state institute of the economy and trade
Radical macroeconomic transformations connected
with the transition from command to market economy have been taking place since
1990 in Russia. These transformations presuppose a number of severe micro and
macroeconomic reforms. Structural reorganization is one of the most important
components of industrial policy in the transitional period. It occurs both at
the macro level changing the industrial structure and at the level of managing
subjects dealing with intraproduction relations. But economy is inert and that
is why serious efforts and material and intellectual costs are required for its
transformation. Profundity and speed of the change depend mainly on government
policy and opportunities to make significant investments.
Structural reorganization of a national economy
is a deep transformation of productive forces which is determined by the
necessity of technological production updating and its adaptation to changing
internal and external conditions. Its main aims are production reorganization,
including reorganization by liquidation of inefficient sectors and by division
or amalgamation of enterprises, replacement of physically worn out or obsolete
assets, innovations and new production. Everything mentioned results in
considerable changes in branch, technological, dimensional, regional and other
structures of public production.
Today the main task of economy transformation in
Russia is to eliminate accumulated structural deformations. They are: distorted
branch structures of national economy which are manifested in hypertrophied
development of heavy industry and military-industrial complex, large amounts of
natural resources, poor development of industrial and social infrastructure,
technological structure deformation, which is the reason of enterprise fitting
out with obsolete equipment, technical and production lag of enterprise caused
by the lack of competition and long term isolation from the world economy,
dimensional structure deformation which is the result of big and super big
enterprises prevalence and the lack of small ones, distorted regional economies
caused by errors in enterprise location which were chosen without taking into
account of cost minimization requirements including costs of transportation.
From the very first days of reforms the
government chose the maximal economic liberalism policy. It is explained by the
fact that by the beginning of our reforms Keynesianism as theoretical basis of
government economic policy in the West in 50 - 70s had quitted the stage,
providing the place to neoliberalism with its main slogan: «Less government -
more market».
Economy was oriented to forced formation of basic
market economy institutions and reduction of government intervention to the
country's economy. Large scale privatization became the central part of the
reforms and as a result of it private sector supplemented with private-public
sector dominates in the economy nowadays. Market mechanisms of
self-organization were supposed to start working automatically after providing
full independence and structural reorganization and economic growth stopped in
the last 80s would consequently start.
Private property mechanisms and their
corresponding new organizational- legal forms together with the market pricing
liberty and competition were supposed to replace the state regulation functions
of the economy. Fiscal, budget, customs and partially banking regulations were
left to the state which now doesn't have real authoritative power. Now one can
say that privatization has resulted in the loss of public and state control
over production and finance, its «shadowing» and usage of obsolete and worn out
Structural reorganization is an effective way to
overcome cyclic crises, manifested in periodic worsening of economy functioning
quality due to decrease in efficiency and competitiveness under gradual
accumulation of inner contradictions, obsolescence of the existing forms of
organization and management, market saturation with the traditional production
of private enterprises in venal interests of new owners and oligarchic groups.
Economy mechanism deformation took place, disinterest of new owners of
privatized enterprises in production restructuring was enhanced by barter
dominating, accumulation of large non-payments, creating of banking system
isolated from real sector.
There is the most acute shortage of financial
resources at all levels everywhere. It is manifested in chronic budgeted
deficit for federal and regional administrations, in the shortage of circular
capital and investment resources for enterprises, in limited assets for
commercial banks, in low income, little savings due to non-payment of salaries,
wages, retirement pensions and social securities for country's people. The main
reason of such shortage is non-controlled outflow of financial assets from the
economy resulting in national's resources depletion. In normally functioning
economy the circular flow of public capital is self-contained in that
depreciation is spent on production and revenue is spent on investment and
public funds. We have broken circular flow as the greater part of depreciation
funds doesn't return to production.
Structural crisis is one of the main factors
depressant for the development of Russian economy. During the period of reforms
the most significant changes happened in branch structure of the economy,
caused by uneven production and investment decrease rate in separate sectors.
First of all production sphere was considerably reduced with the corresponding
increase of share of providing of services.
At the same time unfavourable tendencies in the
production structure are enhancing and the main tendency is the ratio change
between extracting industries and manufacturing branches in favour of the
former. Share growth of fuel energy complex is the greatest. A considerable
decrease of machine-building and a wide range of industries producing consumer
goods are among other negative tendencies. Timber, woodworking, pulp and paper
industries, industry producing building materials and chemical and
petrochemical industries are much worse.
Over the last years technological structure of
the economy is becoming worse. With share increase of traditional and relic set
up the part of advanced technologies reduced. Inclination to the third
technological organization returns the country to the beginning of
industrialization period.
At the same time there were important and
positive changes in dimensional structure of production, characterizing the
ratio of different types of enterprises: large, medium-size and small. During
the years of reforms a system of small-scale enterprises which was practically
absent earlier has been created. Besides large economic structures (LES)
corresponding to market economy were formed as a result of manufacturing,
financial, commercial and other enterprises integration within the limits of
intensive Russian capital self-organization.
One of the most important factors of economy's
structural reorganization in the context of rapidly progressing integration to
the world economy is its external economic links. They are carried out mainly
through the channels of foreign trade: export and import, foreign investments,
international economic cooperation development of domestic enterprises. As a
result country's participation in the world system of labour division has
unexpectedly grown.
At present the problems of country's economic
independence, technological industrial reconstruction and formation of modern
production plant are first-priority. It is necessary to realize the transition
of the main branches to the use and output of new technological equipment. The
urgency of such transition is very high as many kinds of equipment and
technologies have become obsolete. Production of traditional models leads to
the loss of competitiveness not only at the foreign but also at the domestic
Structural reorganization of Russian economy in
the medium-term should be carried out on the basis of three main strategies:
– development of high-tech science intensive
industries first of all on the basis of production markets development,
involving intellectual property in economic turnover and coordination of
investments with innovation projects;
– development of competitive production of
consumer and investment goods on the basis of price advantages of domestic
products, realizing the government purchases and promoting Russian goods at the
domestic and foreign markets;
– providing the development stability of
energy-raw-materials production for satisfying the needs of domestic market
conducting easy taxation as well as customs-tariff policies, aiding in
attracting foreign investments and a number of other steps.
The following purposes are of special importance
in the structural policy: curtailment of structurally-depressed production and
liquidation of equipment with the expired term of operation; reduction and then
termination of obsolete machine-building production; rearrangement of capital
assets. Rearrangement and reprofiling of capital assets should be carried out
as amalgamation and merger. To stimulate these processes it is important to
simplify the bankruptcy procedure of problem enterprises and their purchase.
Special attention should be paid to the use of
military-industrial complex potential while elaborating the policy of
import-changing. This means the defence enterprises' entrance to the consumer
market with a new product or technology; sale of licences on commercial use of
elaborations, obtained in the military research works; mutual capital mobility
between military and civilian sectors of economy; transition to double
application technologies.
At the same time it s necessary to accelerate the
processes of amalgamation and merger of enterprises including the bankruptcy
procedures for rearrangement and reprofiling of capital assets and for
accumulation of financial investment resources to prevent their diffusion.