Avakumova N.N.
Orlovskiy state institute of the economy and trade
The State of Economy in the
Context of Economic Development
The state of economy from
the point of view of providing national security is characterized mainly by the economic development level, its dynamics,
scientific and technical development level, structure and state of research and
production potential.
The main reason of
supercritical state of national security in Russia was almost two fold production decrease in 90s, which together
with two fold reduction of country's economic space as a result of
USSR disintegration resulted in reduction of state profitable base more than four times. Only this year the GDP will have
been reached the level achieved in
1990. At the same time the investments volume is two times less than the one before the reforms, actually all the time
after the disintegration economy used the
production potential created before. Depreciation and the mean age of fixed
assets which increased twice for 15 years of reforms demonstrate this fact.
Low economic activity
doesn't allow not only to maintain simple reproduction, defence
and achieved level of well-being but to provide minimal level necessary for
economic development of the territory and to keep the available infrastructure.
This manifests in mass population outflow from the North
and the Far East regions, catastrophes and accidents which happen very
frequently in the basic industries -transport,
energy, chemical industry. With such tendencies economic space cleared out by
Russia will be inevitably filled with foreign capital. It is clearly seen from
the lobbyists increasing pressure upon the authorities concerning foreign
companies 'interests in transferring them
the most valuable natural resources, growth of foreign control over country's information space,
replacement of Russian airplanes for imported ones and so on.
There are threats of
depletion and degradation of country's resources potential. The most dangerous is the problem of the most
important development resource, that is, human capital. It is caused by a sharp decrease of living standards and
curtailing of the most complex industries. A considerable decrease of life
duration and tendency to the reduction of population, rapid growth
of society's alcoholism and socially caused diseases,
quality decrease of compulsory education and public health services make impossible the provision of the basic conditions
for modern economic growth.
It is well-known from modern economic growth
theory that country's specialization in raw
materials and its integration to the world economy according to the scheme «raw materials export - import of
manufactured and consumer goods» result in non-equivalent foreign exchange, chronic lag in economic development
level and loss of possibilities and
stable self-development. This happens from pricing peculiarities for manufactured
production and the raw materials.
In the former case the major
component is intellectual rent (which is formed due to temporal monopoly on scientific and technical innovations and is the
financing source of further scientific and
technical development and consequently economic growth. In the latter case the major factor is natural rent which
is mainly spent on -manufactured production and can be used only partially for
financing investment. Thus country's raw-materials specialization leads to natural rent in exchange for import of
inflation and economic growth financing abroad due to non-equivalent
economic exchange. The scope of such resources overflow may be large. For
example the share of intellectual rent in
the price of a new electronic engineering and its software may constitute a
Thus the reduction and
devaluation of scientific and technical and intellectual potential under modern
conditions of international competition mean the loss of basic inner source of economic growth and dooms the country
to constant was away of the national wealth in non-equivalent
foreign .exchange.
Reasonable macroeconomic
policy oriented on creation of favourable conditions for
economic growth must solve at least two fundamental problems. First, it must provide survival and development of industrial
sphere including those segments which lack cash assets due to their outflow to
the sphere of capital circulation. Second, it must result in elimination of
barriers between manufacturing sphere and the sphere of capital circulation and
inside them, restoration of integration necessary for effective economy functioning between them. If these problems are
not solved, any reasonable methods both
macroeconomic and industrial or structural policy will be ineffective.
Provision of economic
growth in the transitional period of economy demands coordinated
solution of formation problems of technological, institutional and
organizational structures capable to combine all necessary elements in a
general reproductive contour of new
technological structure growth and to create conditions for modernization
and effectiveness increase of economy as a whole. Favourable
macroeconomic environment should be provided
and adequate behavioural motives and organizational
forms at the microlevel should be formed.
In the sphere there is a
problem of production-technological system formation for a new technological structure and stimulation of its
growth together with modernizing of contiguous
industries. To solve this problem it is necessary to create competitive on the world
market industrial-financial institutions, import of necessary technologies, stimulation of quick emanation of new
technologies, a system for training of personnel of required qualification,
protection of domestic production markets from foreign competition, insurance of favourable
for new technological structure pricing proportions and other parameters
of economic mechanism.
In the institutional sphere there is the problem
of formation of economic mechanism to
provide the redistribution of resources from obsolete and unpromising industries
to production technological systems of new technological structures, concentration of resources in the points of its
growth, modernization of economy, its effectiveness and competitiveness growth
on the basis of innovations. Measures on enterprises privatization, financial
and monetary policy, price and income policy, fiscal policy and trade
policy should help solving these problems.
The same goals must determine the policy in the
sphere of organization-production economy
structure improvement. It is important to stimulate the forms of financial,
industrial, trade, research and educational organizations integration that
could develop steadily under conditions of tough international competition and
provide the non-stop efficiency increase on a new production technologies
application basis.
The macroeconomic policy
should provide favourable conditions for the solution
of the listed problems ensuring stability, good
investment and innovation climate, maintaining
national economy competitiveness and appropriate international monetary and financial policy. At the microlevel
it is important to provide property rights accuracy and
certainty, ensuring observance of the high management responsibility level, stimulating proper entrepreneurial motivation
aimed at production efficiency increase, progressive innovations and
modern management methods.
Proposals on the economic growth policy under
conditions developed in the Russian economy
are formulated proceeding from these obvious problems. This policy is
divided into two constituents: creation of favourable
general macro- and microeconomic conditions for the increase of industrial,
investment and innovation activity and
special measures for stimulation of progressive structural changes on the basis of the new technological way industries
distribution, as well as progressive development of basic technologies
of a new level.
As for macroeconomic
conditions along with liquidity crisis and economy disintegration characterized above continuous depression and
impossibility of transition to growth are the results of:
– prices disparity (price increase of raw
materials and energy in contrast to finished goods prices). As a result, the
greater part of manufacturing industry and agriculture are unprofitable or low
– prolonged rouble exchange rate (for the last three years the fall in
exchange of rouble has lagged behind its inner devaluation more than six
times), leading to noncompetitiveness of domestic
finished goods and loss of both foreign and domestic markets;
– inaccessibility of credit
resources necessary for production development;
– devaluation of
enterprises funds as a result of high inflation and mass nonpayments;
– productive
efficiency decrease as a result of sharp reduction in productive capacities
– the fiscal
tax system based on high taxation of industrial sector;
– devaluation of population
savings in the «Sberbank» and financial pyramids,
that undermined public confidence to
financial institutions. Creation of favorable conditions for production
activity and investment activity rise should become the macroeconomic policy
Efficiency of special
measures for economy structural reorganization decisively depends on chosen
priorities accuracy. From the scientific and technical point of view, chosen
priorities should correspond to the perspective tendencies of the new technological way formation and timely reserves
creation necessary for the following structure formation. From the economic
point of view the state support of activity at realization of priority trends
should be characterized by two chief features:
1) to possess considerable
external effect, improving the general economic environment
and conditions of business activity development;
2) to activate the business
activity growth in the wide complex of branches connected
with priority industries - i.e. to possess multiplying effect, creating
amplifying demand and business activity growth impulse.
All economic state policy
should be oriented to realization of Russian economy competitive advantages.
World experience of successful economical structural changes proves the support of those areas of national economy
that can be the basis of economic growth on world market scale to be the key
aspect of structural reorganization.
As a whole, realization of the Russian economy
competitive advantages is impossible
without diverse, constant and strong state support. It should be combined
organically with market mechanisms not substituting and suppressing their
activity, supporting competitive
choice of the most effective production methods technologies.