M.G., Alexandrova G.A., Delkov A.V.
Siberian State Aerospace University, Krasnoyarsk,
Separation of disphasic
mediums form the basis of many technological processes. However calculation
methods for diphasic mediums used in industry found on empirical studies and
can’t lay a claim to universality.
In the offered model of
swirling diphasic flow the flow is divided into the viscous interface and the
diphasic core. To research the flow of liquid in the area of the viscous
interface with big gradients of velocity Navier-Stokes equations are used.
Centrifugal separation of
gas-liquid mediums is remarkable for high performance and is widely used in
heat exchange and mass transfer equipment. Centrifugal phase separator of
various types have become widely spread.
Schematically the construction
of centrifugal phase separator (pic. 1) can be presented in the following
Picture 1. Centrifugal phase
- diphasic mixture supply (1);
- device to transform entrance
axial flow into the swirled one (the swirler) (2);
- swirling chamber (3);
- circumferential pipe-bend of
the gas phase (4);
- central (axial) pipe-bend of
the gas phase (5).
Separation of diphasic flow is
based on the fact that in the centrifugal field there is separation force that
influences gas insertions in the liquid and shifts them to the axis of the
chamber. In the centre of the chamber there springs up a gas vortex squeezed by
the liquid ring. The separated swirled flow is moving towards the axis, at the
outlet of the chamber diverting of separated phases is carried out [1].
In described model the flow in
the chamber of the phase separator is conditionally divided into diphasic core
and turbulent layer which is δ thick. Friction in
the interface is the source of resistance head of the flow.
The interface developed in the
swirled flow on the curvilinear surface has a row of peculiarities in
comparison with the flat flow. As the result of having longitudinal curve
centrifugal forces spring up and hence the pressure gradient does in thickness
of the interface. The picture of the flow in this case is similar in many
aspects with the flow between rotating cylinders. In this case velocity distribution
U on radius R is realized according to the law UR= const (the law of free
The radial movement of the
liquid in the rotating flow is ridden by centrifugal force, resistance force
and also by some influence caused by incidental interaction of the particles
and the flow.
The free surface of the phases
is the surface of equal pressure. This surface is defined by character of
pressure distribution in the liquid ring round radius and along the length and
also by pressure distribution of in the gas vortex [2,3]. As a rule with minor
velocity the pressure distribution is ignored and pressure is considered to be
a constant. The border of phases separation gets fixed at the radius when
pressure of the gas vortex and the liquid ring are equal.
To design a mathematical model
of the swirled flow in the chamber of the phase separator the differential
equations system of the movement of viscous incompressible liquid is taken as
the original one.
The border of phases gets
fixed at the radius when static pressure of the gas vortex and the liquid ring
are equal.
The task to integrate
equations of the movement of the swirled diphasic flow is considered in the
presence of obligatory initial conditions: those of static pressure at the
radius Rk; of total pressure at the radius Rk; of static
pressure of gas in zero section. The radius of the chamber Rk should
be established, mass gas consumption considered to be established and constant.
Generally the task of phases
interaction in the swirled flow is characterized by seven equations
The block of equations to
characterize the movement of the gas vortex consists of three equations:
state equation
energy equation of the gas flow (only axial velocity is taken into consideration)
continuity equation for the gas flow
These equations define pressure,
density and velocity in any section of the gas flow if the accepted constants
of the total pressure, its mass consumption and the square of gas flow are known.
