Economic sciences/the macro-economy
the candidate of the economic sciences– Gabdulina A.S.
Institute of the economy
Economic increase in Kazakhstan under the conditions
for industrial modernization, which is based on innovation- technological
factor, must acquire regional, “focus” nature. In the message of the President
RK Of N.Nazarbaev “New decade - new
economic lift - the new possibilities of Kazakhstan” is emphasized the need for
shaping of the centers of economic increase in the interests of the reform of
regional development. [1] Of greatest interest from the foreign experience, in
particular, is the concept of poles and centers of increase, realized in the
programs of the regional development of many countries, beginning from the
60's. It is based on application to the solution of the problems of the
regional development of the known theory of Schumpeter about the diffusion of
innovations, central position of which is the non uniformity of the propagation
of innovations, which, in turn, causes the non uniformity of economic
development and the unequal nature of the influence of different branches on
general economic dynamics and other branches [2]. In this plan several types of
branches are separated. One type - the so-called propulsive branch, which
possesses the high pulse, which it gives to the branches along the line of
demand and consumption connected with it. Specifically, these branches compose
the basis of industrial complexes. There is another type - leading branches.
This is the special group of branches and productions, which are characterized
by the fact that they are comparatively new, they will be characterized by the
contemporary technological level, and the main thing - are capable to the
larger degree of generating, of assuming and of transferring to innovation in
the sphere their influences.
The concentrations are formed by the force of the non
uniformity of their propagation of innovation, being grouped around the leading
branch. If this branch is propulsive, then it forms the pole of increase. The
geographical concentration of branches and productions, which form the pole of
increase, represents the center of increase. Thus, the regional pole of
increase is the collection of the developing and expanding branches and
productions, capable of causing further development of economic activity in the
entire zone of its influence. The pole of increase can be named the
geographical agglomeration of activity. The pole of increase - this is the unit
of enterprises and branches, located in one or several geographical bushes of
region. The mechanisms of the polarized development form the pulses, generated
by the innovation waves recovered in the environment. Concentration in the center
of an increase “in the critical mass” of innovations, in turn, causes the
propagation of development pulses in the zone of influence of this center. To
this the interrelation of technological shifts in machine building,
construction materials, fuel-energy complex, production infrastructure and
non-production consumption contributes. To the pulses of increase can be
attributed the pulses of investment demand, financial resources and free
capital, technological and organizational innovations, information, energy of
owner's activity. Consequently, the process of catching, generation and
transfer of such pulses is in practice possible by means of the tints of goods,
capital, information and work force between the center of increase and the
environment. Moreover in the first stages as this medium, which imparts initial
pulse, must come out the outside markets. The principle of the polarized (or
“focused”) development in many countries comes for the change the politician of
the levelling off of the level of regional development. It assumes the special
focusing of financial, administrative-management, human and other resources in
“supporting regions” (“poles”, “the locomotives” of increase), and also the
subsequent propagation of innovation activity into other regions.
Therefore economic increase, owner's activity,
innovation process in “supporting regions” are characterized by the greatest
intensity, having an effect on other territories, which do not enter in “pole”.
The polarized development - principle of three-dimensional development, which
the countries, which survive social and economic lift, follow in the initial
phases of this lift, when innovation wave in the country only begins to be
formed and it must reach its scale at least due to the concentration in the
separate “poles of increase”. The countries, which showed in the last 40 years
the stably high rates of economic increase, reached them due to an increase in
the interregional differences, i.e., as a rule, due to several base regions. On
this model were developed by Chile end 1980- X and first half of the 1990's
years, South Korea in 1960-80- e years, China in 1970-90- e years. Furthermore,
in the economy of the industrially developed countries also there are their
“the pole of increase”. Thus, in France prevails Parisian region, in Italy -
Lombardy (its center - Milan), in Spain - the agglomeration of Madrid and
Barcelona, in Japan - regions Of Kanto (Tokyo), kinks (Osaka, Kyoto) and Tokai
(Nagoya). IN the USA, Great Britain, Germany it is possible to isolate several
nearly equal in terms of the value of the leading regions; however, against the
background other territories of the country they are also sharply allotted [3].
Thus, in each state in view of natural, historical and economic reasons noticeably
is separated one, thinner frequent several economic centers. It is important to emphasize that far from
each region, center or unit can become the pole of increase, but only that, in
which are represented the propulsive leading branches. Therefore not the
regions of the intensive mastery of natural resources can become pluses of
increase for the economy of Kazakhstan, but are faster those regions, where
there are prerequisites for strengthening the innovation ability of territory.
These are the regions, which are characterized by more developed market
infrastructure, presence of the productions of progressive technological
structures, diversified branch structure, scientific potential.
1. Message of the President RK Of N.Nazarbaev “New decade - new economic lift - new
possibilities of Kazakhstan” //
2. Schumpeter I. Theory of economic development. -
Moscow: Progress, 1982 - 453 s.
3. Regional development: the experience of Russia and
European Union. Moscow, 2000.