Физическая культура и спорт/ 2. Развитие физической культуры и спорта в современных условиях.
«KPI», IMEF, physical education department
Development of physical culture and sport in Ukraine:
market conditions
In contemporary market
conditions prettily actual there is a functioning problem and sphere
development of physical culture and sport in Ukraine. Insufficiency of
contemporary scientific researches in this sphere is one of causes of
uneffective management in sphere of physical culture and sport that essentially
complicates its adaptation to new socio-economic conditions.
Sphere of physical
culture and sport in Ukraine inherent following conformities to natural laws:
1) in market conditions
a result of human activity in sphere of physical culture and sport acquires a
form of social service and becomes by commodity;
2) for exclusion of some
part of physical-educational services, which consume freely of charge, all
physical and sport services appearances become by commodity, by object of
market relations;
3) assignment of
services in physical training sphere and sport stipulates application necessity
of effective entangling methods and utilization of economic resources and also
guaranteeing of constantly increasing population needs in high-quality of
physical and sport services;
4) functioning and
development of physical culture and sport sphere by all greater measure depends
on external economic environment, which becomes more open.
5) takes place a table
of contents modification and forms of sports activity, and also modification
and sport differentiation appearances in obedience to requirements of market
So, by attributive sign
of contemporary functioning stage and sphere development of physical culture
and sport there is its forming within bounds of system of market relations as
system of subsystems of market relations of higher level. In its turn a
services subsystem in sphere of physical education and sport expediently divide
on following composing: 1) physical-educational; 2) sports-sanitary; 3) sports-
performance; 4) sporting-training; 5) sports-rehabilitation.
Ukraine does not stand
aloof world processes that's why typical sign of its contemporary functioning
and development there is physical and sport services market
internationalization. In professional sport this displays in such moments: 1)
permanent growth of amount of internationals and amount of their participants;
2) establishment of general physical and sport services quality standards and
inculcation of them on national level; 3) legislative subjects rights
adjustment as for control for proper segments of international physical and
sport services market; 4) growth of role of international corporations as
second physical and sport services consumers.
Analysis of sports
organizations of developed countries witnessed, that under market influence
takes place a modification of organizationally-economic functioning and
development principles of physical culture and sport. Considerable
transformation suffers main organizational component – club organization system
of sports activity, where the sporting clubs acquire a form of joint stock
companies. Attached to this follows tendency as for softening of adjustment on
the part of activity state of joint stock companies in sport, by reason of what
they are accorded possibility actively to operate fund markets. In the same
time in professional sport is kept action exclusion tendency of market
mechanisms within unions bounds of professional clubs, which come forward by
monopolists on market appearance of sport-perfomance services. In sphere of
sanitary physical culture the clubs transform from of closed formations into
open economic structures, which lend sports-sanitary services to all wishful
It be important pick out
the positive and negative effects of market influence on sphere development of
physical culture and sport. To main positive superventions trace to carry away:
more full population needs satisfaction in physical and sport services for guaranteeing
counting of their high quality, expansion of assortment, and also wide
inculcation of concomitant and additional services; active inculcation of
newest technologies; growth of diffusion possibilities on global level of
values of physical culture and sport for counting of television emulations
broadcasting, enlightenment materials
and sparring programms etc.; entangling of considerable funds scopes; improvement of management system by sphere
of physical culture and sport on macro, middle and micro levels, and also
application of effective leading technologies. Most typical negative
superventions of market sphere functioning of physical culture and sport trace
to define: impossibility to satisfy needs in high-quality physical and sport
services by social groups with incomes low;
deformation of world labour-market specialists from physical education
and sport, active sportsmen migration from economic undeveloped to countries
with high level of economic development etc.
Raising the sums
necessary to point out, that by attributive precondition of perspective sphere
development of physical culture and sport in Ukraine there is its successive
evolving from bureaucratic state conduct model to effective market. This needs
realization of proper arrangements of organizationally-administrative and
normatively-legal disposition, such as: creation of necessary conditions for
functioning and development of sports-sporting organizations of different
property forms; effective efforts
combination of all sphere sectors of physical culture and sport with view of
fuller population needs satisfaction in physical and sport services;
guaranteeing of qualitatively new table of contents of state management by
sphere of physical culture and sport; location public to sector in management
system by sphere of physical culture and sport; determination of economic state
possibilities, which would gave to a possibility to realize effectiveness
adjustment of market relations; improvement of normatively-legal functioning
base and sphere development of physical culture and sport.