Mgr. Gabriela Kravčáková, PhD.,
Viktória Lovacká
Faculty of Public Administration of Pavol Jozef
Šafárik University in Košice
Popradská 66, 041 32 Košice, Slovak Republic
Working environments is one of the
work place aspects. Work place can be defined by various aspects. We can
mention description of work place design, identification of influence of work
place aspects on motivation, satisfaction, performance and safety. The article
is focused on work place aspects and presents the conclusions of research
focused on identification of level of satisfaction with work place aspects of
university teachers.
Working environment determines the employee attitude
and relation to work and organisation, his satisfaction with work and
well-being, health condition and last but not least his work performance.
1. Working
environment and its components
Višňovský defines work environment as
“the system defined by given number of aspects, whose occurrence, intensity and
mutual influence determines specific work place conditions” (1996, p. 81). If
these aspects are not satisfactory, they impair the well-being of environment,
i.e. environment status in which the employees “in defined space feel as well
as possible and are able to do the maximum work performance” (Lopušniak,
2005, p. 12). In the course of work process, the sufficient employees’ health
protection against adverse influence of excessive physical, mental and sensory
burden is requested. If the active burden, it means the burden of active work
performance, is intensified by inactive burden as the result of negative
influence of work environment aspects, the employee global burden is being
increased .The efficiency of work is significantly decreased by this, as the
part of employee potential is spent on compensation of such aspects influence.
At the same time the work well-being, defined by Rymeš as“summary of
values and parameters defining working environment and positively influencing
on human activity and positively evaluated by subject” (2003, p. 47), is
impaired. Tiredness and overload is increased and concentration is reduced
which may conclude in work accidents.
Spatial design of
work place shoud complains to body size and
natural ways of employee limbs movement and physiologically unacceptable
positions should be eliminated. “Unacceptable position is any enforced work
position which presses the employee in limited space and the hands movement is
also concentrated in small space” (Hüttlová, 1994, p. 44).
Physical work
conditions Concerning microclimate conditions,
especially air temperature and humidity affects the work performance and safety
provided their extreme occurrence at work place .The connection between
temperature of work place and frequency and severity of accidents proves that
extreme temperature does not increase only frequency of work accidents but
their severity as well. Disruption of employee temperature balance has negative
influence on employee term regulating processes as the tiredness increase and kinetic
ability deterioration is caused by excessive
perspiration or barriers of warm evasion because of pore lock. .
In case of lighting, the optimal light regime is
requested, it means the status when the ocular analyst (eye) can optimally
fulfil its role with maximum efficiency and the lowest tiredness and the visual
tiredness at work place is eliminated. Generally, the increasing intensity of
lighting keeping its good quality cause that work performance and its
regularity increases and the number of errors decreases the more the more
difficult attachments are done by the employee.
The main risk of noise is that it acts hidden, attacks
human body systematically and its impact is cumulated. The malignancy of noise
is influenced by intensity and frequency level, period of impact and frequency range, frequency of interrupting,
noise pulse, unexpectation and personal dispositions. Regarding the safety
work, the noise can not be considered as the direct reason of work accidents.
It has only indirect influence, in particular the connection between noise and
tiredness which is the confident accident reason, and the influence of noise on
reaction speediness and coordination.
Colour design of work interior has to complain to the type, way and
period of work done, shape, size and location of space, the colour of processed
material and equipment, lighting, term conditions and also the individuality of
employee concerning age and sex. (Hűttlová, 1994).
Social and mental work
conditions are specific group of work conditions. From work
safety point of view, the type of control, work organisation and interpersonal
relationships are especially interesting. Social and mental impulses are caused
by need to be in permanent contact with people or on the contrary to work in
isolation. Generally, the mental work requires the conditions when the employee
is not disturbed by presence of other people, while in case of physical work
the shared work place is not the disturbing element seriously impacting the
work performance. Extreme work isolation may cause the mental discomfort and
negatively influence employee relation to his work attachments and performance.
Currently, both the theory and practise confirm that social and mental
atmosphere in the company represents the basic aspect influencing the increase
(decrease) of employee work performance, competitive level and success of
organisation (Kachaňáková, 2003). „For that reason it is necessary to find out and remove the reasons of
unwanted tension concluding in decrease of work concern and deterioration of
final results. (Antošová, 2003, p. 115).
2. Components of working environment–
survey of university teachers opinions
The target of survey was finding out of the importance and
satisfaction of selected university teachers with spatial design of work place,
physical conditions and social and mental work conditions regarding safety work
and health protection and their influence on performance.
The survey method was author questionnaire. The data
was evaluated by frequency analysis of absolute and relative values of rate
occurrence and Chí-quadrate test - test of good accordance. The survey
was performed in 2007.
Survey sample. Selected
sample contained 280 university teachers of economy area in Slovak and Czech
Republic. 90 respondents filled up the questionnaire (n = 46 Slovakia, n = 44
Czech), which means 32% return rate. The sample structure: 44 women (48,9 %) and 46 men (51,1 %).
Survey conclusions. Although the most of respondents is satisfied with spatial
design of work place, we can not overlook the existing reservations or
unsatisfactory components of space design.
After data evaluation we come to conclusion that most of reservations
concern location of desk with computer and location of legs; the space requests
and work chair are the most unsatisfactory.
Physical conditions of work satisfy most
of respondents at universities. As the most important aspect of work
environment the noise is considered as it negatively influences almost on all
respondents. Respondents have the reservations or are not satisfied with work
conditions. This concerns lighting, temperature or colour design of work place.
Among social and mental work conditions and other work
environment components, the higher importance is linked to interpersonal
relationships at work place. Most of respondents were satisfied with conditions
at work place, but some respondents mentioned the tension at work place,
inadequate evaluation of work activities, and unsatisfactory organisation of
work or interpersonal relationships
The survey results do not show up the absolutely
active attitude and concern of universities management about working
environment in sense of creation and assurance of satisfactory and suitable
work conditions. Employees can not change many of unsatisfactory components and
they are forced to adapt themselves to such working environment
environment is the basic element of work place. It is composed by components
which influence to each other and create particular work conditions in which
the individual work attachments are performed. On the base of information
obtained, we can say that inadequate material and immaterial work conditions
grade physical, psychological and sensory burden of employees in work process
and may be the source of health hazard, affect the work well-being and human
capacity. The human adaptability is huge, so he can gradually adapt even to
extremely adverse work conditions. Such a process is undesirable and induces
discontent of employee.
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