The liquid performance is
characterized by the following equations:
energy equation
continuity equation for the liquid ring
Bernoulli differential equation (takes account of the axial constituent
of the flow velocity in the liquid ring)
The system of these equations
is closed and defines parameters of the gas-liquid flow in any section if the
dynamic pressure of the liquid in the circumferential direction is known.
order to turn from the section being considered to the nest section when doing
integration, it is necessary to define changes of the dynamic pressure at the
step Obviously it will decrease as the swirled flow under the influence of the
viscosity will start losing its spin.
integration of parameters of the gas vortex can be derived to the endless
length, provided its pressure can go down to zero endlessly and the velocity
can increase endlessly. In fact the length of the chamber is limited and the
hydraulic route behind the chamber of the phase separator doesn’t allow
pressure to go lower than the defined value that provides the established gas
consumption. Generally in doing calculations for parameters of the flow in the
chamber of the definite length with established initial parameters in the zero section the demanded
pressure may be attained along the length which is less than the length of the
chamber. That means that theoretically the gas vortex squeezed by the liquid
ring must get destroyed. If this length approaches to zero, then the phase
separating flow can’t exist even in the zero section [4].
Pilot researches are the main
test of the theory validity that allows applying the results of theoretical
designs for practical purposes. In order to run pilot researches there was
produced a pneudraulic test bench with multi-channel method of recording and
processing measuring results on the basis of HS A/D transformer that makes it
possible to run researches for hydrodynamics of the swirled flow in the chamber
of the passive phase separator.
The chamber of the phase
separator was presented by a transparent tube with the internal diameter of 44mm
and the wall thickness of 13mm. In the reservoir there was a tangential inlet
of 8 mm to provide supply and spin of the operating body.
To research the character of
the changes of the gas vortex diameter along the length of the chamber the
consumption of gas was changed in the range of
3.45×10-4…1.58×10-3 kg/s
with the constant consumption of the liquid which is equal to = 0.51 kg/s. For each gas consumption one measured total and static
liquid pressure in the circumferential area (on the wall) in the initial
section of the phase separation and also photographed to measure the diameter
of the gas vortex (pic. 2).
Then to define the dependence of length of the gas vortex (or length of
the diphasic swirled flow being) on consumption of liquid with the constant gas
consumption kg/s one changes liquid consumption
in the range of 0,098…0,282 kg/s. With the help of photos the length of the gas
vortex was defined (pic. 3).
The analysis of
calculation and experimental data showed that accuracy of calculation algorithm
is satisfactory and is not higher than 5% in comparison with experimental
Picture 2. The swirled diphasic flow
with gas consumption . Changes of the gas vortex length 0,042…0,016 m. The gas content in the
flow constitutes 0,07 %.
Picture 3. The length of the stable gas
vortex lg.v.= 0.394 m. Liquid consumption . The gas content constitutes 0.16 %.
The designed methods allow to
evaluate interdependence of the basic parameters of the swirled monophasic and
diphasic flows with tangential supply of liquid and gas-liquid mixture and to
define influence of geometry of the chamber flowing part on the basic
parameters of the flow.
It is
significant that the offered algorithm of calculation for the flow in the
chamber of the phase separator takes into account changes of liquid
characteristics along the length of the chamber caused by temperature changes
of the operating liquid.
The developed model lets not
only calculate the nominal regime of the phase separator functioning but also
helps foresee possible breakdowns and in advance take measures to eliminate the
revealed defects in the process of its designing.
research of flow regularities for heat exchange and mass transfer of swirled
flows in axial-symmetric channels, systematization of these data and designing
universal calculation methods for such flows are topical scientific and
practical problem. This research results will be widely applied for purposes of
various engineering fields.
1. Brounshtejn B.I.,
Fishbajn G.A.: Hydrodynamics, mass and heat transfer in disperse systems.
Leningrad, Himija, 1977 (in Russian)
2. Chisholm D.:
Two-phase flow in pipelines and heat exchangers. Moscow, Nedra, 1986 (in
3. Uollis G.:
One-dimensional two-phase flow. Moscow,
Mir, 1972 (in Russian)
4. Melkozerov M.G.,
Delkov A.V.: ‘Centrifugal phase separator of thermal control systems’. Naukovi
praci (Odes'ka nacional'na akademija harchovih tehnologij) 36 (t. 2), Odessa
2009 (in Russian)