Экологические и
метеорологические проблемы больших
городов и промышленных зон
R.H. Turgumbayeva
The Kazakh National Pedagogical
University named after Abai, The Republic of Kazakhstan
Influence solid waste of phosphorus chemical
enterprise using lump phosphorite on environmental
pollution and evaluation through correlation-regression analysis
The pollution of environment by industrial wastes causing degradation of
habitats remains to be a nagging ecological problem of essential social and
economic importance.
A substantial impact on environment is caused by the phosphorus industry
enterprises. In south region of the Republic of Kazakhstan the impact of the
phosphorus industry enterprises is the most significant. The variety of output
of chemical enterprise, technologies and raw materials determines the wide
spectrum of environmental pollutants.
Raising of the rate of production and building of new plants require to
evaluate the impact of a functioning industrial unit upon environment. In the
recent years the production of phosphorus has been decreased in comparison with
the soviet period due to the instability of demand. Therefore, it is necessary
to determine the dependence of solid pollutants quantity on the volume of the
production manufactured. Due to these reasons it is necessary to determine
dependence of the quantity of polluting substances on the volume of production.
With this goal in mind, we conducted mathematical calculation using classical
regression analysis and data when for the enterprise using lump phosphorite
of Kazakhstan and working in normal conditions.
The first stage of mathematical modeling of the
enterprise in question was correlation diagrams construction. Then the diagrams
were analyzed, linear regression equations were made on the basis of the
technique of least squares and the adequacy of the mathematical model to the
studied object was determined. On the basis of correlation data and values of quantities R-square, tct
(Student criterion) and F ( Fisher criterion) the hypotheses proposed were
confirmed or rejected [1, 2].
On figure №1 principle scheme of formation of balance pollutants
in the block “lithosphere” is shown.
1 |
AL LА SL LSП 4.1 1.4
4 |
1. ‑ Formation
of balance pollutions in bloc “lithosphere”;.1,4 – blocs; 1.4, 4.1, АL, SL, GL, LА, LS, LG ‑ streams, m (l) – mass of wastes.
In compliance with equation
lithosphere’s bloc in accord to [1] accumulation; of waste:
(L) = 1.4 +АL + GL + SА ‑ 4.1 ‑ LА ‑ LG – LS,
is pollution lithosphere’s surface in zone of
industrial area define basically with direct
pathway (stream 1.4) and indirect way - precipitation
of components gas-dust emission from polluted
atmosphere and losses of raw stock, accessory products, inters, finish products, industry’s waste on the ways of
transportation, lading-discharge places.
Solid wastes of chemical enterprises
of phosphorus industry are distinguished by their variety; slag of cone
furnace, which is produced during phosphorus acid production, thermal and
granular slag, which is formed during sublimation of phosphorus from the
mixture, cottrel milk (produced during phosphorus production at the stages of
electrical sublimation from the mixture), lime sludge (a product of
neutralization of waste waters by lime milk and soda mixture), coke items and
industrial-domestic waste.
On figure 2 correlation field of production waste and the volume of
produced phosphorus at the enterprise using lump
phosphorite is shown.
2 – Correlation field of solid waste quantity and the volume of produced
phosphorus at enterprise using lump phosphorite.
The following data in table 1 shows
results of correlation-regression analyses.
Table 1 – Table 1 - Values
of wastes correlation coefficients and
criteria of their evaluation.
Waste |
R2- |
Coefficients |
t-statistics |
F statistics |
b0 |
b1 |
wastes |
0,80 |
-159,19 |
57,01 |
8,33 |
69,34 |
Statistical analysis shows that the volume of phosphorus is significant
is 8,33, which is higher than the
table value ttable.= 2,09.
Equations coefficients are: b0
= - 159,196; b1
= 57,0166.
equation is:
y = - 159,196 + 57,0166 x,
х – volume of phosphorus, y – quantity
of solid wastes.
value of Fisher criterion F = 69,34
while at values ƒ1 = 18,
ƒ2 = 17 the value F tab. = 2.3. Therefore, the equation
corresponds to the experimental data.
Thus, the obtained approximate equation of
regression of environment pollution by solid wastes of production in dependence
on the amount of manufactured phosphorus can be recommended for evaluation of
solid wastes for an enterprise using lump phosphorite.
Ахназарова, В.В. Кафаров. Оптимизация эксперимента в химии и химической
технологии. М.: Высшая школа, 1978, p. 319.
Peter Kennedy. A Guide to
Econometrics. The MIT Press Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1992, p. 410.