Software and algorithms with indistinct logic


Atanov S.K., the senior lecturer of chair computer systems

The Kazakh agrotechnical university of S.Sejfullina


The resume

In article the review of the software products using the indistinct logic is made. Also algorithms of decision-making of existing packages with indistinct logic are investigated, the analysis and a scope program by a product, their advantages and lacks is carried out. At the moment there is no one conventional method of training of indistinct models, therefore an actual problem is working out and search of new, effective methods. Thus, probably, the most perspective direction of researches lays in use of genetic algorithms for training of indistinct models.



Now the world is actively formed the market of commercial software products ­ for work with indistinct logic. On it it is presented more than 100 packages of applied programs which to some extent use the indistinct logic. Leaders in the given area are some companies-software developers. Their tool means are focused on application ­ of indistinct logic in a maximum quantity of areas and appendices. It is package CubiCalc of firm Hyper Logic, FuzzyTECH (Inform Software), FIDE (Ap-tronix), expansion packages to MatLab: Fuzzy Logic Toolbox (it is delivered with MatLab) and FlexTool for MATLAB companies Cynap Sys, and also package JFS (­ developer Jan Mortensen) and others [1, 2, 3].

The full-function ­ user interface, the developed means of import/export of data have the majority of the listed software packages­. To classify packages of indistinct logic by their possibilities it is possible on ­ following groups.

1.        The software for generation of a code for the microcontrollers working on indistinct algorithms. As a rule, the code is generated in language C or assembler language.

2.        The packages, allowing to build expert systems on the basis of indistinct logic. In other words, indistinct rules and accessory functions are set by experts of a subject domain. In all packages ­possibility of a choice of a kind of functions of an accessory (triangular, a trapeze, Gauss, etc.), the mechanism of an indistinct ­conclusion (Madmani, Zukamoto, Sugeno, Larsen), a way of a composition and ­reduction to clearness is given to the researcher­­­. Work with packages is facilitated by graphic ­ display of schemes of indistinct models, surfaces of the response and other ­dependences [3].

3.        The packages, allowing to build approximating dependences and systems of classification on the basis of adaptive models of an indistinct conclusion.

Tool means FuzzyTECH concern the first group and FIDE. At modelling of difficult systems the basic interest is represented ­by software packages from two last groups.

To create expert indistinct systems give possibility the majority from listed above applied ON. Cost of some of programs can reach several thousand dollars in standard ­ delivery. And only in few of them possibility of adaptive adjustment of structure and parametres of indistinct model is provided.

As those programs focused only for work with adaptive ­ indistinct systems, during the spent analysis it has not been found. Among the considered packages the greatest universality possess FuzzyTECH and expansion Fuzzy Logic Toolbox for MatLab. We will stop only on the characteristic ­ of possibilities of adaptive adjustment of the indistinct knowledge base in these packages­.

In FuzzyTECH some methods of structural adaptation of indistinct model, or methods of generation of indistinct rules "If" [2] are realised. One of them consists that the full base of indistinct ­ rules in the beginning is formed ­ and to each of them the importance factor, at first the casual is attributed­. One of four methods of training further gets out (RealMethod, Ran-domMethod, Batch_Learn, Batch_Random) in which course ­ importance factors are specified­. At the importance factor, close to zero, the rule is offered to be removed, but the definitive choice nevertheless remains for the researcher­. It is necessary to notice, that the requirement of coincidence to rules of factors of importance contradicts ideology of indistinct systems in which it is supposed, that all rules are identical on weight. Such approach is closer to hybrid nejro-indistinct systems in which the role of factors of importance of indistinct rules is played by weight factors neirons.

The second method accessible in FuzzyTECH, uses genetic ­ algorithm for optimisation of number of terms for each variable system [3], typical forms of functions of an accessory and symmetric indistinct splitting are thus used. A lack of the given method is the big dimension ­ of a problem, after an exhibitor increasing at increase in number of variables ­ of system. Besides, the problem of optimisation of number of terms is less important, than a problem of generation of a set of rules from experimental data.

