Nevmerzhitskaya Elena Viktorovna, Ph.D.,

GBOU SPO College of architecture and construction №7 of Moscow, Russia

Components of the ethnocoloristical interview

Ethnocoloristics considers the color in all its width and scope in the aspect of traditions of popular artistic culture, which is necessary for the consistent preparation of future specialists, e.g., of decorative and applied arts, because the role of color in their activity is significant: by means of colors they perform certain creative problems, as well as formal, informative and informal.

According to the author concept, the principal problem of the novation discipline of Ethnocoloristics is aimed to realization of the professionally oriented preparation of a specialist in the 21th century. During such preparation young people should be worthy representatives of their nation, civilized members of the world community, being aware of the cosmism of phenomena of life and of a human being. The arterial way of achieving these goals can be considered in the optimal realization of the social inheritance mechanism, of the awareness by a person of inherited values and its adoption, namely including in his activity already existing culture massif and immersion into the ethnoculture being [1, p. 41-44].

The gist of the ethnocoloristical interview as a method of the primary information gaining is the direct conversation with a respondent, when the interviewer obtains all the ethnocoloristical information by means of his answers. Thus, the ethnocoloristical interview, being method of gathering sociological information, supposes the course of conversation (according to a certain plan) with the respondent based on the direct and personal contact. The particularity of the ethnocoloristical interview in comparison with other types of the interview lies in means of communication between a respondent and an interviewer.

During the process of the interview a particular attention should be paid to the role which is performed by the interviewer, to displaying his creativity and initiative. In this case the contact between him and the interviewee is effected by the interviewer who asks questions, organizes the interview and leads the conversation fixing its results. For instance, in the course of the interview about the leading color in the ethnos culture, represented by the respondent, when is asked the question “What color can your ethnic background be associated with?” several answers were received, e.g. representatives of Slavic nations gave red and blue colors (Russians, Ukrainians, Byelorussians); red, blue, yellow (Ukrainians); Polish and Dane people gave white and red colors; Germans – blue (in the south of Germany was named green color); Englishmen gave red and green (rarely – black) etc. [2]. Herewith the biggest desire to take part in the interview is usually expressed by respondents of the Western Europe and the United States of America, despite Russian citizens. In that aspect we can remark the fact showing that from the beginning of the 2000s the willingness to participate in the interview and ask questions has reduced in comparison with the end of the 1990s, therefore we should agree with the observation results of the Ph.D. and Doctor of Economics E. Noelle-Neumanne which prove that on average people decline the interview once out of five times [3].

Particularities of the respondents’ selection consist primarily in the ethnical background of them. Since defining of this factor is rather personal and subjective, namely is based on the self-identification of a respondent, in the selection could be included persons who don’t in fact belong to the studied group. For the same reasons the selection cannot be formed with the help of mathematical calculations, so with the method of the ethnocoloristical interview is recommended to apply methods of filter, of snowball, as well as the method of selection by indirect indicators.

Method of the ethnocoloristical interview as a type of survey when ethnosocial studies proposes a personal conversation between respondent and researcher and can be formalized (by the previously prepared list of questions). The quality of information, obtained during the process of the ethnocoloristical interview depends on the survey program and on the interconnection between respondent and interviewer. For instance while ethnosociological studying of ethnical preferences, orientations etc., the ratio of national identity of respondent and interviewer play a great role.

When preparing the enthocoloristical interview the researcher should find questions or tasks which will motivate respondents to express their point of view. Along with this we should remark an educational and ethnocultural meaning: the creativity and smartness of an interviewer plays a big role and it also defines if the research problem is being solved. For example, while analyzing knowledge of symbolism of three color fields in the Russian flag, which reflect a cultural tradition, was raised the following question: “Do three color fields in the Russian flag reflect three Slavic peoples: white –  Byelorussians, blue –  Ukrainians, red –Russians or they symbolize three classes of Russian society: white – the nobles, blue – citizens, red – countrymen/people?”. If the interviewer should not write down information about the national identity of a respondent after the interview, he could never find out that more than 80% of respondents consider the color symbolism of a flag as the reflection of three Slavic peoples, more than 10% - as the symbol of the Orthodoxy unity (white color), of the Tsar power (blue color) and of Russian people (red color), nearly 6% perceive white color as the symbol of liberty and faith, blue – as the color of hope and the Blessed Virgin, who is considered as the patroness of Russian country; red – as the symbol of the State power and love.

The efficiency of peculiar and elementary forms’ combination to get information from a respondent can be measured only at the output by estimating what exactly was revealed during the interview. Thus the ethnocoloristical interview can be characterized as the part of the ethnosociological experiment.


1.                 Nevmerzhitskya E.V. Role of ethnocoloristics as the novational discipline in realization of the specialist human training concept // Сб. науч. тр. по мат. межд. науч.-практ. конф. – Т. 6. – Одесса: Черноморье, 2010.

2.                 Невмержицкая Е.В. Этноколористическое интервью: уч.-практич. пособие. – М.: Граница, 2012.

3.                  Ноэль-Нойманн Э., Петерсен Т. Все, но не каждый. Введение в методы демоскопии / Пер. с нем. Л.Н. Рыбаковой, Е.В. Невмержицкой. – М.: МГУКИ, 2007.