(аспирант кафедры педагогики и методики начального образования)


ГОУ ВПО «Томский Государственный Педагогический Университет»


Today, in its most general form is defined mandatory minimum content of social scientific education graduates. Teachers became known list of the main teaching units.

Gradually formed an idea of what to do in foreign language lessons, what is taught. But there is still teachers and trainers concerned about how to teach and train how to teach and learn.

The main methodological innovations involving the use of active or as they are called, interactive teaching methods.

I would like to clarify the concept. The word "interactive" came to us from the English word from interact (inter - common, act - to act). Interactive refers to the ability to interact or be in the mode of conversation, dialogue with anything (e.g., a computer) or someone (a man). Consequently, online training - is primarily a dialogue study, during which the interaction [2, p.96].
In this article we describe the main characteristics of interactive methods of learning.

Under an interactive learning means a special form of organization of cognitive activity, which involves very specific and predictable target. So, one of these goals - the creation of comfortable conditions for interaction of teacher and student, i.e. the conditions under which a student feels their success, their intellectual consistency, which makes productive the learning process. The essence of interactive learning is an organization of educational process in which virtually all students are involved in the learning process, they have the ability to understand and the reflected over the fact that they know and think.

Joint activities of students in the learning process, development of educational material means that everyone contributes to this process their own special individual contributions, that there is an exchange of knowledge, ideas, and ways of action. And it happens in an atmosphere of goodwill and mutual support that allows us not only to obtain new knowledge, but also develops the cognitive activity itself, takes it to higher forms of cooperation and collaboration.

Interactive activities in the classroom require organization and development of dialog communication, which leads to mutual understanding and cooperation to jointly address the common but important tasks for each participant. Interactive exclude dominance as a speaker, and one opinion over another. In the dialog learning, students learn to think critically, solve complex problems by analyzing the circumstances and relevant information, weigh alternative views, to make informed decisions, participate in discussions, and communicate with other people. To this end, the lessons are organized individual, pair and group work, research projects, role-playing games, documents and various sources of information, creative works, drawings, etc. Interactive learning simultaneously solves several problems:

- Develop communication skills, helps establish emotional contact between students;

- Solves an information problem, since it provides students with necessary information, without which it is impossible to implement joint activities;

- Develops the overall training and skills (analysis, synthesis, goal setting, etc.), that is, provides a solution to educational problems;

- Provides an educational task, as taught to work as a team, listen to others' opinion

According to YK Babansky and other scientists, educators, any deliberate self-regulating functional educational system to strive for the best result of the educational process based on two criteria: the achievement of each student as possible for him during this period the level of performance, education and development and no evidence of systematic excess of students and teachers time norms.

In recent years, methods of teaching foreign languages have been a tendency to move away from the communicative approach to its variety - the interactive approach that was proposed by the Western Methodist. However, it has not yet produced clear understanding of the term "interactive" approach.

Some authors identify it with the communicative approach, assuming that the "interactive model of language acquisition suggests that learning occurs during and in the process of participation in language acts (speech events) ». Others define interactive method as modified by the direct method, which includes a number of other methods.

In contrast to this view, N. V. Bagramova, referring to K. Yli-Renko (K. Yli-Renko), concludes that "an emphasis on communicative and interactive approach, given the very process of communication and learning situation in the classroom, in While communicative learning puts the focus of communicative functions of language.  This conclusion is consistent with the position of A. A. Leontiev that interaction (Interaction) mediated communication. Thanks to the communication people can interact, and not vice versa. "Interaction, interaction - is a collective activity, which is considered by us not by the content or product, but in terms of its social organization" [2]. Researcher B. D. Parygin considering interactive communication as a two-sided phenomenon: on the content - is "a communicative process of mutual expressions of mental states and the exchange of information, in form - is a behavioral aspect," implemented in the process of interaction, i.e. interaction between people and their behavior on relation to each other "[3].

Thus, using an interactive approach to teaching English, you can optimize the process of mastering the skills of foreign language and make it more effective in higher education.



1. Bonuel C. K., Sutherland T. E. A continuous active learning: the choice of methods for enhancing the training of students in the classroom / university education: from effective teaching to effective learning. collection articles, essays on didactics of higher education / BSU Center for Problems of education. - Minsk., 2001.

2. Passes E. I. Kuzovlev V. P. Korostelev V. S. The aim of foreign language teaching at the present stage of development of society. Common methods of teaching foreign languages. - M., 1991.

3. Grigalchik E. K., Gubarevich D. I. We train differently. The strategy of active learning / /Minsk, 2003. - p. 13-14.