sciences/3. Financial relations
Germakhanov Sh.A., Romanyuk V.B.
State University, Russia
Modern methods of carrying out expert
examination of tenderers’ economic performance on the
acquisition of right of subsoil usage.
One of the most sensitive issues connected with the acquisition of right
of subsoil usage is the procedure transparency during the tendering process on
the right of subsoil usage. Conditions of the tender provide the execution of
examination of the submitted tenderers’ economic
performance. Let us consider one of such methods of execution of an
examination. Usually, the sequence of carrying out expert examination is
traditional and is as follows:
Familiarization with submitted
materials and technical and economic proposals of tenderers.
Selection of methods and methodology
of designs evaluation.
Development of evaluation criteria
according to the procedure and conditions of tender specified by the Office of
subsoil usage.
Designs’ evaluation and ranking of tenderers.
Submission of tender committee’s reports (examination)
The most important stage of examination is of course, the selection of a
method and methodology of its execution. First of all, it is necessary to
define the requirements, applied to the calculation method and methodology
during the execution of the examination. The following requirements could be
referred to the defined ones: conformity of design evaluation criteria to the
conditions and procedures of the tender, public hearing of experts’ opinion,
evaluation of quantitative and qualitative indices, unlimited amount of indices
and etc. Also from the examination results, all the tenderers
should be ranked by means of comparison of indices. These requirements might be realized through
the application of rating system. Today, ratings are widely used and there are
many methods and approaches for description of rating: credit ratings, credit
banks’ and insurance companies’ ratings, rating of corporation branches’
performance and etc.
Based on studied experience of
foreign and domestic rating agencies in the given issue (Standard and Poor’s,
Moody’s, IBCA< SERM, Fitch), let’s consider the following rating evaluation
method. (1). Two approaches are being highlighted in ratings’ evaluation:
expert and accounting approaches. Accounting approach of ratings’ evaluation
implies the usage of quantitative indices only, confirmed by the forms of
financial reporting and other official documents. Expert approach is based on
complex record of quantitative and qualitative indices (2). In our case, it is
advisable to use the expert method.
Accuracy and quality of acquired results is in many ways defined by the
competence of expert, which performs the examination.
Main stages of summary integral index of designs’ evaluation include:
development of criteria, that conform
to the “Procedure and conditions of tendering process on the right of subsoil
usage at block N”;
definition of the significance of the
chosen indices (specific weight). Every index is evaluated on the 10 point
scale with the help of several specialists by expert means. The weight of every
index is calculated as the weighted average value of all presented points:
Ji = (∑ (Áik/ Á ko) /k) +1,
where Ji – the weight of I-index;
Áik- is the point of k- expert
for the I –index;
Áko- is the sum of all the points
assigned by k-expert to all the evaluated indices.
calculation of the integral rating:
R= ∑Ïri *Ji, (2)
where Ïri-
is the comparative index of i-index. The comparative
index characterizes the delay of the evaluated design (company) on the i-index from the best value for the given index among all
the companies, that is:
Ïri= Ïg/Ïf,
is the best index value among all the companies; Ïf- is the index value of the
evaluated design.
Let’s give an example of
calculation of such rating, based on the examination of designs’ economic
performance on the right of subsoil usage at block N. The expert committee of
five specialists selected the following criteria group (indices): conformity to
the general provisions and conditions of the tender; adherence to subsoil usage
conditions; evaluation of methods of prospecting execution; main process
solutions on the development of hydrocarbon material accumulation; levels,
rates, hydrocarbon production performance; environmental protection; evaluation
of design’s ecological efficiency; participation in social and economic
development of the region. Seven economic agents participated in the tender on
the right of subsoil usage with the purpose of protection of commercial secret,
let’s mark them with conventional values as A, B, C, D, N, F and G.
Let’s display the main results of
the examination of tenderers’ economic performance in
the table 1 and figure 1.
Table 1
of integral complex designs’ rating assessment and ranking of tenderers
rating |
value (criteria) |
1 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
N |
F |
G |
criteria group: conformity to the general provisions and conditions of the
tender |
3.14 |
3.58 |
3.77 |
3.77 |
3.69 |
3.74 |
2.09 |
criteria group: adherence to subsoil usage conditions |
3.68 |
3.68 |
5.11 |
5.11 |
4.19 |
4.70 |
2.45 |
criteria group: evaluation of methods of prospecting execution |
1.54 |
2.35 |
2.05 |
3.07 |
2.05 |
3.07 |
1.84 |
criteria group: main process solutions on the development of hydrocarbon
material accumulation |
5.81 |
6.02 |
6.12 |
7.14 |
6.02 |
7.14 |
0.61 |
group: levels, rates, hydrocarbon production performance |
0.87 |
1.02 |
0.82 |
0.87 |
1.02 |
0.97 |
0.51 |
criteria group: environmental protection |
6.13 |
6.13 |
6.13 |
6.13 |
6.13 |
6.13 |
0.20 |
criteria group: evaluation of design’s ecological efficiency |
3.61 |
2.81 |
5.34 |
4.43 |
4.16 |
4.51 |
2.31 |
criteria group: participation in social and economic development of the
region |
0.48 |
1.02 |
1.10 |
0.30 |
0.40 |
1.08 |
0.00 |
rating |
25.26 |
26.61 |
30.44 |
30.82 |
27.65 |
31.36 |
10.02 |
6 |
5 |
3 |
2 |
4 |
1 |
7 |
Having investigated the quantitative
and qualitative indices of submitted designs by criteria, which correspond the
rules and conditions of tender, one can make the following conclusions: best
designs were presented by the companies: C, D, N, F; companies C, D were in the
group of indices, which characterized the fulfillment of general conditions of
the design.
Fig.1 Results of expert evaluation of the design
according to the criteria - adherence to subsoil usage conditions,
companies C, D area leading; in the group of criteria, that characterize the
evaluation of methods of prospecting execution, one can mark companies: D, F;
according to the criteria of main process solutions on the development of
hydrocarbon material accumulation won the companies: C, D, N, B; on levels,
rates, hydrocarbon production performance – the best companies were D, B;
environmental protection is presented in all designs in accordance with
requirements and norms, except G; the justification of the economic efficiency
of the design is better represented with the companies C, D, N, F; on the
criterion of the participation in social and economic development of the region
– the top position belongs to F.
Hence, one can recommend the introduction of the design from the
following companies: 1st place- F; 2nd place – D; 3rd
place- C.
The problems of making the theory of economical decisions. – Dnepropetrovsk:
Novaya ideologya, 2002- 304 pp.
A. Tregub.
Rating of collective investments’ tools: civilized approach.