B.V.Gusev, the member correspondent of the Russian
Academy of Sciences, the dr. techn. sciences, the professor, the manage of chair of
building materials and technologies of the Moscow state university of
means communication
V.T.Yerofeev, member correspondent RAABS, the Dr. techn.
sciences, the professor, the manager of chair of building materials and
technologies, the dean of architecturall-building faculty of
the Mordovian state university, the Russian Federation
A.V.Dergunova, a cand. tech. sciences, the reader of chair of economy and management
in building of the Mordovian state
university, the Russian Federation
A.D.Bogatov, a cand. tech. sci., the reader of chair
of building materials and technologies of the Mordovian state university
Increase of
biofirmness of building materials by introduction in their structure fungicide
Along the chemically excited environment building
materials and products that in service in some buildings and constructions are treated to destroying action of biologically active environments. Practically all materials are subject to biodamages. As a result of biodamages durability and economic value of
materials and products decrease, the ecological situation in buildings worsens.
In connection with development of biotechnical manufactures, and also
the established negative
influence of microscopic organisms in cattle-breeding premises, in buildings meat and
milk industries etc.
there is a problem of
increase of
biofirmness of building materials used for anticorrosive protection. In our
work increasing of
biofirmness of building materials and products by means of introduction in
their structures of fungicide connections is considered.
This way of suppression materials microscopic mushrooms
is one of the cores. With different intensity of biocide suppress growth
and development of microorganisms. Among a wide spectrum of such preparations the group of the
connections containing in the structure guanidine grouping is
allocated: they are readily available, highly effective, possess a wide
spectrum of bactericidal action and thus little toxic, do not get through a
skin and do not collect in an organism.
Bactericidal action of a
preparation is defined by ability of derivatives guanidine to contact cellular
walls and membranes of bacteria, to get into a kernel of cages and ingibirate
cellular enzymes. Ability to contact membranes basically is defined
by presence at a macromolecule of positively charged groups and presence on a surface of a cage of the
negative charge caused by phosphatic groups
For the purpose of increase of firmness of composites to influence of biological excited
environments in structure of the materials made on the basis of
plaster, glass unacide and the polymeric binding entered
biocide the additive «Teflex», representing the modified complex of copolymers guanidine. Results of tests of cement materials in standard
test cultures miceliale funguses are resulted in tab. 1.
Table 1.
Results of research of influence of the additive «Teflex»
on stability
To action miceliale funguses of
cement composites
The maintenance àdditives, mass. part |
Stability to action of funguses,
point |
characteristic in accordance with GOST |
Method 1 |
Method 3 |
0 |
2 |
5 |
3 |
2 |
4 |
fungus stable |
7 |
0 |
3 |
fungus stable |
10 |
0 |
1 |
fungus stable |
The analysis of results shows, that
introduction in structure portlandcement a preparation «Teflex» in concentration
3 mass. part on 100 mass. part knitting, raises
fungus stability a cement stone. It assumes possibility of use of
compositions consisting of cement,
water and the additive in buildings with biological environments, manufacturing
blocks, floors etc.
of the tests presented to tab. 2 show, that preparation introduction «Teflex»
in structure of samples on the basis of plaster 7,0 % binding in concentration ³also informs them fungus stabile
Table 2
Stability of
samples from plaster to
action miceliale
The maintenance àdditives, mass. part |
Stability to
action of funguses, point |
characteristic in accordance
with GOST |
Method 1 |
Method 3 |
0 |
3 |
5 |
un fungus stable |
3 |
3 |
4 |
un fungus stable |
7 |
0 |
3 |
fungus stable |
10 |
0 |
2 |
fungus stable |
composites on a basis glass unacidity binding are developed. Results of tests of
the given materials on fungus stability and fungicidity are resulted in tab. 3.
Table 3
Additive influence
«Teflex» on biofirmness glass unacidity materials
The maintenance àdditives, mass. part |
Stability to
action of funguses, point |
characteristic in accordance with GOST |
Method 1 |
Method 3 |
0 |
0 |
3 |
fungus stable |
3 |
0 |
R 20 |
fungicide |
7 |
0 |
R 30 |
fungicide |
10 |
0 |
R 35 |
fungicide |
analysis of the spent researches resulted in tab. 3, shows, that introduction in
structures of compositions of a preparation «Teflex» in concentration of 3 ³mass parts informs
its fungicide properties. Thus the zone of inhibition of growth of funguses
for glass unacidity materials has made 20 mm. With increase in the maintenance
of the additive the inhibition zone grows also.
Now in the anticorrosive technics big enough application find epoxide binding
which are used for manufacturing of glues,
paint and varnish materials, mastic structures, polimerconcretes. The reason of
wide application of the given materials in building is that they are characterised by
a complex of favorable properties, such as the raised indicators of durability, chemical
firmness in the various
excited environments, shrinkage etc. Important problem
of creation epoxide composites of the raised biofirmness is lowered also. Results of tests
are given in tab. 4 and 5.
Table 4
Results of research of influence of the additive «Teflex»
on stability
to action miceliale funguses
of epoxide compositions
The maintenance additives, mass. part |
Stability to
action of funguses, point |
characteristic in accordance with GOST |
Method 1 |
Method 3 |
0 |
2 |
5 |
fungus stable |
3 |
2 |
4 |
fungus stable |
7 |
0 |
3 |
fungus stable |
10 |
0 |
1 |
fungus stable |
Table 5
Additive influence
«Teflex» on biofirmness epoxcide composites, plastified diboutilftalat
The maintenance additives, mass. part
Stability to
action of funguses, point |
characteristic in accordance with GOST |
Method 1 |
Method 3 |
0 |
2 |
5 |
fungus stable |
3 |
1 |
4 |
fungus stable |
7 |
0 |
2 |
fungus stable |
10 |
0 |
R 15mm |
fungicide |
analysis of the spent researches resulted
in tables 4 and 5, shows, that additive introduction «Teflex» considerably
increases fungus stability epoxide composites, and to the structure modified diboutilftalat,
with the maintenance of the additive of 10 mass parts gives fungicide
properties with a zone of inhibition of 15 mm.
The results of researches shown in table 6, testify, that additive
introduction «Teflex» in number of 7 mass parts gives to samples on a basis furan pitches fungus
Table 6
Stability of
samples on a basis furan pitches to action miceliale
The maintenance additives, mass. part
Stability to
action of funguses, point |
characteristic in accordance with GOST |
Method 1 |
Method 3 |
0 |
3 |
4 |
un fungus stable |
3 |
3 |
3 |
un fungus stable |
7 |
0 |
2 |
fungus stable |
10 |
0 |
1 |
fungus stable |
by experimental researches are confirmed biocide properties of the additive «Teflex»
and giving possibility to building
composites on the basis of various binding stability to influence miceliale
funguses in the conditions of real operation is established.