R. B. Mazhenova, U. M. Konhasheva

Kazakhstan,Karaganda state university named after E. A. Boketov

To form children’s ethno cultural identity

in the preschool organizations


Strategy “Kazakhstan 2030” which was suggested by our president N.A. Nazarbaev has main directions: to bring up the new generations who have patriotic and national feelings and comparative educated, skilled citizens by taking into consideration people’s national models and traditions. [1]

It is important  begin to bring up pupils who possess national qualities, to inspire them to knowledge in the preschool organizations. This is the first stage in the direction of the demands realisation to teach uninterruptedly.

In the globalization century the problem of ethno cultural identity is becoming more important. The human society can be developed in two directions: communication or disagreement of cultures. But these two directions can bring us historical crisis. The solution of this problem is dialogue between cultures, in this situation any culture has opportunity to communicate with global society without losing it’s own peculiarity. That’s why the problem of cultural dialogue can be solved by the formation of ethno cultural identity, it brings to the communications of the ethnical communities.

As it was mentioned in the conception “Ethno cultural education in Kazakhstan Republic” (1996) Nation’s ethno cultural identity is formed with knowledge of historical cultural events, result of respect to national heroes, humane values. It is formed in the process of national freedom and self-willed creation. Nation achieves ethno cultural identity by its social-cultural system. This system consists of family, preschool and educational organisations, national and cultural centres, mass media, belles-lettres and scientific literature, scientific investigation and administrative organisations and others. [2]

In these cases the importance of investigation the formation problem of ethno cultural identity increases at the pedagogical point of view. During the modern development of society all-round, developed, individual upbringing of children is realised, it gives opportunity to form ethno cultural identity, to practise through connecting modern values with national humane culture in the educational-upbringing process of preschool organisations.

The formation of ethno cultural identity at the changeable stage which envelops whole world is one of the most important problem. Ethno cultural identity is the part of person’s social identity and the category which agrees with its communion to definite ethnic community.

Latter years of last century there were works which investigated ethno cultural identity problems at the scientific point of view.

Ethno cultural identity has the great importance in the social life and historical humane world. To investigate and consider from the different sides has the greatest meaning.

Ethno cultural identity investigations are intended for schoolchildren and students, but pedagogical investigations of the formation  problem of preschool ethno cultural identity are developing.

Patriotic feeling strengthens country, to be proud of his country, society, to protect his citizen’s purpose in spite of place, to believe to ability, all what was mentioned should be formed from the childhood. Preschool organisations and families should bring up generation with patriotic feelings.

It is necessary to form new system of upbringing and education for preschool ethno cultural identity.

It shouldn’t be compared the influence of national upbringing to human generation. Because nation’s upbringing inheritance is main index of national culture. With its help we know that nation’s national upbringing peculiarity.

Every nation’s main goal is to bring up healthy, educated generation. National traditions have upbringing role to grow up all-round, skilled youth.

By describing kazakhs’ national peculiarities we should know that the missions of family and preschool organisations are connected.

There aren’t enough important theoretical materials and practical treatments in our country. The works which have ethnical description are published. The shortage of methodical books prevents nowadays.

It is necessary complex investigations and researches in the future. It is time’s demand.




1.     “Kazakhstan - 2030” strategy, 1997

2.     Conception of Ethno cultural education of Republic of Kazakhstan, 1996