Технические науки / 12. АСУ на производстве
Shchepetov A.V., Еchina E.V.
Novokuznetsk branch-institute of FEI HPE "Kemerovo State
Russia, Novokuznetsk
of the information system of weighing
acceptance of cargo at the site of railway rolling
metallurgical industry is a basic sector in the economy of Kuzbass, which
accounts for 43% of the total volume of industrial production, 23% of
industrial and production assets. Mining and Metallurgical Complex includes
more than 150 large and medium-sized enterprises and organizations employing
approximately 70,000 people. Its services employ tens of specialized construction,
repair, energy, transport, mine rescue organizations and research-design
institutes. Due to the rapidly developing information technologies, new
possibilities for controlling metallurgical enterprises appear.
No one
industry can do without accurate information about the weight of raw materials,
finished products and components. Weighing economy is a necessary part of the
technological chain of almost any enterprise. Any production of
industrial-scale, without accurate data on finished product, supply and others,
would harm its system of accounting and control.
From the
1990s to the present day at the metallurgical enterprises of the South Kuzbass,
more and more are being introduced information systems, automated workplaces
(AWP), automated control systems, which allows to simplify the control of
technological processes, systems of weighing, etc.
One of the
main problems of information technology on one of the metallurgical enterprises
of the Kemerovo region - accounting discrepancy of data with real data that
come from the automated control systems of technological processes (ACSTP).
perspective of a question can be summarized in the following points:
from time to
time at the enterprise arises the need to make adjustments of the data on the
weights, but at the request of the security service it was forbidden personnel
site of the rail rolling to make any changes to the database about the weight
of the cargo without appropriate documents (applications and explanations);
enterprise's management has been decided to delegate responsibilities for the
adjustment of weight data of the master plot of weighing and acceptance of the
the necessity
has appeared to create a software product, which will allow the master to adjust
information collected in a database; corrections of information were not
displayed anywhere by workers, so keeping track of data changes could not manage;
sending data
from computers of weighers is carried out through a program created with the
help of Visual Basic, Access database
with a common base of Oracle, which, in turn, is available to the corporate
network for personnel work, but the existing program often gave failures,
causing the need to call service employees at the place of breakage.
The purpose
of the done work was the improving of the automated workplace of the plot
weighing and acceptance of the cargo site of the railway rolling through the
creation of the application software.
In the course
of the research the subject area was studied, that concerns the weight economy
of the enterprise, disadvantages of the existing information system of
adjustment of the weight of the data and their transfer to a shared server were
considered, own development of software for solving the above problems was offered.
Often such
situation meets at the enterprise: when weighing of the raw materials scales
show 63 tons of ore, and the invoice from the supplier comes to 62 tons. At
this point a question arises - what to do with a ton of difference? Suppliers
are wrong too often, sometimes weighing equipment sometimes faults for reasons
of lack of repair or weather conditions, weighers can be wrong, when weighing,
etc. The plant consumes about 1400 trucks of various resources in the day. The
final difference, in the event of discrepancy of real data that have fallen
into the accounting system, can have a significant impact on the performance of
the whole enterprise and lead to significant losses. The process of adjustment
of data takes up too much time. So the software has been created for the master
plot of weighing and acceptance of the cargo, which has the authority to make
adjustments weight data.
The data from
the ACSTP, weighing systems, accounting systems, material balance are gathered
by the information system. There commercial information also falls, for
example, on the shipping of products. The system is a global system, providing
information view. Information from computers of weighers is recorded from the
weights into the database with the control of MOAccess 2007, and only from
there it is passed to the server of the Office of Information Technology (OIT)
to a database managed by Oracle to access the corporate network. The transfer
of the data, in turn, was carried out by the program "Data
Transmission", created with the help of Visual Basic at the enterprise.
Taking the
above into account, application software was developed for two types of users:
administrator (i.e. for the master of a site) with the functions of weight
data, adjusting them, save the changes made to the base (corrections, add,
delete entries), reporting on passing the traffic flows for different periods,
as well as shipments of outdated data in the archive in order to avoid overload
of the system (fig. 1);
Figure 1 – The
window for the work of the manager (administrator)
for user
(i.e. for the receiving deliverer or the weigher) with the functions of viewing
the weight data, archive data, reporting on passing the traffic flows, sending
data to the server (fig. 2).
Figure 2 – The
window for the work of the weigher (user)
The developed
software has allowed solving the tasks of the correction of weight data of the
site of railway rolling and transferring data from computers of weighers to the
common network of the enterprise, thereby speed up the process of making and
sending of cargoes at the enterprise.