
Ph.D, associate professor

senior lecture of economic analysis department and 

                                  finances of the Krivyi Rig technical university

                                            Ukraine, Krivyi Rig

                                                                                                   A.V. Pantyuhova

                competitor of economic analysis department and 

                                  finances of the Krivyi Rig technical university                                                                  Ukraine,  Krivyi Rig




Ukraine belongs to the number of countries with high scientific potential. On this stage of development economy of country have to become priority conditioning, providing the increase of this potential, which in some case will result in realization of industrial potential at world level.

A market economy foresees functioning at the market of strong, competitive enterprise which stably develops. Attaining this result is possible due to development of new technologies and receptions of business conduct; upgrading end-point, developments cardinally of new methods of management enterprise activity   and system of income quality  in particular, and also to innovative activity in relation to a management and use enterprise assets. It is necessary to carry accents on questions study the control system of enterprise income quality.

We will consider the ways of improvement control system of enterprise activity in the present terms market development. Every modern leader wants to reserve independence in relation to making decision, which directly influences on enterprise development. It is possible having sufficient information about enterprise activity in all its aspects.

Creation effective control system by enterprise activity and its inalienable making control system - income quality for a leader from the list of the put aims goes out on the first plan. To attain it is possible at the correct understanding of mechanism of enterprise activity, because a modern enterprise is the system which is able to develop, only if all its making components  will be put  in set procedure, each of them will carry out expressly certain its functions which are important for every component.

That’s why it is necessary to create the effectively functioning model of enterprise control system, all its basic elements will be reflected in it.  In the conditions of the intensified competition it is expedient to move attention to the question to influence enterprise assets on extent and quality of income, as a basic forming factor of the proper level enterprise income quality. Income of quality is high-quality-quantitative description enterprise income, which is related to its forming, distributing and use, estimation personnel qualification, organizational-technical level of production and their effective use.  In basis of upgrading income quality, except the level of the use labour force, potential and level of the use facilities of labour and articles of labour (inconvertible and circulating assets of enterprise) are taken place. Influence of these categories on a extent and quality of income is reflected on Fig 1.












Fig.1 Influence of enterprise assets   on a extent and enterprise income quality.


As it is mentioned fig.1, on income quality influence:

- extent enterprise assets  ;

- organization of production process;

- efficiency of the assets use; 

- composition and structure of inconvertible assets (correlation of productive and unproductive inconvertible assets);

- control system by assets.

We consider influence inconvertible and circulating assets on income quality.  We will especially mark this influence on example of inconvertible assets (facilities of labour).

Thus, it is especially necessary to mark that inconvertible assets are inalienable part of production process and level of their technical development and use straight influences on the productivity, and also on an extent and quality of income of enterprise. Most enterprises are limited in the choice of inconvertible assets, which able to make competitive products, in connection with narrow-mindedness  of financial resources. It is possible to consider as the most effective variants:

- leasing of facilities of labour which enables substantially to simplify the receipt of access to the technical improvements;

- it is the extended reproduction of facilities of labour on innovative basis. Thus exactly the business - modelling optimality of the use facilities of labour allows to consider all possible alternative variants their influence on enterprise income quality.

Business - models allow defining effectiveness of structure and operation of enterprise, its conformity to environment requirements. Traditional components of business - model:

- the review of the market and its segmentation, branch development and competition;

- external factors which are important for the enterprise;

- the development strategy of decision-making;

- main products and services, life products cycle and time of working out of the new products;

- use computer technique, possibility of communications and fast granting of the information;

- presence programs of improvement enterprise functioning;

- presence immaterial actives: name of firm, patents, licence, qualified personnel;

- estimation level of motivation workers of the enterprise;

- estimation the client of own positions and prospects.

The model gives possibility to conduct a comprehensive analysis, consider the possible variants of the use  facilities of labour from all points of view.

The main advantage enterprise business processes analysis idea is its universality. First, modeling of business processes is the answer practically on all questions, which concerns perfection of enterprise activity and increase of its competitiveness. Second, the head or the administration which has introduced this methodology will have the information which will allow to improve their enterprise and to predict its future.

Thus, the questions of the use business modelling influence of assets on major indexes at management of enterprise income quality with the purpose achievement of maximization  enterprise market value   and satisfaction  necessities of owners (owner) have been considered by us.