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IDC 575.224.504.53.054


Baiseitova N.M., Madibekova G.M., Aitbaeva Z.B., Omarova A.T.

(International Kazakh-Turkish university named after H.A.Yassawi, Kazakhstan Republic)

         In the present time the human influence on an environment surpasses the abilities of a nature to auto-recovery. The migrated wastes of not completely proceeding technological processes are especially dangerous: gas wastes (emissions), sewage of the industrial enterprises containing toxic compounds and swallowing into soil and reservoirs [1]. Largest polluters of an environment in the South-Kazakhstan area are concentrated in Shymkent city. Among them the Joint-Stock Company of Industrial Corporation "Juzhpolymetal", located on territory of city, have essential influence on pollution of an environment, and difficult ecological conditions in area of leaden plant was developing for many years. According to the data of statistics the Joint-Stock Company of Industrial Corporation "Juzhpolymetal" annually throws out into environment cancergenetic substances [2]. The purpose of the given work is to study laws of distribution and contents of heavy metals in plants and influence of them on the genetic device of plants.     

                  The following tasks were put:

1. To define the contents of heavy metals in grassy plants distributed in territory  of the Shymkent city.

2. To investigate influence of heavy metals on caryotype of a plant Hordeum lepozinum var.Simulans.



Materials and methods

         For research the following methods are used: atom-adsorption method [3]  definition of the contents of the heavy metalls in plants, namely concentration of Pb, Cd, Zn. Cytogenetic method of research of heavy metalls influence on chromosomal number of plants. The correlation analysis of dependence of heavy metalls biological effects from intensity of pollution of an environment have been  carried out [4].

         For an estimation of distribution of the heavy metals in plants of Symkent city 4 items of research were chosen. The item ¹1 is located in 200-300 m from Joint-Stock Company IC "Juzhpolymetal". The item ¹3 is located on distance of 4 km in a northeast direction of city, that is located at the city centre. From the listed items of plants, as Plantago Lanceolata, Poa protensis and Hordeum leporinum var. Simulans was selected. For cytogenetic research of chromosomes was chosen the Hordeum leporinum var. Simulans.

Results of research   

         The data on the contents of heavy metals in plants are submitted in the table ¹2.  From the table  is visible, that the Hordeum leporinum var. Simulans accumulates the Lead in a high degree, its contents in item of research ¹1  made up 42,14 mê/kg, that exceeds the control index in 21 times, exceeds the Extreme admitted concentration (EAC) in 8 times. At Plantago Lanceolata the Lead contents makes up 31,07 mg/kg, that exceeds a control parameter in 15 times, and EAC in 6 times. The Lead contents in Poa protensis makes up 57,14 mg/kg, that in comparison with control item exceeds a control parameter in 14 times. The analysis of results of definition of the contents of zinc at investigated kinds of plants also has shown their various accumulating ability. The maximal contents of zinc in plants were marked in item of research ¹1, at Poa protensis it makes up 48,57 mg/kg, that exceeds the EAC in 1,6 times, and exceeds the control parameter in 12 times. At Plantago Lanceolata and Hordeum leporinum var. Simulans the contents of zinc does not exceed EAC, but is much higher in comparison with a parameter of control item. In the whole the contents of Cd in all plants much above than extreme allowable concentration.


Table 2 - Contents of the heavy metals in plants (mg/kg)

The name of


Items of research

Item ¹1

Item ¹2

Item ¹3

Item ¹4













Hordeum leporinum var. Simulans



















Plantago Lanceolata


















Poa protensis





















EAC: Pb-5 mg/kg;  Zn-30 mg/kg;  Cd-0,3 mg/kg.

         In our researches the estimation of mutagene activity of complex influence of the heavy metals on natural population of a plant Hordeum leporinum var. Simulans have been carried out. Studying the caryotype we was defining a level of the cytogenetic infringements in cells of seeds Hordeum leporinum var. Simulans, which are growing in industrial area IC Joint-Stock Company "Juzhpolymetal". Have established that diploide number of chromosomes 2n=42. Caryotype of this plant was investigated by methophase method of definition of chromosomes number.

