Candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor Belgibaeva G.K.

Kazakhstan, Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketov

The objectives of giving ecological education

to the children of pre-school age


Nowadays the problem of giving general ecological education is raised up to the state level. The documents and laws based on ecological education are accepted. Ecological education is explaining generation the most efficient ways of combining society, people, nature and environment in harmony. Also educating humanistic new generation with high ecological knowledge and culture, who can protect the nature by efficient using of the natural resources of the environment, is very important. Preventing the growth of the ecological crisis will be accomplished only by explaining young people the ways of protecting nature and environment and giving continual ecological education.

According to this, the importance of organizing ecological education in our country is relevant, moreover necessary.

The aim of giving ecological education is develop humanistic attitude to the nature in person and educate them in total harmony of human, society and nature.

Ecological education deals with formation of ecological culture of a person and giving people continual ecological education. Ecological education is very complex process. It is aimed at formation worldview of a child through making him feel the importance to the environment and nature.

As well as other of science, ecology is continuously developing, but sometimes faster, sometimes slower. There are vivid facts containing ecological description in the works of Greek philosophers as Hypocrite and Aristotle. It is important to notice that Greeks didn’t know the word “ecology”. The contribution of the great representatives of “biological renaissance” (XVIII-XIX) is also of great importance. For example, at the beginning of XVIII century Antuan Levenhuk who was famous for being one of the first microscope researchers, investigated two important branches of ecology as “alimentary lines” and the dynamics of population.

 Ecology was formed as independent science in 1900. The term “ecology” easy offered in 1869 by German biologist Ernest Geckel.

“Ecology” (greek “iocos”- place, house and “logos”- science) by verbatim translation is the science bout the place of inhabitance. There are a lot of definitions for ecology, but most part of investigators of these days considers that ecology is science which investigates the conditions of the life existence of organisms and the connection between organisms and their existence. The term ecology is broad. That is why the description varies according to that branch of the science which receives more attention.

As every branch of science, ecology also has two aspects. The first is to broaden the scope of cognition. In this direction discovering the laws of nature development and explaining them is placed on the first place. The explosion of the problem of ecology is explained by that; none of important problems of ecology which has practical value consider the connection between animated and unanimated.

The laws which is based on the peculiarities of natural processes have to be paid more attention. For this, first of all we should consider the relations between ecology and nature.

Western scientists consider science of ecology and environment sciences as independent ones. Ecology investigates 3 factors of the outer world which influence the organism such as a biotic, biotic anthropogenic.

Nowadays the aim of giving ecological education in pre- school organizations is to teach to take care of nature, to explain to use its wealth properly, to give knowledge and skill to concern good attitude to the nature.

The peculiarity of pre school children is that children not only gather the knowledge about the environment, but also they try to understand the processes and form their attitude towards the nature. That is why, t isn’t easy o avoid the tradition to treat a child like a person who automatically repeats actions of grown- ups, who does everything with developed conscience, but the requirements of the society needs to perceive them like those people who can act as the subject of the educational process.

Ecological knowledge awakes inner senses of a person, teaches to look at the nature from new point of view. This will help to strengthen the love for nature, to understand its laws properly and to use the knowledge correctly in the process of reconstruction.

Ecological education in the process of teaching is accomplished by 2 directions.

1.      To explain he connections of ecological problems scientifically in the process of teaching.

2. By extra- curricula activities to explain the importance of positive influence to the environment and to make children obtain definite knowledge and practical experiment and skills on this field.   That’s why a teacher must the following:

-        To know the meaning of ecological category:

-        To learn the correlation between the nature and society:

-        To use old rules, ecological law system and its structural difficulties and also to use your education in a new condition and develop new laws;

-        To understand the wealth of the nature;

-        To learn the method of the environmental  science and to understand its existence;

-        To use the ways, forms, methods, pedagogical abilities of education  in practice;

-        To develop pupils’ interests, to teach them to love nature and protect it;

-        To adapt children’s work about the protection of nature and to develop their own opinion;

-        To introduce pupils with the laws of a nature and fight against the bad relations;

-        To determine the differences in education and ecological conscience of children.