Package Fuzzy Logic Toolbox for MatLab possesses more ample opportunities ­ in comparison with FuzzyTECH for approximation of nonlinear ­ dependences by adaptive indistinct models [4]. Important plus is that fact, that mathematical MatLab environment is popular in the CIS and there is ­ enough of the documentation and information sources on its ­ application. The basic functions and algorithms in expansion Fuzzy Logic Toolbox are realised for the conclusion mechanism on Sugeno (TSK). Possibility ­ of work both with descriptive, and with rules in the form of TSK is given­. Training of indistinct model is spent to two stages. At the first stage ­ generation of rules and a finding of borders of terms is spent on the basis of a method active êëàñòåðîâ. At the second stage technology AN-FIS (Adaptive Network-based Fuzzy Inference System) - iterative procedure for adjustment of functions of an accessory by a method of return distribution of an error is used. Training of models Madmani in the given package is not provided, work with àïïðîêñèìàòèâíûìè rules in the form of Madmani is not supported also. With application of additional package Optimization Toolbox it is possible to spend adaptive adjustment of functions of an accessory on Madmani, but indistinct rules are necessary for setting independently. Possibility of application ­ of evolutionary calculations and genetic algorithms in methods of adjustment ­ of adaptive indistinct models in Fuzzy Logic Toolbox also is absent. This ­ possibility is accessible in other package of expansion for MatLab - package FlexTool of company CynapSys. It is unique of widely known commercial packages in which there is a possibility of full genetic adjustment of all parts of indistinct model. On a choice it is offered to the researcher three types of functions ­ of an accessory (triangular, a trapeze and ãàóññà), 10 ways of indistinct implication (after Back, Madmani, Lukazevich, the Maple-dienesu, etc.) 19 ways of superposition of indistinct sets (including such rare, as Dubo, Dombi, Jagera, etc.), 8 methods äåôàçèôèêàöèè and two mechanisms of a conclusion - Mums-tributes and Ñóãåíî. Such variety of indistinct models for an adaptive indistinct ­ conclusion more than sufficient as in practice use, as a rule,­ implication in the form of a minimum and superposition by maximum or product operation. The adaptive indistinct model is capable to be adjusted under a concrete way äåôàçèôèêàöèè, therefore as criterion of a choice of this or that way its least computing complexity should serve. For ­ model training ­ on experimental data there is a possibility of a choice from three types ­ of genetic algorithm - standard HECTARE, Micro-hectares (Micro-GA) and steady HECTARE (Steady State GA). Last two represent updatings ­ of standard HECTARE and are in detail described, for example in [4].

It is necessary to carry to lacks of package FlexTool:

1.     The high price to which it is necessary to add MATLAB environment price and then full cost of a package will make from 2,5 to 4,5 thousand dollars depending on a delivery variant.

2.     Absence of the documentation in Russian to package FlexTool.

3.     The methods used in package FlexTool for training of indistinct model ­ by genetic algorithm, are undescribed in the system directory.


The spent review of known software packages for indistinct ­modelling has shown, that the majority of them are focused on construction ­ of indistinct expert systems when parametres of functions of an accessory and ­ a rule are set by the expert, just in one package genetic algorithms for formation of indistinct model are used. Methods of construction (training) of adaptive indistinct models are more difficult and labour-consuming, than methods of other intellectual models. The basic difficulties are connected with generation of base of indistinct rules and updating of the form of functions of an accessory. At the moment there is no one conventional method of training of indistinct models, therefore an actual problem is working out and search of new, effective methods. Thus, probably, the most perspective direction of researches lays in use of genetic algorithms for training of indistinct models.



  The literature

1. <>

2. John E. Dickerson and Julie A. Dickerson "Fuzzy Network Profiling for Intrusion Detection", Iowa State University. September, 2001

3. Zamboni D, "An Architecture for Intrusion Detection using Autonomous Agents," COAST Technical Report 98/05, COAST Laboratory. Purdue University. June 11, 1998

4. Malyshev N.G., Bershtein L.S., Bogenuk A.V. Indistinct models for expert systems in SAPR. Ì: Energoatomizdat, 1991.