Педагогические науки / 2. Проблемы подготовки специалистов


Plyaka L, Svetocheva I.

National University of Pharmacy

Individual work as a form of teaching and learning

of students in higher pharmaceutical institution

Today the modern society requires higher education training of competitive specialists, capable of doing creative work and professional development. The current state of training of specialists in pharmacy requires finding new ways to improve their theoretical training, availability for independent creative work. Therefore today at the National Pharmaceutical University special attention is given to individual self-improvement by means of education process of interaction of teachers and students and improving of practical skills in the chosen field of activity.

The increase of professional and communicative competence of future professionals, in our opinion, should be based on activity and independence of students, development of their creative potential. According to the scientists (E. Gapon, N. Helashvili, L. Dergach, L. Klimenko, D. Teteryna, V. Tyurina), the system of higher education is designed to not only give students the knowledge, form their professional skills, develop creative thinking, but also to provide them with methods of searching and obtaining information necessary for further professional activities.

One of the conditions for increasing the learning process effectiveness is the organization of individual work of students. Today the individual work of students is a sufficient part of teaching and learning. It is an active process, which provides constant enrichment of a student with new information, it consists of different balance of reproductive and searching activities. Its effectiveness determines the quality of professional training in pharmaceutical high school [1]. V. Kozakov states that the goal of students' independent work is twofold: the formation of self-sufficiency and adopting of knowledge and skills. [1].

Individuality in gaining the knowledge is defined by students’ own learning activities, which ensure their internal needs, interest and ability to self-deploy their own abilities and creative potential. During the self-teaching and learning the students have the opportunity to purposefully and meaningfully motivate their actions, identify and solve the problem, and deepen their knowledge. Their learning activity becomes active and has focused substantial nature. It is proved that the knowledge which was obtained by students alone, with their own experience, thought and action becomes really substantial achievement.

Effectiveness of students' independent work depends on the quality of planning, organizing and the control regulation [1, p. 2]. The teacher must organize the purposeful management of students’ activities, provide cognitive activity, problematic professional orientation and individualization of learning. The quality of self-acquired knowledge and psychological state of students is enhanced by careful planning, organization and timely control students' individual work by the teacher.

According to V. Tyurina, cognitive self-sufficiency is a quality of personality, character which lies on the ability and desire to acquire knowledge and methods of individually, basing on forceful effort [2, p.17]. Students are acquiring skills of self-teaching and learning from the practical training especially from the presence of scientific research elements. In these trainings students are encouraged to build skills and use the algorithm for typical professional situations and also to work with educational and reference books, etc. Individual tasks allow all students to work individually, taking into account their level of knowledge. However, the teacher has the opportunity to assess individual skills and knowledge of students and to change task, taking into account its size and complexity, that is to deliberately manage the students’ cognitive activity. The result of learning is determined by individual and psychological characteristics of students, their previous training and professional skill of teachers.

Thus, self-sufficient study of students is the most important form of training, during which the main task of teachers is to teach students to individually choose the scientific literature and work on it, develop creative personality capable of self-improvement and self-education.

Self-learning activity encourages independence, initiative, discipline, accuracy, sense of responsibility needed in the future specialist training and professional activity.


Reference sources

1.      Козаков В.А. Самостоятельная работа студентов и её информационно-методическое обеспечение / В.А.Козаковю – К.: Вища школа, 1990.

2.      Тюріна В.О. Пізнавальна самостійність школярів / В.О.Тюріна. – Харків. : ХДПІ, 1993. – 143с.