         The data on frequency cytogenetic infringements in cells Hordeum leporinum var. Simulans are submitted in the table ¹3.


Table 3 - Frequency of the aneuploide cells Hordeum leporinum var. Simulans 

Place of the harvest of plants

Number of  analyzed methaphases

Giploide cells

Giperploide cells

In total:

the aneuploide cells

Absolute number

% ± m

Absolute number

% ± m

Absolute number

% ± m

Item ¹1

(Joint-stock company IC "Juzhpolymetall" area)









Item ¹2 (control item)









The analysis of the obtained data testifies about authentic excess of genome mutations in cells of a plant. At study of caryotype the change of chromosomes number (aneuploidia)  was determined. The obtained results testify that in plants, growing in area of Joint-Stock company IC "Juzhpolymetall", the increased frequency of aneuploide cells is observed. Total quantity of cells in item of research ¹1 made up 8,1  1,51%, and in control item made up 3,2  0,83%. Among them the frequency of giploide cells makes up 6,2 1,22%, and in control item makes up 2,2  0,94%, and frequency of giperploide cells makes up  1,9 0,82%, and in control item makes up 0,96 0,57%. The carried out correlation analysis between the contents of heavy metals in Hordeum leporinum var. Simulans and number of aneuploide cells has shown the high meaning of correlation coefficient r=0,92.

Thus, the carried out researches have shown, that in seeds cells of a plant Hordeum leporinum var. Simulan, growing in the polluted by heavy metals salts area, is observed the authentic increasing of frequency of genome mutations - aneuploidiya in comparison with control item of research.

         The salts of heavy metals in cells of plants cause the infringement of chromosomes number, and also influence on their structure. The modern problems of protection of plants and animals genefund are connected to action of natural and technogene factors. As a result of economic activity of the man there are new factors, which will not carry out the complete loss of genefund, but will  cause the change (mutation) in the hereditary device. Basically the hereditary variability is the vital property of all representatives of the organic world, including at plants, the mutations can result in loss of kind qualities, in decrease of productivity and reproduction ability.

The conclusion

         1. The territory of Shymkent city is considerably polluted by heavy metals, and the increased concentration of Lead, zinc and Cd in area of Joint-Stock Company of the Industrial Corporation "Juzhpolymetal" was established.

         2. By results of carried out cytogenetic researches is established, that the frequency of general genome mutations in seeds cells of a plant Hordeum leporinum var. Simulan exceeds the control indication in 2,6 times. The frequency of the aneuploide cells in industrial area made up 8,1+1,5 %, and in control item made up 3,2+0,83 %. Probably, an opportunity of genetic risk for biota and man exists.

         3. On a basis correlation analysis the presence of positive bond between the contents of heavy metals in plants and frequency of genome mutations (r=0.92) have been established.

         The protection of plants genefund, which are a component of a problem of protection of a nature, represents a complex of measures on preservation of all kind variety of plants - carriers of hereditary property of productive or valuable in the scientific and practical relation of properties.

         It is known, that under influence of natural selection and by means of sexual duplication of species in genefund of each species or the populations the  most useful properties for species  was collected, they was made in gene combinations. Therefore tasks of use of the natural flora have huge meaning. Ours modern grain, technical and decorative cultures, the origin centers of   which were established by the scientists, keep  the genealogical line or from wild ancestors, or are creations of a science, but on the basis of natural gene structures. By means of use of hereditary properties of wild-growing plants the absolutely new kinds of useful plants had been received.

         At the same time to the beginning of ÕÕ²   century the 10-20 thousand kinds of plants will disappear, if measures on their protection not will are accepted [5].

   It is necessary to respect a nature and not break its basic principles. The genetic basis of life on the Earth should not be exposed to danger. A position of each form of life, wild or domestic, should  be kept; environment of inhabiting should be kept.

        On the basis of the conclusion we do such offers:

-    to create the bank of the information on ecologically pure technologies;

-    to create the economic system of stimulating of processing and using of harmful wastes,

-    development of the market of secondary resources at support of the state;

-    preparation and training of the experts for work by progressive methods;

-    to attract a public to a problem of management of wastes;

-    to accept the normative-legal documents on wastes.



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