In order to understand kindness, it doesn’t mean that children must know education and practice enough. If there are a lot of works that can help us to know the nature, we can understand the meaning of environment more and more through respect and care. With the develop pupil’s opinion, they can notice the things that they haven’t pay attention before. Plant and land like more attention, if you take care of them they will bloom. That’s why we must do simple examples of these meaning. The education which is given to children connects them with the environment. The main aim is to get used to accept different things from the materialistic point of view, to teach them to employable, to show pupils’ creative works in blooming the nature. Such education can develop pupils’ world views.  In order to develop pupil’s eagerness we must develop such competitions as journey, to control the differences in the nature, the works in the alive nature and to fill the nature calendar. That’s why we must form pupils’ eagerness. Usually the correlation between the nature and children develop without the pedagogical effects. In order to destroy the problems in teaching process we organize the following kinds of works that can make lesson better:

1.      To show ecological vocabulary;

2.      To make ecoprinting;

3.      To make alimentary lines;

4.      To construct support system;

5.      To make ecocards;

6.      To organize ecological showings;

7.      To draw ecomap;

8.      To prosecute out of the class ecological works;

9.      To perform ecological talks.

Let’s give definitions to them.

Ecological vocabulary – it is a work of a teacher in using new terms. The aim is to develop and show the meanings of the words through which we can develop pupils’ ecological culture, the wealth of the language.

 Ecoprinting – to print scrapbooks, magazines, books. For example, “Kazakhstan reservations” books, “Native region” scrapbook, “the rules of walking in the nature”.

Alimentary lines – exchange process between the alive organisms in nature. All alimentary lines are connected to the cell relations. So the meaning of ecological problem is existed. This word was taken from the ecological vocabulary. For example, mouse in one year ate one kg wheat →owl ate 1000 mice, swallow→100000 flies.

To construct support system – to determine the parts of the main construction and to learn it through scheme. For example, acid rain which is existed from the industry, gas transports, chemicals pollute the atmosphere. It is very dangerous for the plant, animal, tree, construction and pupil’s health.

Ecocards – the rules of walking in the nature, to protect the nature and conceptual pictures.

There are two kinds of ecocards:

1.                 Forbidden ecocards. The picture is drawn by dark red colour. “Don’t destroy bird’s nest!”, “Don’t pollute the lake!”.

2.                  Spread ecocards. “Keep nature beauty!”, “Take care of birds!”

Ecological showings – it is a work which is directed to the develop ecological culture, the limitation is very short, that’s why we can make changes.

Ecomap – to determine the polluted place, to show toxic lake place and to draw the map of them. They can draw maps according to the theme. The aim is to teach children to draw ecomaps in a result of controlling season changes.

Ecological tales –shows mankind’s effect to the nature, and to care, protect and pay attention to the plants and animals’ life.

Except these works we can offer the digest of the tasks. Teacher in choosing material must take under the consideration pupils’ world view and pedagogical literacy. The necessary materials can be taken from “Society and kindergarden”, “The youth nature man”, “Children education”. Children must complete every task. It can help them to answer argumentatively.

The tasks show not only the good properties, but also bad sides, that’s why we must fight against them.

One task is used commonly, second one is used to explain the questions which are about nature process, third is for practical work and last one for self- education.

Teachers give tasks to the group and take under the consideration pupils’ answer in order to conclude the tasks. Also teacher can give individual tasks. Such tasks can determine children’s psychological peculiarities, listen and speak to them, to correct mistakes, to answer questions beforehand. Some of the materials are used for the retelling and questions are used for writing compositions.

According to the difficulties material can be divided differently. That’s why teacher can work with different age children.

In conclusion, children’s ecological knowledge and education is related with the teacher’s action. Teacher can determine children’s inner state, interests to the nature, abilities and to form the eagerness to investigate natural process.



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