Bazilinska Olena                                                                                        Economics

National University “Kiev-Mohyla Academy”,

candidate of economics sciences,                           

associate professor of finance associate professor of finance;



The influence of different types of monetary and budgetary policies on basic macroeconomic indexes


The modern state of economy in Ukraine is determined by processes of market transformation that causes the complexity and ambiguity during the formation of the state's economic policy and is stipulated by the absence of adequate legislative and institutional base, factors of opposition of separate social groups of the society to market conversions. The main problem is the choice of the right economic policy that includes the efficient combination of monetary and budgetary state's policies.

On definite stages of Ukraine's economy increase the combination of different types of (restrictive or expansive) budgetary and monetary policies was changing.

For appraisement of influence of combinations of different types of budgetary and monetary policies on the economic development let's construct the simple model, which will prove the strength of influence of imprint parameters of these policies on major macroeconomic indexes, that characterize macroeconomic stability and the economic development.

     Such indexes are:

l        for monetary policy- volumes and rates of money mass accretion;

l        for budgetary policy- contracted budget deficit, which is expressed in ratio of budget deficit to GNP (in percents).

For determination of inflation the prices of industrial output producers are used, as the change of consumer prices not always adequately depicts the prices processes in the economy because of the significant share of consumer goods in consumption sector as well as presence of administratively controlled prices, for the period from 1992 to 2006.

 So, the model consists of two equations and has such appearance:




where - GNP volumes, mln. of grn.;

- money mass volumes, mln. of grn.;

- share of contracted budget deficit in GNP, %;

- index of producers prices;

- rates of money mass accretion, %.

The direct appraisement of equations parameters caused such results:

        ( = 0,97, DW =  1,85)                            (3)    

       (6, 49)       (5,19)   (-4,13)                ( t- statistics)                   


               ( = 0,96, DW = 2,27)                              (4)

             (0,85)    (16,91)    (2,65)                     ( t- statistics)

Both equations have high statistic appraisals, which exceed critical meanings, so the designed model is of high quality. The meaning of Darbin and Watson statistics shows the absence of autocorrelation between the remainders.

The analysis of model indexes shows that it is in general corresponding to ideas of the economic theory concerning the influence of co-ordination of budgetary and monetary policies on the economic processes in Ukraine on the macro level during 1992-2006.

According to this theory, the significant volumes of budget deficit lead to GNP decrease and inflation increase [4], that was observed at the beginning of 90-s, and the money mass increase, from one side is favorable to inflation increase (when its proposition is higher than demand), and from the other side- for GNP increase, when the increase of money proposition conforms to money demand. According to foregoing estimations, the influence of monetary factor on major indexes is not significant. The influence of budgetary factor on both major indexes is rather significant.

The autonomic level of inflation is of extremely high value, that may be interpreted as constant presence of inflation expectations in the economy as a result of significant inflation level at the beginning of the 90-s.The action of other factors influences the autonomic inflation level, among them are structural changes in the economy, prices liberalization etc.

It is necessary to mention that the model contains too short data row in order to formulate any reliable conclusions, is rather simplified and does not take into account other factors and does not give the answer on the question, what is the critical budget deficit level, after which it influences on the economic growth of Ukraine not in positive but in negative way.

For more precise appraisement of influence of monetary and budgetary policies on major macroeconomic indexes we should look at the period of stabilization (1996-2006) that eliminates in large measure the action of foregoing factors. In this case the appraisement of model indexes has such appearance:

         ( = 0,98, DW =  2,1)                               (5)

        (9,57)         (4,36)          (7,87)             (t- statistics)


                  ( = 0,96, DW = 2,27)                               (6)

      (23,08)   (10,25)     (-1,98)                     (t - statistics)

As we see, all the statistical characteristics are optimum and show that the model is qualitative.

From the equation 5 we see that:

1.     The influence of money mass volumes on state's GNP has changed radically. The role of monetary factor in forming of GNP has grown in several times. But, the connection of this factor to GNP can be even reverse as a result of money proposition increase in answer on demand increase because of GNP growth. In any case the model shows that the extension of money proposition, which is adequate to economic growth, is necessary condition for provision of this growth.

2.     The autonomic factor is significant, as it shows the importance of other reasons of GNP growth in Ukraine (structural reforms, favorable external situation etc.).

3.     The influence of budgetary factor has changed its direction from negative to positive. This result is rather unexpected to budget deficit and to some extent it is not corresponding to our previous conclusion, that any budget deficit complicates the task of maintenance of macroeconomic stability. But the positive influence of budget deficit on GNP growth in Ukraine is rather well corresponding to Kanes theory of “budget incentives” for the economic development, accordingly to which the low level of budget deficit, that are not dangerous for the state's macroeconomic stability, stimulate the increase of total demand and production [2].

