of its development and perfection»//[the Electronic resource]: <>


[5] Vedomosty  SND I VS RF .01.08.1991. ¹ 30. art. 1013.

[6] Vedomosty  SND I VS RF. 16.04.1992. ¹ 16. art. 836.

[7] Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF. 08.05.1995. ¹ 19, art. 1709.

[8] Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF. 08.05.1995. ¹ 19. art. 1710.

[9] Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF. 04.06.2001. ¹ 23. art. 2288.

[10] Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF. 29.07.2002. ¹ 30. art. 3012.


[11] Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF. 01.05.1995. ¹ 18. art. 1589.