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Different perspectives

for every young  graduate students.




       Every day brings the demand on new professions.  Undoubtedly, the experience in the corresponding sphere is essential, but having knowledge of up-to-date jobs any undergraduate or graduate student  has a chance of passing an interview successfully. For example, merchandisers of  big companies are provided with training and career development. It’s enough to demonstrate one’s wish to work. Being a media planner requires good knowledge of the advertising market. Degree of a psychologist or a sociologist will be helpful for a recruiter and a moderator because they contact people.

        Looking through vacancies, our graduates often miss unknown words. They shouldn’t be afraid of them – interesting and promising jobs available may be hidden behind.

       The emergence of completely new jobs is a natural process for contemporary world. Such appearance is stipulated for rapid development of various branches of science and industry. Say, our great-grandmothers didn’t know what a manager meant – a post that exists almost in any company or enterprise. Such jobs as a marketer, a web-designer or an image-maker are not surprising for us nowadays. The spheres of advertising and personality development are especially rich in innovations – they go ahead very fast. It’s vital to feel the need in the experts before there are too many candidates on a certain position  – and use the moment to master a fashionable job. This will give indisputable advantages. Firstly, the chance of becoming an irreplaceable employee increases. Recruiting agencies will be ‘headhunting’ the person needed badly, and bigger companies will offer extremely beneficial conditions. Secondly, an exciting working process will help in self-realization. Thirdly, if a former student wants to set up his/her own business afterwards, there will be lack of competitors.

       It is necessary to take into account that the younger is the job, the more difficult is to master it because of information short. So it would be reasonable to start with market and personal experience studies of daring people. Let’s present some testimonials from different members of the public.

       One of the surveyed is Victoria Lysenko. She is a coach. She has chosen her profession to develop herself further. ’40 members of the staff were under my supervision. At first, I used coaching as a tool for  management – for reaching harmonious work in the company and personnel development. When I managed to do this, I  began teaching others.’ People say: ‘One head is good but two are better’. By taking coaching in order to solve business problems, such as raising sales by 30%, or market expansion it’s possible to increase the efficiency of the performance substantially. This happens due to covering the internal potential of the staff. Sometimes the jobs of a coach and a psychoanalyst are confused though they differ greatly. A coach doesn’t deal with children’s fears and complexes. Her work is aimed at reaching the objectives set by the client, realizing true wishes and finding out the ways to put them  into practice.

       A working day of a coach mostly consists of coach-sessions, that is, individual talks with the client.  With the help of questions and certain techniques a coach transfers him/her from the problem area to the area of solving this problem. As a result, the client himself defines the steps towards realization of the goal. In the process of work a coach doesn’t give advice but helps to make the right decision. If it concerns a company work, this expert studies all the company’s weak points before the coach-session. A professional coach should possess a strong-willed character, a wish to develop people, a set of necessary techniques, tools and methods. And be always emotionally neutral towards  the client to assess the situation impartially. Victoria is sure that her personal success and achievements inspire not only her but her clients, too.

       The secret of success: ‘At first I tried coaching techniques on myself and made sure – they work!’.


        There’s one woman more telling about her experience -  Elena Kudenko. She believes that advertising arrows shot by a mediaplanner  reach the target accurately: “By nature, I am a creative person, but at the same time I like precise calculation and order. The work of mediaplanner allows me to  perfect myself in these contrary directions simultaneously.” 

       At first sight television commercial clips seem to be placed in random. In fact, process of media planning which takes weeks or even months, precedes their appearance on TV. For example, sports news would be hardly interrupted  by advertisement of a cosmetic cream from wrinkles or a dressing sauce. Their place is in the middle of a ‘love’ film. A new soft drink is more often presented in summer. Novelties of technology suit the subject programmes.  Great amount of clips are from 19.00 till 24.00 and at weekends. Knowledge of all details helps a mediaplanner place advertisement so that it works 100%.

       A mediaplanner’s working day depends on what stage an advertising campaign is at. Development of a mediaplan begins, as a rule, in Marketing Department of the advertiser with setting up objectives. Then comes the survey: what programmes and when a target audience watch more often; after that the period of advertising campaign is defined; the actions of the competitors are analyzed. The direct placing of advertisement comes afterwards. The final point is post-analysis which helps assess the result.

       A mediaplanner needs the knowledge in marketing, statistics, computer software, principles of monitoring – in other words, the knowledge of numerous helpful subjects which our students of Economics Faculty and Faculty of Business and Finance master during their study courses at the Polytechnic University. Attentiveness and punctuality will save of mistakes in calculations that are inadmissible in a mediaplanner’s work.

      Secret of success: “ I try to ‘realize’ the product, to imagine the people it is aimed at – in order to hit the target – bring the information to those people who really need it, on the basis of accurate data monitoring and analysis of the rivals’.

                                           Who  Is  Who?

       There are a lot of rare jobs nowadays. Let’s see what they do and what they are responsible for, because some of our graduates will likely chose one of these trends in their economic professions.

       Underwriter  assesses insurance risks. If the probability of insurance accident emergence is great, then the sum of money is not big or a person is not insured at all.

       Developer  specializes in transactions with free-hold properties; buys plots of land, builds constructions on them, for example, office centre; then sells the buildings or leases them; the profit depends on the price difference.

       Copywriter  makes up slogans and advertisement like “Always Coca-Cola” or “Bounty – Paradise Delight”.

       Logistic  organizes goods delivery to the proper place with minimum costs; has a wide range of duties – from purchase control to insurance and certification of the products delivered.

       Buyer  purchases brand garments for fashionable boutiques abroad; it is he whom the colour and the style of the item you want to buy next season depend on.

       Speechwriter writes texts for businessmen and politicians; deals not only with texts but with pauses, intonation in order that the speech would sound nice and convincing.

       Shopper creates clothes according to the order; matches dresses, footwear and accessories for the client in boutiques.

       Accepting the recommendations mentioned above let’s allow arranging training of high quality personnel and creating the necessary conditions for Ukrainian higher educational establishments to integrate with world educational and scientific area.