Kairbekov Zh.K. Lizlov O.N, Yakupova E.N.,

Emelyanova V.S., Myltikbayeva Zh.K., Suimbayeva S.M.


The Scientific-Research Institute of  new Chemical Technology and of  Materials at al- Farabi Kazakh National University

Joint-stock company “The Kazakh institute of Oil and Gas”


The results of the joint thermocatalytical the kenderlyk deposits brown coal and slate have been presented.


For a sustainable development of the country the industry raw-material base should be enough flexible and is based on application of the various interconnected kinds of organic raw materials. From this point of view coal, combustible slates, oilbitumly the breeds have a great value, the reconnoitered stocks in Kazakhstan and are abroad very great. Consumption of these combustible minerals increases in the future as an energy source and their complex processing will develop in synthetic fuel and chemical products. This direction coal - and slate-chemistry is a subject of wide studying in many countries, including in Kazakhstan. We will notice that for the number of regions their use can be economically justified already now.

In the territory of Kazakhstan by this time it is revealed nearby 25 deposis of displays of the combustible slates dated for adjournment top devonian , bottom carbon, top paleozoic , average and top and paleogene. They are various on structure of initial substance and formation conditions that has substantially predetermined them quantitatively-technical characteristics. All these deposits, except for Kenderlyk and Chernozatonsky, are studied extremely poorly. Stocks of the Kenderlyk deposit  combustible slates makes more than 4 billion tons, of them 750 million tons the balance. To a forage of that, on given deposits extraction more than billion tons of stone and brown coals that raises economic appeal of working out of the given deposit is possible.

At institute of new chemical technologies and materials (NChT & M) and joint-stock company «the Kazakh institute of oil and gas» (KIOG) is developed a number of processes of thermochemical processing of combustible slates in which basis results research NChT & M Н are put, on complex chemiko-technological processing of stone and brown coals of Kazakhstan spent in 1990-2010 year. The given researches have shown that organic and mineral parts of combustible slates have the activating  effect on thermal transformation of brown coals.

The activating effect of combustible slates the authors/1-4/explained a number to that formed in the range of temperatures 390-4400С the liquid products fluidization the combustive slates contain a significant amount tetrahydroderivative of the condensed aromatic hydrocarbons, oxygen and nitrogenous connections, and also alicyclic spirits which possess hydrogen properties. On the hydrogen activity these connections are similar tetraline, and in some reactions surpass it in reactionary ability./2-5/.

As acknowledgement it is served by the data testifying that in the field of temperatures 390-4400С at cracking hydrocarbonic raw materials in the presence of combustible slate actively, reactions of hydrogenation, restoration proceed, reactions dimerization  choke, condensation and is accelerated destruction  communication carbon-carbon/2/.

The mineral part of combustible slate containing aluminosilicate  , oxides gland and others catalytical active forms of metals, in turn activates reaction course of the  cracing /6,7/.

In the present work it is studied  the process of joint thermocatalytic  processings of brown coal and combustible slate of the Kendyrlyk deposit. Process of the fluidization  coal and slate taken in equal quantities on organic weight spent on laboratory installation under the pressure of 5,0 MPа and at temperature 4200С. For the process of the coal intensification fluidization  entered catalytically to the system, consisting of finely divided  firm particles slimes  enrichments of polymetallic ores. On a surface of these particles destructive processes are in addition realised. In the conditions of experiences in process catalytic   processings of a mix coal and slate were not formed coke-like products on walls of installation and in volume of a reactionary mix.

The liquid products received in process, subjected distillations with selection of fraction with temperature boilingt o 2000С, fractions with temperature boiling 200-3200С. The rest with temperature boiling above 3200С contained in the structure not dissolved  organic substance of slate and coal and their mineral part. The process characteristic thermocatalytic processings of brown coal and ordinary Kendyrlyks slate are resulted in table 1.


Table 1 - the process Characteristic thermocatalytical processings of Kenderlyk coal and a mix of Kenderlyk slate and coal


The indicator of process



Condition of process

Coal:distillate of fraction

(slate+coal):distillate of fraction






Оrganic mass of coal : organic of slate



Temperature, 0С



Pressure, МПа



Duration, min



Exit of products, %




Losses +water



Fraction with temperature boiling to 2000С



Fraction with temperature boiling 200-3200С



Fraction with temperature boling  before 3200С



Firm products





As have shown results of ours research catalytical properties of combustible slates allow to carry out in optimum conditions process thermolize organic weight of coal with high degree of transformation in liquid distillatycalproducts without intensive coke production. Degree of transformation of a mix of organic weight of slate and coal much above than coal. The firm rest with temperature boiling above 3200С tested as organic knitting for road building (table 2).


Table 2 - the Characteristic of quality of cindery knitting materials received at thermochemical transformation of coal and coal+slate





Depth permeation needles, mm-1

 at 250С

at   00С







Softening temperature by K&Sh : 0С





Elongation, sm

при 250С

при   00С







Test for coupling




Results of the tests testifies that bitumens on the basis of products of processing of a mix of slate and brown coal a deposit of Kendyrlyk satisfy with the requirement of GOST 22245-76 on oil bitumens.





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