Technical Sciences / 8. Metal Treatment in Machine-Building
Boldyrev À.À., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Smolentsev
Voronezh State Technical University, Russia
Locating Mechanism of Rheological
Medium Workpieces
with Controllable Physical and
Mechanical Properties
At small series manufacture, broad assortment, and rather short periods
of workpieces manufacture, amount and complexity of designed industrial
equipment, including fastening devices, have great impact on conversion cost of
items. For cutting costs of preproduction it is reasonable to use versatile
accessories and appliances instead of special facilities.
At finishing stages of treatment cutting force declines dramatically,
but more accurate installation of workpieces into operative position is
required. That is why devices for workpieces fastening have to meet moderate
requirements to rigidity and amount of holding force. Besides, power fastening
methods may break the geometrical shape of delicate and thin-walled workpieces
and cause disturbance of setting bases. This causes technical and economical
premises for the use of versatile self-formable accessories with application of
magnetic rheological liquids.
To ensure reliable fastening of workpieces from non-magnetic materials
at treatment on magnetic benches, for example during grinding, we use fastening
method based on rheological properties of ferrofluid [1].
During installation of workpiece on the bench, the fluid flows in front
gap with destroyed structure. The switching on of electromagnetic coils causes
magnetic field with induction , that directs ferromagnetic particles along force
lines of the magnetic field with formation of chain structure, for destruction
of which it is necessary to apply certain force.
Holding force of workpiece on the bench of machine-tool is defined
by bonding force, operating in elemental layer of magnetic fluid with area :
Fig. 1.
Rheological characteristics of magnetic fluid
different magnetic induction B and
average diameter of iron particles
dñð=20 nanometers (dashed
lines) è dñð=100 nanometers (full
Fig. 2.
Relation of static limit of yield point in magnetic fluid
magnetic induction at average diameter of iron particles:
dñð=100 nanometers (curve
1) è dñð=50 nanometers (curve
. (1)
Transverse strain in layer of
ferromagnetic rheological fluid is composed of two components, one of which () is conditioned by viscosity forces, the other () – by magnetic interaction between particles. It is
deduced from experiments that in static mode the force preventing shift of
workpiece is conditioned by static limit of yield point.
At application of magnetic filed:
, (2)
where – number of
particles in volume unit;
– particle
magnetic moment;
– distance
between centres of particles.
Or on rearrangement:
, (3)
where – volume of
ferromagnetic particle.
Intensity of stress can also be
defined by rheological curve for magnetic fluid of given type (Fig. 1).
Yield stress grows with increase of induction of magnetic field
operating in gap, this allows to control physical and mechanical properties of
rheological fluid by change of current on control coil (Fig. 2).
As a result, disclosure of regulation mechanism for parameters of
magnetic rheological fluid allows to work out modes, fixtures and tools and
workpieces processing method in flexible structure manufacture with control of
rheological media parameters.
Cited literature
1. Russian patent ¹ 2312000, ÌÏÊ B23Q 3/15. Method of Fastening of Workpieces from Non-Magnetic
Materials and Device for its Implementation / À.S. Revin, À.V. Lisitsyn, V.P. Smolentsev. 2004136423/02:
alleged 14.12.2004: published 10.12.2007 // Bulletin 34, 2007.
2. Smolentsev V.P. Application of Magnetic Rheological Fluids in Metal
Processing / V.P. Smolentsev, À.À. Boldyrev // Non-Traditional
Methods of Treatment: interacademic collection of scientific papers. Issue. 9. part. 3. Ìoscow: Machine-Building, 2010.
P. 120-129.
3. Magnetic Fluids in Machine-Building / D.V. Orlov, U.Î. Mikhalev, N.Ê. Ìyshkin et al.: under the general
editorship of D.V. Orlov, V.V. Podgorkov. – Ìoscow: Machine-Building. 1993.