S. Yu., Protasova M.V.
Kursk State University, Russia
Since 2000 on the basis of
the Natural-Geographical Department in Kursk State University the training of
students studying at the speciality “Ecology” is carried out. The speciality
“Ecological Assessment” is supposed to give students knowledge on traditional
and modern methods of environmental researches and on its practical use.
Realizing the basic demands to a professional specialist, we propose them to
study a special course “Methods of Ecological Researches”. We have worked out
an appropriate program for this course to be taught. It takes 36 academic hours
for lectures and so for laboratory training in the educational plan. The form
of final control is exam.
The course consists of several themes,
which are presented in a logical order.
Part 1. Common biological and
ecological methods of research. The tasks and objects of ecological
researches are revealed in this part. The definition of methods, their
classification and specificity (field, laboratory, observation, experiment
etc.) are also surveyed. The questions devoted to the approaches which are used
in ecological research are briefly covered. Modelling, forecasting of impact on
the environment and system analysis are given a great importance.
Part 2. Habitat conditions methods
of ecological researches. In the
theoretical part, the students acquaints with rules and organisation techniques
of field researches of abiotic habitat. The review of methods, which are used
for environmental assessment (physical, chemical, biological, biophysical,
test-methods), is given. General problems of methods, means and technology of
ecological monitoring are given too. The questions of ecological evaluation and
territory zonation are surveyed.
Part 3. The methods realized according to the approaches
in researches of supraorganisms levels of living substance. Students
receive information about research organization and carrying out
researches of various alive natural
objects, processes and phenomena: population properties, community
organization, turnover and energy processes in the different biomes. In this
part the way of reconstruction ancient ecosystems, the elements of modelling
and assessment of agro-ecosystems stability are surveyed.
Part 4. Investigation in human
ecology. The questions connected with analysis of human local populations
and humanity in the whole are given in this theme. The levels of
anthropocenology researches, the modelling in population science, the space
monitoring of dimensional anthropogeocenosis, the mapping at the human’s
environment assessment, the application of biochemical diagnostics and
immunologic activity in research are particularly adduced.
Part 5. Data processing and
representation. At lectures and practical lessons students study the
methods of statistical data processing (verification, inter- and extrapolation
etc.) The various kinds of result representation are given.
At the
self-educational work, within the course, students deal with scientific
mass-media (Ecology, Ecological Systems and Devices, Regional Ecology Issue and
others) to insight with the different specifically policy of research, they
organize long-term experiments (modelling of ecosystems, extraction of soils
organisms, bioindication and bioassays, soils biological activity testing
etc.), observe and describe the phenological changes of nature.
Specially equipped
specialised training laboratories are necessary to realize the course.
Cooperation with ecological control and sanitation services and research
organisations could be maintained. On laboratory training and at the self-educational work the students deal with alive objects: yeast and green algas
cultures, infusorians, water fleas, edaphic organisms,
fruit flies, snails, brine worms, waterweed, duckweed, various plants etc.
The lack of textbooks and manuals
containing the integrated theoretical and practical information on methods of
ecological research is a great problem. This problem demands careful selection
of materials for lectures and working out practical training course.
The students studying at the speciality
“Ecology” study a number of courses including ecological information: Ecology
of plants, animals, microorganisms, Biological Envelope Doctrine, Social
Ecology, Hydrobiology, Geoinformation Systems, Environmental Chemistry, Ecological Assessment and others. Therefore,
students have a chance to apply their knowledge taken from the courses during
lectures, preparatory work and while carrying out practical and
self-educational works. Close connection among the naturally scientific courses
gives a chance to study separate methods less carefully, since they are viewed
in details while studying other disciplines. At the same time, specific methods
of ecological research are fully considered both in theoretical and practical
Having studied the course students
must know theoretical and practical methods of ecological research, they can
use methods according to the objects being investigated and must be able to
apply obtained knowledge in their professional activity.
The ecology is closely connected to the other branches of modern natural sciences. The general base
theoretical and practical methods of environmental research are supplemented by specific methods, which are used for the decision of special
ecological issue. In the
sphere of ecology and ecological researches the following is revealed:
- the interrelation of physical, chemical, and
biophysical phenomena in biological systems;
- problems connected to their qualitative and quantitative description, interpretation, estimation of prognostic and indicative importance of these events.
The primary intent
of the course is acquaintance with the basic methods of study of fundamental
ecological categories such as populations, communities and ecosystems, which is supported with wide
use of alive organisms, data of their abundance and variety while training.
The main issues of the course are connected with measuring and estimating of the species richness; with use of biotic analysis data for an evaluation and
environmental condition control as a possible alternative of
methodology of admissible
concentration limit; with use of
alive organisms in environmental