Candidate of
pedagogical science, associated professor Kudysheva A.A., master of psychology
Zhunussova A.R.
Social work existed in the human community in the form of aid and assistance from time immemorial
and based on universal spiritual values. During evolution it changed, moving away from its sources of spirituality, but nevertheless, nowadays "Social work" can be presented as a charity and skill.
The charity, as a state of a social
workers' soul, is the basis and connecting link between social
work and spirituality. Under the spirituality psychologists
mean the inner aspiration to the goodness, the need to give
your mental strength to nearest, to do good, by carrying out
your mission on this earth.
Therefore, social work has been and remains one of the most difficult, but noble and inspired activities.
According to Kholostova E.I., whose point of view we share, not every person can become a social worker. The determining criterion in this process is the system of person's spiritual values. The value orientations of professional social work in all its varieties, can be reduced as universal values, respect for human honor and dignity,
uniqueness of one's personality. [1]
Style of social worker's professional behavior,
due to his personal qualities,
his value orientations and interests, has a decisive impact on the system of
relations which he forms. It means that,
the role of his personal qualities is very important in professional behavior and career choices.
In the foreign literature there
are many studies of professional selfdetermenation. Among
them, the T. Parsons theory, the concept of D Super and
others can be pointed out. D. Super, for example, considers personal
professional determination as
a long-life process, which forms under various subjective factors.[2]
work as a profession requires thorough preparation and constant improvement of
specialists in this field, which, first of all, means the formation of their
spiritual and personal qualities, skills, debt to the socium, prestige and image. These characteristics depend on the social
worker's deontological readiness. Deontological readiness is a state of mind of
the future specialist in social work, when they understand the necessity to
behave according to socium's debt. This is a state of mind when there is a
reflection of the objective functions of a social worker in ideas, feelings,
beliefs, in the inner motives of professional activities and their realization
in practice. Social deontology studies professional ethical norms,
principles of social worker's behavior
and activities. This
is the science, which studies professional duty, morality, moral consciousness of
combined professional group, its ideology. [4] Formation of social worker's deontological
- is a required effect on his consciousness in order to improve him as a person
and as future professional, which will help to choose the most complete and
effective solution of professional problems. Social work as a special form of professional
activity, has a specific set of ideals and values formed
on the base of the principles and norms of specialists' behavior.
Let us
consider each measure of social worker's deontological readiness.
The first indicator is the "image",
it includes not only natural but also specifically tried and tested individual properties, this index is associated with both personal appearance and inner content, i.e. his psychological type. The concept of image is multi-layered , and made up of different components. The first component of social worker's image is social
worker's moral reliability . Social worker has to
be a "man of honor" even
The moral person understands the need of professional duty (deontological readiness), that he must behave according to the
criteria verified by human experience. A wicked man is always aspired
only by his personal interests and desires. Society needs moral and reliable social worker, interested
in the spiritual self-improvement.
The second indicator - is the professionalism and competence. Any person who works with people has to be a talented person. This position is reflected in the works of I. Atvater, L.P. Primak [3].
Most people do not have the opportunity to show their talents, most of them all their lives do not follow their
callings. The development of society is always prevented by unskilled labor in the industry,
management and science. Social work, also requires professionalism and competence.
The third indicator is a
liberal education of social workers, human values which should form the
basis of his views.
Summing up, specialists'
deontological readiness - is a positive professional state of
mind which gives the basis to his
consciousness, after which appears awareness and
understanding of professional duty, which goes into the faith, and
regulates person's behavior. [4]
Our education system prepared
future social workers in wrong way. Lack of humanities has a
negative impact on person's development. Due to the
humanities, the person gets the opportunity to absorb a
variety of information. This knowledge is the most
important conditions of a social worker
behavior. Therefore, professional education of social workers must be
based on formation
of identity, the uniqueness of each person on earth.
Another important component in
the formation of social worker's deontological readiness is that
every social worker
should be psycho-technologist. Psychotechnology is the
science about practical use of psychological techniques of managing
people. Psytechnology is realizaed in
communication and represents a system of interrelated and
internally motivated psycho-techniques, which are
based on an analysis of communication and
personal improvement. [3]
As a social
worker can solve the problem of formation of the person's
spiritual needs and first of
all self-improvement. Many philosophical and
mystical teachings as Socrate's, Krishnamurti, Gurdjiev,
Buddhist emphasize that self-observation and self-knowledge is
a necessary step on the way to spiritual development.
Depending on the content of the problem the ways and forms of social work change. The most common are: self confession - is a full internal report in front of yourself and about yourself. The success of reflection is greater when it is possible to reflect objectively the reality of our "Mental mirror." To express the "sore" in the words, to speak out directly and ingenuously is always the one of the most effective ways of getting rid of painful thoughts.
Conscious habit formation of self-report will help to eliminate unwanted spontaneous and impulsive behavior, because there are worked mechanisms of intellectual and moral control,
and spiritual purification.
One of the principles of communicative critical and analytical, conscious action on the own personal set ups is a self-persuasion. This is the core of personal motives, and the basis of the process
are the mental operations rationalization of motives, consisting of the
rationale of practical benefit of an action.
The use of
various psycho-techniques, which switched from the
archaic layers of the past, into the rational mechanisms
for managing the internal state, behavior, could helpthe social
worker to acquire skills of self-organization of self-control, spiritual
cleansing, image formation for a successful professional work.
For a social work the most important nowadays is a problem of determination of a criteria of the responsibility of each social worker for his professional activity, which requires a unified approach to the setting of moral principles and norms, a clear understanding, unified system of values, ideals and their implementation.
1. Holostova E.I.
Social worker's professional and spiritual portrait. Ì., 1993. 12-13 p.
2. Atvater I.A. Listening
to you. Ì.,
1984. 44 p.
3. Primak L.P.
Self communication. Ì.,
1991, 182p.
3Averchanko L.K. Management
psychology. Novocherksk,
1994. 12-13 p.
4. Kertaeva G.M. The
bases of pedagogical deontology. Pavlodar, 2009.
5. Philisophic
encyclopedia. Prohorov A.M. Ì., 1989. 124 p.
article devoted to the problems of deontological readiness of social worker.
The indicators of professional readiness should be represented by comprehensive
characteristic, which includes not only knowledge and skills, but its personal
features providing the aspect of adequate in professional activity.