and sociology / Modern technologies of sociological polls
Cand. Medical sciences, senior lecturer Budanova E.I.,*
Cand.Tech.Sci., senior lecturer Zueva T.V., Zueva E.S., Erkin N.V.
Advertizing agency "Dentsu-Smart", Moskva
The Moscow regional humanitarian institute, Podolsk*
Interpersonal relations and their optimization in
labor collective
financial crisis developed today leads to sharp restriction of possibilities of
the companies on application of material compensation as method of maintenance
of steady working capacity of workers. There is a necessity to investigate
non-material factors of overall performance [1]. In this context especially
actual there is a search of new tools of forming of mutual relations in
collective and managements of activity of the personnel which allow to involve
most effectively potential of social resources of the organization [2].
working out of a technique of research of interpersonal relations research of
employees of advertizing agency "Dentsu-Smart" is conducted in labor
collective and recommendations about their improvement, workers of departments:
on work with clients 1st group, media planning 2nd group, on work from
mass-media 3rd group, creative 4th group. The corresponding program providing
use sociometrical and biographical methods has been developed for the decision
of tasks in view.
results of spent poll features of interpersonal relations in agency have been
revealed. The First-third groups - groups with high level of unity. In them
business relations between workers prevail. Members of these divisions in
corresponding situations are approved or condemned irrespective of personal
sympathies and antipathies. Group of creative department - group with low level
of unity. Value of an index at this group below average sizes specifies that in
division psychological incompatibility of some employees (fig. 1).
1 – Group unity of employees
analysis of sociomatrix has shown that in the first, second, third group rather
steady socially-psychological spirit of workers prevails, as employees of this
group are more active in the positive elections (p ˂ 0,05), the personnel
of the fourth group is more active concerning negative elections (fig. 2).
2 – Indicators of intragroup relations (elections)
has allowed to define quality of a social climate in collective and its
interrelation with the relation of the head to the organization and to each
worker individually. It has been by results revealed that most negatively
affects mood and working capacity of collective such factors as: lacks of the
work organization so considers 49 % interrogated; the feeling that the size of
a received salary doesn't correspond to that which followed receive for the
work so considers 12 % of respondents. To a lesser degree influence: not
developed relations with administration so reads 7 % of the interrogated;
feeling of uncertainty in the position that makes 5 %; social disorder
(problems of habitation, rest) so considers 4 % of respondents.
number of essential business lines of the head influencing mutual relations in
collective, respondents carry following qualities presented on fig. 3. The Most
significant (p <0,05) had been allocated competence of the head, skill
to communicate, organizational abilities, the attentive relation to the
3 – Business qualities of the ideal head
of results of the spent techniques, has allowed to draw a conclusion that in
the company the high factor of reciprocity is observed, good mutual relations
as a whole, there is no obvious division into microgroups; coincidence of
friendly and business interests is characteristic. In collective it is not
revealed interpersonal conflicts, atmosphere is favorable enough. The
collective acts as one command, however has no highest indicators of unity.
the recommendation about situation improvement have been offered social
(directed on collective as a whole), and psychological (directed on the
separate person in collective) methods with which help it is possible to
achieve necessary effect of functioning of labor collective [1,2].
The literature
Parygin B. D. Social psychology. Sources and prospects — SPb: СPbGUP, 2010. — 533 with.
Social psychology. 7 edition. Under the editorship of S.Moskovichi. — SPb.:
Peter, 2007. — 592 with.