Let's analyze the equation 6:

1.     Not high level of autonomic (natural) inflation turns our attention. It is nearly 6% that corresponds the expectations for transitional economy. As a result of removal of such factors as structural changes in the economy, prices liberalization, etc. the autonomic inflation level has stabilized.

2.     The influence of monetary factor on the inflation is not significant. But the action of this factor decreased in more than 10 times.

3.     We observe the positive sign before the budget deficit index. It is so, because during the stabilization period the decrease of the budget deficit level began. Besides, it was financed not directly by emissive costs of the National Bank of Ukraine, but by means of internal and external state borrowings.

The foregoing model has the same disadvantages, as the previous one, and also does not answer the question, what level of budget deficit can be economically safe. Taking into account the fact that the qualities of the model have changed for budget deficit as well as GNP because of withdrawal during the period of 1992-1995, and during 1995-2006 budget deficit on the average stayed under 2% of GNP (when the average meaning during 1992-1995 was 9,3%), we can suppose, that the economically safe budget deficit level, after which negative consequences for the economic growth are possible, should be under 2% of GNP. But apart from the deficit level itself, the question of sources of its crediting is also important- this deficit may be economically safe only on condition that crediting is held corresponding to market methods, through the borrowing, while even indirect mainly emission crediting of budget deficit on the theoretically safe level, will undoubtedly cause negative macroeconomic results.

So, from the equations 3 and 4 we can conclude that at a high level of budget deficit the opportunities of monetary policy in preservation of macroeconomic stability (struggle with the inflation) are rather limited, and its influence on GNP- is at all minimal. But, the analysis of indexes according to the equations 5 and 6 shows that the positive influence of monetary policy on macroeconomic processes increases while  conducting healthy budgetary policy and keeping of budget deficit level and sources of its crediting in economically safe boundaries.

According to the results of conducted analysis of state of monetary and budgetary co-ordination in Ukraine and the experience of foreign states we can suggest such propositions concerning the perfection of this co-ordination.

1.     In long-term perspective fixing of rules and principles is expedient, as they determine for long period the basic parameters of monetary and budgetary policies that do not contradict to each other, and reduce the necessity of interaction in trivial questions.

2.     For total transition to co-ordination on the basis of long-term rules and principles and taking into account the negative influence on the economy of significant budget deficit (above 2% of GNP), it is expediently to predict the presence of long-term principles for budgetary policy.

It is expedient for it to predict the establishment of constraint of deficit level in national management sector in the Budgetary code of Ukraine (summary budget of Ukraine and national out of budget funds) on the level of 2% of GNP. It is also possible to predict the principle, according to which on the phase of economic growth deficit must be lower or at all absent, and on the phase of economic decrease-higher (about 2% of GNP). 

3.     In short-term perspective it is expedient to preserve the practice of                              determination of the main goal of monetary policy with pointing indicative character of other indexes that characterize monetary policy. But herewith          the main goal of monetary policy should be considered as the goal index button prognoses. Herewith it is inexpedient to give officially the prognoses of other indexes, that characterize the state of monetary policy (exchange, money aggregates), because it may be interpreted as definite obligations of the National bank of Ukraine, which should not be while establishment of the goal.

4.     To realize the policy of re-orientation on realization of internal borrowings (at the expense of national investors) instead of conducting of engagement on the external capital market. Though, at first sight, it may lead to definite increase of costs in attendance of state's debts, in fact in long-term perspective it will have significant profit for the parliament as well as the National bank.

5.     With the aim of the development of state's shares and stocks market (mainly secondary) it is expedient to create the institution of primary producers. It will be favorable for liquidity increase of the market and it will guarantee timely and complete disposition of shares and stocks by the state in the market. It will provide the opportunity to realize buying or sale of state's shares and stocks for other subjects in the organized secondary market at any time at a moderate price.

6.     It would be expedient to conduct organization of parliament debts before the National bank (restructured debts in credits of the National bank, which it has got for crediting of State's budget deficit in Ukraine in 1994-1996) on market compacts and to follow the compact of conducting payments as well as the compacts and terms of reckoning the sums of excelling of income over the payments of the National bank, that will be favorable for increase of trust of market to state shares and stocks and it will expand the reckoning of National bank's tools for usage while conducting monetary policy.

 So, the considerate combination of monetary and budgetary policies of Ukraine with minding of experience of previous times is expected to provide the improvement of the economic situation of the state and to bring Ukraine at a new, higher level of its development.


1.     Yuhimenko P. Monetary policy and structured reforms in the economy of Ukraine// Bank affaires.- 2004.- ¹1.- p.58-68

2.     The economy of Ukraine: conclusions of the transformations and increase perspectives/ After Geyts V. M.- K: Fort, 2000

3.     Galchinskiy A. S. Macroeconomic and monetary premises of increase policy.// Herald of NBU.- 2004.- ¹8.- p.6-8.

4.     Mankiv, Gregory N. Macroeconomics/ Trans. from eng.; ed. trans. of                     S. Panchishin.- K.: Basis, 2000.- 588p.